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  • And Nekrasov’s grandfather summary. Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather": analysis and characteristics of the work

    And Nekrasov’s grandfather summary.  Nekrasov's poem

    Little Sasha once saw a portrait of some young general in his father’s office and decided to ask who it was. The father replied that this man was his grandfather. But he did not talk about it in detail. This is how Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather” begins

    Sasha then ran to his mother and began asking her where this man was now, and why the boy had never seen him. The mother had tears in her eyes and sadly answered her son that he would find out everything himself when he grew up. Soon this mysterious grandfather came to visit the family

    Boy. Everyone greeted him friendly and were happy. Sasha decided to ask his grandfather why he had not been in the house for so long, and where his uniform was. But he answered, repeating his mother’s words: “When you grow up, you’ll know.” Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather” continues as follows.

    Sasha quickly became friends with the main character, they spent a lot of time walking together. Grandfather gave the impression of a very wise and experienced person. He was slender and stately, with a gray beard and white curls. By nature this man seemed simple; no work frightened him. He talked a lot about the village of Tarbagatai, located somewhere beyond Lake Baikal. Sasha

    I couldn’t yet figure out where exactly it was located, but I hoped to find out when it grew up.

    The poem “Grandfather” (Nekrasov), the summary of which we describe, tells, in particular, about what the main character did when he arrived home. Grandfather was a general, but despite this, he was excellent with a plow, even plowing an entire field alone. He never sat for a minute without difficulty. Arriving home, the grandfather walked, enjoyed nature, communicating with his grandson, and worked all the time (either in the garden, then at the plow, or darning or repairing something).

    He also sang songs and told stories that greatly interested the boy, who grew up in a good family, which instilled in him an interest in the fate and history of the Russian people. Grandfather often felt sad when remembering something. When Sasha inquired about the reason for this sadness, he replied that everything had already passed, everything was fine. After all, it’s a completely different time now, it’s easier for people these days. analysis of the poem grandfather nekrasov Previously, he had seen so much suffering in the country that now everything around him seemed calm and peaceful.

    Grandfather often sang songs about free people, glorious campaigns, and wonderful beauties. Time was ticking by. Grandfather always answered any of Sasha’s questions by saying: “When you grow up, you’ll know.” The boy thus developed a keen interest in learning. After some time, he was already studying geography and history. The boy could show on the map where St. Petersburg and Chita are located, and tell a lot about the life of the Russian people. Due to past wounds, my grandfather began to get sick more and more often. He now needed a crutch. He understood, looking at Sasha, that the boy would very soon learn about the terrible events that had recently occurred in Russia - about the Decembrist uprising. This is how Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather” ends.

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    Literature lesson in 6th grade on the topic:

    Historical poem “Grandfather” by N. A. Nekrasov.

    Lesson objectives:

    1.Introduce students to the historical poem; talk about the fate of the Decembrists in Siberia;show how much attention the writer paid to depicting the life of the common people in the era of serfdom.

    2.develop the ability to analyze a work and formulate conclusions and assumptions after reading.

    3. Cultivate a conscious attitude of students towards the historicalthe country's past.

    During the classes.

    1. Class organization
    2. Repetition of what has been learned.

    Let's remember which writer we met in previous lessons?

    Remember and name the works of N. A. Nekrasov known to you (Poem Peasant Children, “On the Volga”, “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, poem “Frost, Red Nose”, “Railroad”)

    What is the theme of the poem “Railroad?”(hard labor workers)

    Nekrasov made the fate of the worker, the fate of the Russian people, the main theme of his work. His poems are imbued with deep sympathy for the peasant, the working man.

    1. Lesson topic message

    Today in class we will get acquainted with another work by Nekrasov, written in 1870, with the historical poem “Grandfather”.

    VI. Learning new material

    Open your workbooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

    Definition of the word “poem” (slide No. 2)

    A) Identifying the level of primary perception of the poem.

    What is the plot of the poem?

    What lyrical heroes are we talking about?(boy Sasha, grandfather a) (slide No. 3)

    What does the text say about the boy? (he lives with his dad and mom, shown in the process of growing up from 3 to 10 years)

    What is said about grandfather at the beginning of the poem?(see chapters 1-4)

    (in my father’s office there is a portrait of him, no one knows anything about him, everyone cries when anyone talks about him, while waiting for his grandfather, a lot of cleaning begins, everyone has happy faces, the grandfather has a big cross on his chest (researchers believe that this cross was melted down from his shackles), his leg was erased (maybe from the shackles), his hand was wounded (probably from a shot), the author calls him “mysterious grandfather.”)

    So, who is this “mysterious grandfather?”(Decembrist)

    Read the first 2 paragraphs of K.I. Chukovsky’s article on page 237

    Who are the Decembrists?(slide number 4)

    (Decembrists are the people who took part in the uprising on Senate Square on December 14, 1825 in St. Petersburg. For the most part, the Decembrists were nobles, well educated, many were military men. They really wanted to change Russia. They fought for the abolition of serfdom, the abolition of royal power and the creation of a constitution. The Decembrist Society was formed after the Patriotic War of 1812.)

    In November 1825, during a trip to the south of Russia in Taganrog, Emperor Alexander I unexpectedly died. He had no children, and Alexander’s brother, Constantine, was to inherit the throne. But during Alexander’s lifetime, he abdicated the throne in favor of his younger brother Nicholas. Constantine's abdication was not announced. The troops and population were sworn in to the new emperor. But he confirmed his renunciation of the throne. The re-oath was scheduled for December 14, 1825.

    Before the senators and members of the State Council took the oath, the Decembrists wanted to force them to sign the “Manifesto”, liquidate the existing government, abolish serfdom, proclaim freedom of speech, religion, freedom of occupation, movement, equality of all classes before the law, and a reduction in military service.

    On the morning of December 14 The rebel officers brought their regiments to the square in front of the Senate; the plan developed earlier could not be implemented: the Senate and the State Council had already taken the oath before the arrival of the regiments.

    Several times Nicholas I sent generals and metropolitans “to exhort”; several times the cavalry attacked the rebel regiments. By evening, the king gave the order to shoot the rebels.

    The tsarist government brutally dealt with the Decembrists. More than 100 Decembrists were exiled to Siberia, many were sentenced to death by hanging.

    Why do we need to know about the Decembrist, about the December uprising in the work? (this is our story, understand this type of people, know their life)

    Who is Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky?(partly a prototype of the hero of the poem)(slide number 5)

    S.G. Volkonsky is a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, a Decembrist. Prince. At one time he participated in all military campaigns, was wounded, and received awards. For participation in the uprising, in 1826 he was arrested and sentenced to death, then the sentence was commuted to 20 years of hard labor in Siberia. In 1856, a manifesto was announced for the release of all convicts and he was allowed to return to European Russia. 5 days before his arrest, Maria Raevskaya (Volkonskaya) gave birth to his son and soon follows her husband.

    Probably every person who can read Russian knows about the feat of Maria Volkonskaya, about her decision to share fate with her husband and follow him to Siberia for hard labor and exile. “The sight of his shackles excited and touched me so much that I threw myself on my knees in front of him and kissed him.first his shackles, and then himself,” Maria Volkonskaya recalled when she arrived in the Nerchinsk mines after separation.

    Tell me, is there a story about the Decembrists, about the uprising in the work?(not clear, sounds muffled).

    What happens in the poem after the grandfather arrives? (Through individual events, the grandson recognizes his grandfather’s character)

    Now we will try to figure out the character of the grandfather and that difficult period of time from the events, from the conversations that are presented in the poem.(entry in notebook) - Chapter 5

    1) “Sasha became friends with grandfather,

    The two of them walk forever,

    They walk through meadows, forests,

    Cornflowers are tearing among the fields.”

    2) Description of the grandfather:

    “Grandfather is ancient for years,

    But still cheerful and handsome,

    Grandfather's teeth are intact

    Walk, posture is firm,

    The curls are fluffy and white,

    Like a silver head

    Slender, tall,...

    3) The speech is “apostolically simple”

    4) “I’m glad I see the picture

    Sweet to my eyes since childhood.

    Look at this plain -

    And love her yourself!”

    5) He talks about peasant farming that only then “There will be joy in the song, / Instead of despondency and torment,” when there is a large farm.

    6) “Grandfather praises nature,

    Petting the peasant boys."

    "Grandfather's first order of business

    Talk to a guy:

    "Soon it will not be difficult for you,

    You will be a free people!” - How do you understand these lines? (believes in change)

    Slide number 13. Chapters 9-1 1.

    Describe the life of peasants in the village of Tarbagatiy

    a) Russian men were driven into a terrible wilderness on infertile lands, and given freedom and land.

    b) a year later the commissars arrived - a village and a mill had already been built.

    c) a year later they arrived - peasants with barren land

    lands harvest, etc.

    Thus, over the course of 50 years, “a huge planting grew up.”

    – Why does grandfather talk about the life of peasants?(He points out to Sasha that a free, hardworking person will not disappear anywhere. He says that “The will and labor of man/Wonderful wonders are created.” And if the family’s life is organized, the children are healthy, that means it’s a happy family. And the peasants can be happy, they can live rich.)

    (The image of this emaciated man is contrasted with the well-fed, comfortable life in Tarbagatai. A lot still has to be done to achieve such a life for the peasants. A person should not disdain any kind of work. Labor adorns a person.)

    What kind of national disasters does the grandfather talk about? Chapter 13?

    (He recalls a peasant wedding, where the young people “forgot to ask permission” from the master. He separated the newlyweds and punished everyone. Grandfather says that landowners have no soul. He takes pity on the peasants, accuses the powers that be of tyranny)

    Read the episode of the meeting with the soldier. Chapter 16-17.

    What does your grandfather say about serving in the army during his time? (He talks about what kind of drill there was in the army, assault, obscenity in addressing a junior in rank, Teaches his grandson that one must value honor,)

    Read the episode about life in hard labor from the words “…. Deaf, deserted...” to the words “Slowly, slowly you melt…”(chapter 20)

    What does grandfather remember? (He remembers that terrible life. No heroism. Ordinary person)

    How does the work end? How does Sasha understand his grandfather’s attitude to life, to people, to the history of Russia?

    Conclusion: Throughout the entire poem, Sasha asks questions to both dad and mom, and then to grandfather. One way or another they are connected with the Decembrists, with the uprising.
    He is also interested in how his grandfather lived in Siberia.

    VI. Summing up (slide number 14)

    1. What work of N. A. Nekrasov did we get acquainted with in class?
    2. What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

    VII. Homework (slide number 15)

    In the 70s, Nekrasov worked extensively and fruitfully in the lyric epic genre - the genre of poem. He continues what he began in the previous period, his largest work - “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, creates poems about the Decembrists - “Grandfather” and “Russian Women”, writes a satirical poem “Contemporaries”. The first in a series of these works was the poem “Grandfather”.

    The impetus for the creation of “Grandfather” was an earlier event. In 1856, a manifesto was announced to the exiled Decembrists. Few were able to take advantage of the imperial favor 30 years after the uprising. Among them was former general Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, a man of great nobility and charm. To some extent, S. G. Volkonsky was the prototype of the main character of “Grandfather,” although, of course, the similarity of this hero with the prototype should not be exaggerated. The image of the grandfather appears through the strict purity of children's perception:

    Once in my father's office,

    Sasha saw the portrait.

    Shown in portrait

    There was a young general.

    "Who is this?" - asked Sasha,

    Who?.. This is your grandfather.-

    And dad turned away

    He hung his head low.


    “Dad, why are you sighing?

    Is he dead... is he alive? Speak!”

    - When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out.

    “That’s it... you say, look!..”

    “When you grow up, Sasha, you’ll find out!” - the boy hears from his mother. And so the grandfather appears in the parental home - despite his years, vigorous, handsome, with a firm step. The acquaintance and rapprochement of grandfather and grandson begins. In these scenes, the most important motive of Nekrasov’s poetry is fully indicated - a sense of responsibility (not only personal, but also class) for the fate of the people, a sense of guilt and repentance of the best people of the privileged class, which prompted them to open protest and indignation.

    A decent person cannot be happy if other people around him are unhappy, especially if he recognizes himself as living at their expense - this mood brought together the “repentant nobles” of different generations, and the connection between generations is manifested in the grandfather’s passionate desire to pass on to his grandson the experience he had suffered, his The most cherished principle is to always value honor.

    In my grandfather’s memoirs, an important place is occupied by the story of the Tarbagatai “miracle” (borrowed by Nekrasov from the “Notes of the Decembrist” by A.E. Rosen). A handful of Russian peasants and Old Believers were exiled “to the terrible wilderness,” thus paradoxically giving them the opportunity to control their own destinies without interfering with them. A year later, a village stood here (received the name Tarbagatai), the men stocked up on “animal from the dark forest, fish from the free river,” and began collecting bread from the previously barren land.

    The same idea of ​​continuity between different generations of the intelligentsia can be seen in “Russian Women”. It is not for nothing that the poem “Princess M.N. Volkonskaya” has the subtitle “Grandmother’s Notes” and is addressed to her grandchildren:

    I bequeath to them an iron bracelet...

    Let them protect it sacredly:

    Grandfather forged it as a gift for his wife

    From my own chain once...

    Thus, the image of the hero of the previous poem, “grandfather,” appears again.

    Source (abbreviated): Russian literary classics of the 19th century: Textbook / Ed. A.A. Slinko and V.A. Svitelsky. - Voronezh: Native Speech, 2003

    The poem “Grandfather” was written by Nekrasov in 1870. It describes the arrival of an old Decembrist to his son’s estate. The beginning of the poem dates back to 1856, when a manifesto was published returning the Decembrists from exile.

    The image of the grandfather is collective. The prototype is considered to be Sergei Volkonsky, who returned as a 68-year-old man, still handsome and stately. The demoted General Volkonsky loved to talk with the peasants, and the peasant children called him grandfather. The temperamental Mikhail Bestuzhev, with whom Nekrasov communicated in 1869, is also considered a prototype.

    The poem is dedicated to Z-n-ch-e (Zinochka), that is, Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova, Nekrasov’s common-law wife.

    Literary direction, genre

    "Grandfather" is a realistic poem. For censorship reasons, Nekrasov does not say directly that his grandfather is a Decembrist. The hero dreams of freedom and wealth of the people, promising peasants and soldiers that life will soon be easier for them (a hint at the reforms of Alexander II).

    The image of the main character

    The reader sees the grandfather through the eyes of his grandson. First, Sasha notices a portrait of a young general (obviously from the war of 1812). Then he learns from his parents that his grandfather is surrounded by some sad secret. Then mother reveals to Sasha that grandfather is kind, brave and unhappy. Having arrived from afar, grandfather announces that he has come to terms with everything. But subsequent events suggest that this is not the case. Grandfather lives with the thought of revenge, calls on Sasha to value honor and take revenge for insults. He is like a biblical hero who suffered for the people: his son falls at his feet, Sasha’s mother combs her gray curls, Sasha asks about the wounds on his arm and leg.

    The portrait is described using epithets: “Ancient for years, but still vigorous and beautiful.” Grandfather has intact teeth, firm gait and posture, white curls, a silver beard, a holy smile.

    The biblical nature of the image of the grandfather is emphasized by the hero’s repetitions of biblical phrases: “He who has ears, let him hear, and he who has eyes, let him see.”

    At home, the grandfather walks with his grandson, admires nature, comparing it with the deaf, dull, deserted nature of the place of exile, “strokes the peasant children,” talks with the peasants. He cannot sit without work: he plows, digs ridges, weaves, weaves.

    The song brings grandfather closer to the people. He sings about the Decembrists, about their exile. Nekrasov also sang “about Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya”: his poem “Grandfather” opened a cycle of poems about the Decembrists.

    Nekrasov entrusted his innermost thoughts to his grandfather: a successful country is one in which the population is characterized not by dull obedience, but by strength, unanimity and reason. Nekrasov, in the words of his grandfather, appeals to the reader: “Woe to the devastated country, woe to the backward country.”

    Negative images of the poem

    Officials and gentlemen squeeze the juice out of the people (metaphor), vile clerks (epithet), go on a campaign against the army, treasury and people (metaphor), a greedy flock of predators (metaphor and epithet) prepares the death of the fatherland, “muffling out the groans of slaves with flattery and the whistling of whips "(metaphor). The military commander commits atrocities, hammers his soul into his heels, so that his teeth rain down like hail, and does not even allow him to breathe in the ranks (hyperbole).

    Theme, main idea and composition

    The theme of the poem is the transfer to new generations of true, from the author’s point of view, values ​​(freedom and happiness of the people, prosperity of the country).

    The main idea: the cause of the Decembrists did not die. It will be continued by the next, properly educated generations.

    The poem consists of 22 chapters, many of which end with the refrain: “When you grow up, Sasha, you will know...”. Others – with rhetorical questions: “Who, who has a soul, could bear this? Who?"

    The action of the poem takes several years. It begins with little Sasha's question about his grandfather's portrait. The grandfather tells his grandson about the tyranny of the landowners of the past (obviously, before the Decembrist uprising), summarizing it: “The spectacle of the people’s disasters is unbearable, my friend.” The poem ends with Sasha’s readiness to find out the sad truth. He has enough knowledge and heartfelt disposition: “He hates the stupid and the wicked, he wishes good to the poor.” The poem has an open ending.

    In inserted episodes, grandfather tells Sasha a story about a utopian settlement that he met in Siberia, in Tarbagatai. The Raskolnikovs were exiled to a deserted place, and a year later there was a village there, and half a century later a whole settlement grew up: “The will and labor of man creates wondrous wonders.”

    Meter and rhyme

    The poem is written in dactyl trimeter. The rhyme is cross, female rhyme alternates with male rhyme.

    • “It’s stuffy! Without happiness and will...", analysis of Nekrasov’s poem
    • “Farewell”, analysis of Nekrasov’s poem
    • “The heart breaks from torment,” analysis of Nekrasov’s poem

    N. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather” is dedicated to the Decembrists, Russian noble revolutionaries who fought against serfdom and autocracy.

    By order of the tsar, the Decembrists were exiled to a remote village, on a barren land, dooming them to hunger, a slow and painful death, and the Decembrists, thanks to their work, lived and continued to defend their ideas. Reading the work, we learn how hard the life of the serfs was, how cruelly the landowners treated the peasants; the peasants had no rights, the landowner treated them as his property. We see the full burden of serf labor and are convinced of the justice of the Decembrists’ struggle. This poem says a lot about the role of labor:

    I saw a miracle, Sasha:
    A handful of Russians were exiled
    Into the terrible wilderness, for the split,
    They were given freedom and land;
    A year has passed unnoticed -
    The commissars are going there.
    Lo and behold, the village is standing.
    Rigs, sheds, barns!
    The hammer is knocking in the forge...
    So gradually over half a century
    A huge planting has grown -
    Will and labor of man
    Wonderful wonders create!..

    Thanks to their work, the exiles had housing and food, and maintained their health. Labor among the Decembrists was a means of fighting the autocracy.

    Grandfather gives Sasha advice: to love his homeland, his native nature, a hard worker; fight oppressors; learn everything useful for humans; prepare from a young age to fight for the happiness of the poor; be able to observe the surrounding life of the working people, understand it, respect the working person, hate greed, stupidity; value honor, be reasonable and patient in the struggle for better ideals; know the sciences well, especially history and geography, sciences that help to know one’s homeland. To characterize the image of Sasha, you need to read individual passages from several chapters. Sasha is an inquisitive, persistent, obedient boy who follows his grandfather’s advice.

    In the lines “mine and man’s labor create wonderful wonders,” one can see the influence of labor on the development of moral qualities of character and views of the Decembrists. Grandfather bows to reason, reassures the peasants, informing them of imminent freedom. Labor convinced the Decembrists of the rightness of their struggle. The Decembrists were convinced from their own experience that work free from landlord oppression brings great joy.

    The work teaches that the younger generation should study, be able to work, love work in agriculture, and love their homeland.

    The general conclusion about the theme, idea and main thought of N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather” can be made as follows:

    In the history of the people's liberation from autocracy, the struggle of the Decembrists was important. The Decembrists were patriots of their homeland, they fought to make life easier for peasant workers and for free labor. The work that the Decembrists did in exile gave them strength and stamina in the fight against tsarism. Agricultural work made life easier for exiles, helped satisfy nutritional needs and maintain health, and strengthened spiritual strength. But labor became completely free only under Soviet rule.