To come in
To help a schoolchild
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  • Educational and methodological complex on the discipline of the concept of modern natural science for students of all specialties
  • A natural experiment is characterized by conditions. Experimental method. Requirements for organization and conduct. Features of a natural experiment. Main types of experiments

    A natural experiment is characterized by conditions.  Experimental method.  Requirements for organization and conduct.  Features of a natural experiment.  Main types of experiments

    1. Theoretical method of scientific and pedagogical research


    a) conversation;

    b) classification;

    c) interview;

    d) modeling ;

    f) comparative historical analysis;

    g) observation;

    h) pedagogical experiment;

    i) literature analysis;

    j) testing.

    2. Empirical research methods in pedagogy include:

    a) observation, conversation, study of best practices, experiment;

    c) conversation, classification, interview, scaling;

    d) synthesis, analysis, interviews, study of products of activity.

    3. Survey methods include:

    a) observation;

    b) conversation;

    c) survey;

    d) interview ;

    e) expert assessment;

    f) studying the products of activity.

    4. A pedagogical research method that allows you to check the effectiveness of the selected technology or methodology includes:

    a) psychological and pedagogical observation;

    b) survey;

    c) pedagogical testing;

    d) pedagogical experiment;

    e) methods of mathematical processing.

    5. A natural experiment is characterized by the following conditions:

    a) artificial;

    b) natural;

    c) social;

    d) family;

    d) natural.

    6. A laboratory experiment is an experiment:

    a) family;

    b) natural;

    c) natural;

    d) specially organized;

    d) social.

    7. Which group contains the main methods of scientific and pedagogical research aimed at studying pedagogical experience?

    a) sociometric measurements, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, experiment;

    b) observation, experiment, conversation, study of student works and documentation of educational institutions, comparative historical

    analysis, modeling, mathematical methods;

    c) generalization of experience, tests, questionnaires, drawing up algorithms, modeling;

    d) pedagogical observation, conversation, interviewing, questioning, analysis and evaluation of the results of educational activities, analysis of pedagogical documentation.

    8. To which of the methods can the following differences be attributed: statement of the problem, definition of the object, development of the scheme; the results are necessarily recorded; the received data is processed.

    a) experiment

    b) conversation

    c) observation

    d) survey

    9. Intentional changes in the process of education and training, in-depth qualitative analysis and quantitative measurement of the results obtained

    a) experiment

    b) conversation

    c) observation

    d) survey

    10. Observation as a research method is carried out with the aim of

    collecting information

    recording the actions and manifestations of an object’s behavior for its study

    development of progressive systems that meet the needs of society

    generalizations of independent characteristics and diagnostic situations

    11. A research method that allows one to identify the psychological characteristics of people based on their answers to proposed oral and written questions is



    12. A set of psychological tests aimed at studying personality is

    personality tests

    intelligence tests

    projective tests

    normative tests

    13. Clarification of the content of the representation, which makes it possible and appropriate to use mathematical research tools - this is




    14. A type of research method of experiment, which is carried out in real operating conditions for the subjects and within the framework of which the phenomenon being studied is created - this is

    genetic modeling experiment

    formative experiment

    natural experiment

    laboratory experiment

    15. Formative experiment allows

    provide the ability to control experimentation conditions

    obtaining accurate data

    actively influence the conditions for performing activities

    predict the further development of the properties being studied


    It is carried out under conditions similar to the subject's normal activities, but he does not know that he is participating in a study. Due to this, greater experimental purity is achieved. The construction of a natural experiment involves a number of stages: a functional analysis of the activity in which the subject participates, in terms of its requirements from the performer, recording a number of observations of the subject’s activity, analysis of the results and drawing up a personality profile. The main methods are observation and conversation with the subject, the results of which are processed qualitatively. A variant of a natural experiment is a psychological-pedagogical experiment, or experimental learning, where the study of the mental characteristics of a schoolchild that are subject to formation is carried out in the process of teaching and upbringing.

    Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


    (English) natural experiment) - a special type of psychological experiment, developed by the famous Russian. psychologist A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917). Lazursky first reported on E. e. at the 1st Congress on Experimental Pedagogy (1910), and in 1918 the book “Natural Experiment and Its School Application” was published - the result of 6 years of work of the circle organized by Lazursky from among the employees of the psychological laboratory of the Psychoneurological Institute. Significant contribution to the development of E. e. psychologists also contributed M. .Basov and V. A. Artemov (“Natural experiment.” - M., 1927).

    E. e. connects positive traits objective observation method(naturalness)and laboratory experiment method(targeted influence on the subject). It is carried out under conditions similar to the normal activities of the subject, who does not know that he is the object of research. This allows you to avoid denial. the influence of emotional stress and intentionality of response. Bringing experimental research closer to life, E. e. allows you to study mental processes and personality traits in natural conditions of work, study or play. It is accessible and easy to carry out. often supplemented by a conversation with the subject.

    The disadvantage of the E. e. method - the difficulty of isolating for observation of individual elements in the holistic activity of the subject, as well as difficulties in using quantitative analysis techniques. Results E. e. processed through qualitative analysis of the data obtained.

    One of the options for E. e. - psychological and pedagogical experiment ( ), in which the study of a schoolchild is carried out directly in the process of his education and upbringing, with the aim of actively developing mental characteristics to be studied (see. ). see also Types of surveillance.

    Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

    Natural experiment

       NATURAL EXPERIMENT (With. 221) - method of psychological research; an experiment included unnoticed by the subject in his gaming, work or educational activities.

    For the first time, A.F. Lazursky made a report on the experience of using natural experiments at the 1st Congress on Experimental Pedagogy (1910). In subsequent years, intensive development of this method was carried out under the leadership of Lazursky, as well as M.Ya. Basov and V.V. Artemov. A natural experiment combines the positive features of the observation method (naturalness) and the laboratory experiment (targeted influence on the subject). It is accessible and easy to carry out. Allows you to avoid the negative influence of emotional stress and deliberate reactions that occur in artificial laboratory conditions. Often supplemented by conversation. The results are recorded only upon completion of individual stages of the study. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of discreetly setting the experimental task before the subject, as well as isolating individual elements in the holistic activity of the subject. The results of a natural experiment are processed through qualitative analysis of the data obtained; precise quantitative analysis is practically inapplicable to the results of a natural experiment. A type of natural experiment is experimental learning, in which the study of a schoolchild is carried out directly in the process of his education and upbringing with the aim of actively developing mental characteristics to be studied.

    A.F. Lazursky

    Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.

    See what a “natural experiment” is in other dictionaries:

      NATURAL EXPERIMENT- NATURAL EXPERIMENT. Psycho-pedagogical research method; an experiment included unnoticed by the subject in his gaming, work or educational activities. Combines the positive features of the observation method and laboratory... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

      Natural Experiment- experimental strategy developed by A.F. Lazursky in l910. It is characterized by the fact that it is carried out in conditions close to the normal activities of the subject, but he does not know that he is participating in the study. Due to this, a greater... ... Psychological Dictionary

      Natural experiment- A natural experiment, or field experiment, in psychology is a type of experiment that is carried out in the conditions of the subject’s normal life activities with a minimum of experimenter intervention in this process. When conducting field research... ... Wikipedia

      Natural experiment Research activities. Dictionary

      NATURAL EXPERIMENT- an experiment, the purpose of which is to test the influence of any factor on certain aspects of the educational process in conditions familiar to students; is included unnoticed by the subject in his work or educational activities. Natural... ... Professional education. Dictionary

      NATURAL EXPERIMENT- – a type of experiment conducted under conditions close to the normal activities of the subject. E. e. allows you to study mental processes, states and personality traits in natural conditions of work, study or play. He might. applied also in social... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

      NATURAL EXPERIMENT- psychological method ped. research; an experiment included unnoticed by the subject in his play, work or study. activity. For the first time about the experience of using E. e. A. F. Lazursky made a report at the 1st Congress on Experiments. pedagogy (1910). IN… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

      Natural experiment- this is an experiment conducted in natural real conditions (not in laboratory conditions), when the subjects continue their usual life activities and do not know that they are under pedagogical supervision. This experiment makes it possible to obtain... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

      Natural experiment- method of psychological and pedagogical research; an experiment included unnoticed by the subject in his gaming, work or educational activities. Designed (1910) by A.F. Lazursky. Combines the positive features of the observation method... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

      Natural experiment- (Lazursky A.F., 1918). A method of psychological research that occupies an intermediate position between objective observation and laboratory experiment. It is characterized by the naturalness of the observation conditions with the accuracy and scientificity of the experiment.... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychiatric terms

    The essence of experiment, the main method in psychology, is that a phenomenon is studied in a specially created or natural setting. Its main advantage is the ability to create certain conditions and adjust them, accurately record the research results and use them in a specific situation. Traditionally, there are two types of experiment in terms of the conditions of its organization: laboratory and natural.

    Laboratory experiment

    A laboratory experiment is carried out in specially organized and, in a certain sense, artificial conditions; it requires special equipment, and sometimes the use of technical devices. An example of a laboratory experiment is the study of the recognition process using a special installation, which allows, on a special screen (such as a television screen), to gradually present the subject with different amounts of visual information (from zero to showing the object in all its details) in order to find out at what stage the person recognizes the image being depicted. item. A laboratory experiment contributes to a deep and comprehensive study of the mental activity of people.

    However, along with the advantages, the laboratory experiment also has certain disadvantages. The most significant drawback of this method is its certain artificiality, which, under certain conditions, can lead to disruption of the natural course of mental processes and, consequently, to incorrect conclusions. This disadvantage of a laboratory experiment is eliminated to a certain extent during organization.

    A laboratory experiment is a simulation of situations of professional activity in a laboratory environment. Such a model allows you to establish precise control over variables, adjust the dosage, create and control the necessary conditions, and repeatedly reproduce the experiment under the same conditions. The main disadvantage of a laboratory experiment is the artificiality of the created situation. The difficulty lies not only in accurately modeling the actual situation, which is practically impossible, but also in the fact that the subjects find themselves in new conditions, which sometimes has a negative impact on the results of the experiment.

    Natural experiment

    A natural experiment combines the positive aspects of observational method and laboratory experiment. Here the naturalness of the observation conditions is preserved and the accuracy of the experiment is introduced. A natural experiment is designed in such a way that the subjects do not suspect that they are being subjected to psychological research - this ensures the naturalness of their behavior. To correctly and successfully conduct a natural experiment, it is necessary to comply with all the requirements that apply to a laboratory experiment. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the experimenter selects conditions that provide the most vivid manifestation of the aspects of mental activity that interest him.

    A natural experiment is carried out in natural working conditions for the employee, at his usual workplace (in an airplane cockpit, workshop, classroom). An experimental situation can be created outside the consciousness of the workers themselves. The positive aspect of such an experiment is the complete naturalness of the conditions.

    The negative aspect of this type of experiment is the presence of uncontrolled factors, the effect of which has not been established and cannot be quantitatively measured. Controlling these factors poses significant challenges. Another disadvantage of a natural experiment is the need to obtain information in a short time to avoid disruption of the production process.

    Additional Methods

    One of the types of experiments in psychology is a sociometric experiment.

    Sociometric experiment used to study relationships between people, the position that a person occupies in a particular group (factory team, school class, kindergarten group). When studying a group, everyone answers a number of questions regarding the choice of partners for joint work, recreation, and activities. Based on the results, you can determine the most and least popular person in the group.

    Formative experiment is a method for studying the mental development of children in the conditions of a specially organized experimental pedagogical process. Based on a preliminary theoretical analysis of the patterns of mental development of children of a certain age, a hypothetical model of the formation of the abilities being studied is constructed in specially designed conditions, usually the conversation method. The specific meaning and methods of psychological research related to the collection and analysis of verbal testimony (statements) of subjects: Conversation method and questionnaire method. When carried out correctly, they allow one to identify individual psychological characteristics of a person: inclinations, interests, tastes, attitudes towards life facts and phenomena, other people, oneself.

    The essence of these methods is that the researcher asks the subject pre-prepared and carefully thought out questions, which he answers (orally in the case of a conversation, or in writing when using the questionnaire method). The content and form of the questions are determined, firstly, by the objectives of the study and, secondly, by the age of the subjects. During the conversation, questions are changed and supplemented depending on the answers of the subjects. The answers are carefully and accurately recorded (possibly using a tape recorder). At the same time, the researcher observes the nature of speech statements (the degree of confidence in answers, interest or indifference, the nature of expressions), as well as the behavior, facial expressions, and facial expressions of the subjects.

    Typically in experimental classes or schools.

    To remove the negative influence of laboratory conditions on the subject, an experiment was developed, which is carried out in the natural conditions of a group, training workshop, etc., i.e. the child is asked to perform his usual actions with familiar pictures, numbers, words, objects, etc. In addition, the researcher, before starting his work, gets to know the children and takes an active part in their lives. In this regard, the classes conducted by the experimenter do not cause alertness.

    Laboratory and natural E. can be ascertaining, aimed at establishing the actual state and level of certain characteristics of mental development at the time of the study, and formative, aimed at studying a mental phenomenon directly in the process of the active formation of certain mental characteristics.

    If any knowledge, skills, abilities are being taught, then the formative experiment is educational.

    If certain personality traits are being formed, then the formative E. is the one who educates.

    Natural E.

    The activities of the subjects are studied in natural conditions - the conditions of the experimental setting are closer to life, the natural conditions of activity.

    The researcher himself actively evokes mental processes in connection with the task:

    operating conditions change;

    the phenomenon being studied changes;

    repeats the phenomenon being studied.

    The accumulated facts can be processed mathematically. The reliability of objectively obtained results increases.

    Formative E. requires the researcher:

    Development of theoretical concepts about the parameters of formed mental phenomena.

    Clarity in planning the course of the experiment.

    Full consideration of various factors of real learning that influence the occurrence of the studied mental phenomena.

    For example, V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin and their colleagues, in studying the educational activities of schoolchildren, proceeded from the concept of L.S. Vygotsky about the leading role of education in the mental development of a child.

    Concept of L.S. Vygotsky:

    From birth, a person is not given special forms of the psyche.

    they are only given as social models;

    mental development takes place in the form of assimilation of these patterns.

    Theoretical background L.S. Vygotsky was allowed:

    To study the internal connections of learning with the corresponding nature and pace of mental development of children.

    Study these connections using active modeling, reproducing certain forms of the psyche under special conditions.

    Main research problems:

    This is the genesis of psychological new formations, those features of the student’s activity and personality that develop under certain learning conditions.

    These are the conditions for the genesis of psychological new formations.

    Implementation: through designed training programs; through the special characteristics of the subject: the nature of the content of the material; methods of work of the teacher implementing the program, etc.

    THE MAIN OBJECT OF STUDY is the developing activity of the child.

    Training is structured as a consistent introduction of new means (in natural conditions) that help to involve the child in cognitive activity.

    The design of educational programs and their testing are carried out in the form of testing well-thought-out hypotheses.

    The organization and implementation of such formative education requires interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists (philosophers, sociologists, logicians, teachers, psychologists, physiologists) when they conduct complex research.


    Observation is a purposeful and systematic perception of phenomena, the results of which are recorded by the observer.

    Various types of objective knowledge can be used in a teacher’s activities.

    Types of observations

    Direct - carried out by the researcher himself, directly observing the phenomenon and process being studied.

    Indirect - ready-made results of N. prepared by other people are used: messages from educators; magnetic film and video recordings.

    Open (explicit) - N., occurring in conditions where the teacher and children are aware of the fact of the presence of unauthorized persons.

    the behavior of a student who knows that he is being watched changes;

    It is important that N.'s purpose is not directly communicated.

    Hidden - N. through a glass wall that allows light to pass in one direction. Use of hidden cameras, etc.

    Included (participatory) - the observer is included in a certain Social situation and analyzes the event “from the inside”. The observer acts as a member of the observed group.

    Not included (not involved) - the researcher leads N. from the outside.

    Systematic (continuous) - regular N. for a certain period. All manifestations of the child’s mental activity are recorded: parents’ diaries; teachers' diaries.

    Non-systematic (selective) - any one mental process, any one mental phenomenon is observed: communication skills between the teacher and the child; child's speech.

    Long-term - N. when studying the mental development of children over several years.

    Short-term - different options:

    N. the child’s activities at a certain time of the day, for one hour...

    N. for measuring time intervals, frequency of events, etc.

    Causal (causal) - N. individual cases that have some interest. N. for a given case in order to get an idea about it (N. for an excitable child).

    Episodic - individual facts of behavior are recorded, for example, typical for a child.

    External (observation from the outside) is a way of collecting data about another person, his psychology and behavior by observing him from the outside.

    Internal (self-observation) - when experiencing a corresponding phenomenon, the researcher observes himself, his sensations.

    The above classification of N. is conditional and reflects only their most significant features. Due to the characteristics of each type of N., it should be applied where it can give the most useful results.

    It should also be noted that there are N. significant situations. Significant situations can occur in children’s playing, educational and other activities. Thus, they may react violently to the arrival of a new person in the group, for example, Santa Claus; to bring in a new toy; for a job well done, etc. Supervising children in significant situations will help the teacher understand the peculiarities of interaction in the group, the field behavior of individual children, their statuses, etc.

    Let us give a general description of N. as a research method.

    Symptoms of N.

    Movements, actions, deeds, activities.

    Facial expressions, gestures, pantomime.

    Vegetative reactions.

    The presence of a goal and a developed N. scheme (drawn up after a preliminary study of the object and subject of research).

    Conditions most characteristic of the phenomenon being studied.

    “Conservation” of N. and his goals by business, from the point of view of the subject, relationships with him.

    Immediate, systematic and possibly complete recording of results (facts, not interpretation):

    recording using symbols, shorthand.

    Tape recording, photo-film-video recording.

    With N., two or more observers can work on complex processes (for example, group classes). Everyone must have precisely defined goals and their own tasks N. (Training observers, coordinating their activities).

    The systematic nature of N.

    Advantages of N.

    Availability, low cost of funds.

    Does not distort the natural course of mental processes.

    Disadvantages of N.

    Large amounts of time due to the passivity of the observer (waiting position):

    it is difficult to predict when something important will appear from the point of view of the problem under study;

    some phenomena are not observable.

    Impossibility of repeating identical facts.

    Difficulty in establishing the cause of the phenomenon:

    the unity of observed facts with associated phenomena;

    many unaccounted conditions;

    possibility of subjectivity.

    Difficulty in statistical processing.

    N. is a complex process. It requires special training of observers. He must have prior experience in conducting N. He must understand the purpose of N. (for what, for what purpose?), and be familiar with the theoretical foundations.

    Based on N.’s goal, select an object, subject and situation N. (what to observe?). Then think carefully about the plan, the system of categories, N. protocols, etc. Choose a method of observation that has the least impact on the research object and most ensures the collection of the necessary information (how to observe?). After this, select the method of recording what was observed (how to record?).

    Before conducting research using the N. method, it is advisable to conduct training N. in order to reveal the upcoming difficulties and acquire basic N. skills.

    Difficulties may arise N. This, as a rule, occurs when studying complex phenomena and when the phenomenon occurs at a fast pace and constantly changing situations.

    After the basic research has been carried out, the received data is processed and interpreted (what is the result?).

    General observation procedure

    auxiliary means for more accurate analytical N.;

    allow scientific processing of observed facts;

    draw appropriate conclusions.

    By completeness: complete, incomplete.

    By continuity: continuous, discontinuous.

    According to the number of parameters studied: one measurement, several parameters.

    According to the nature of the requirements for scientific observation: it is recorded as the observer sees; is registered on the basis of the essence of the issue under study and its logic.

    For example, - Studying the student’s attitude towards the team. (According to A.S. Zaluzhny “Children’s collective and methods of its study”, M., 1931).

    For example, “The child is ATTENTIVE - INATENTIVE.” Classification can be according to the following continuous system: always very attentive - in most cases attentive - sometimes attentive - inattentive.

    2B. DISCONTINUAL CATEGORAL SYSTEM. Does not represent a continuum of a continuous series.

    For example, - When solving mathematical problems, the system of categories is built so that you can follow the process of solving problems:

    understanding the task;

    demand for information;


    solution options;

    negation of option;

    not relevant to the task.

    For example, a child’s activities.

    For example, - The activities of not only the child, but the group as a whole, and the teacher as well.

    • 4. CATEGORIES BY THE NATURE OF REQUIREMENTS for the level of scientific knowledge.
    • 4A. The phenomenon is recorded as the observer sees it.

    For example, - Whether the child raises his hand or not.

    4B. The researcher must know the essence of the question under study, its logic. He must be prepared for N., as a high level of intellectual effort is required.

    NATURAL EXPERIMENT (eng. natural experiment) is a special type of psychological experiment developed by the famous Russian scientist. psychologist A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917). Lazursky first reported on E. e. at the 1st Congress on Experimental Pedagogy (1910), and in 1918 the book “Natural Experiment and Its School Application” was published - the result of 6 years of work of the circle organized by Lazursky from among the employees of the psychological laboratory of the Psychoneurological Institute. Significant contribution to the development of E. e. psychologists M. Ya. Basov and V. A. Artemov also contributed (“Natural Experiment” - M., 1927).

    E. e. combines the positive features of the method of objective observation (naturalness) and the method of laboratory experiment (targeted influence on the subject). It is carried out under conditions similar to the normal activities of the subject, who does not know that he is the object of research. This allows you to avoid denial. the influence of emotional stress and intentionality of response. Bringing experimental research closer to life, E. e. allows you to study mental processes and personality traits in natural conditions of work, study or play. It is accessible and easy to carry out. Observation is often supplemented by a conversation with the subject.

    The disadvantage of the E. e. method - the difficulty of isolating for observation of individual elements in the holistic activity of the subject, as well as difficulties in using quantitative analysis techniques. Results E. e. processed through qualitative analysis of the data obtained.

    One of the options for E. e. - a psychological and pedagogical experiment (experimental learning), in which the study of a schoolchild is carried out directly in the process of his education and upbringing, with the goal of actively developing mental characteristics to be studied (see Educational experiment). See also Types of observation.

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