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  • Chemistry and energy. The role of chemistry in solving energy problems. Simply about the complex – Chemical energy

    Chemistry and energy.  The role of chemistry in solving energy problems.  Simply about the complex – Chemical energy

    The chemical industry is characterized by close ties with all sectors of the national economy due to the wide range of products it produces. This area of ​​production is characterized by high material intensity. Material and energy costs in production can range from 2/3 to 4/5 of the cost of the final product.

    The development of chemical technology follows the path of integrated use of raw materials and energy, the use of continuous and waste-free processes, taking into account the environmental safety of the environment, the use of high pressures and temperatures, and advances in automation and cybernetization.

    The chemical industry consumes especially a lot of energy. Energy is spent on endothermic processes, transporting materials, crushing and grinding solids, filtering, compressing gases, etc. The production of calcium carbide, phosphorus, ammonia, polyethylene, isoprene, styrene, etc. requires significant energy expenditure. Chemical production, together with petrochemical production, are energy-intensive areas of the industry. Producing almost 7% of industrial products, they consume between 13-20% of the energy used by the entire industry.

    Energy sources are most often traditional non-renewable natural resources - coal, oil, natural gas, peat, shale. Lately they have been depleting very quickly. Oil and natural gas reserves are decreasing at a particularly accelerated pace, but they are limited and irreparable. Not surprisingly, this creates an energy problem.

    Over the course of 80 years, some main sources of energy were replaced by others: wood was replaced by coal, coal by oil, oil by gas, hydrocarbon fuel by nuclear fuel. By the beginning of the 80s, about 70% of the world's energy demand was met by oil and natural gas, 25% by coal and brown coal, and only about 5% by other energy sources.

    In different countries, the energy problem is solved differently, however, chemistry makes a significant contribution to its solution everywhere. Thus, chemists believe that in the future (about another 25-30 years) oil will retain its leading position. But its contribution to energy resources will noticeably decrease and will be compensated by the increased use of coal, gas, hydrogen energy from nuclear fuel, solar energy, energy from the earth’s depths and other types of renewable energy, including bioenergy.

    Already today, chemists are concerned about the maximum and comprehensive energy-technological use of fuel resources - reducing heat losses to the environment, recycling heat, maximizing the use of local fuel resources, etc.

    Sources of basic electrical energy

    Thermal power plants

    They operate on organic fuel - fuel oil, coal, peat, gas, shale. Thermal power plants are located mainly in the region where natural resources are present and near large oil refineries.

    Hydroelectric power stations

    They are built in places where large rivers are blocked by a dam, and thanks to the energy of falling water, the turbines of an electric generator rotate. Producing electricity using this method is considered the most environmentally friendly due to the fact that there is no combustion of various types of fuel, therefore, there is no harmful waste.

    Hydroelectric power plant

    Nuclear power plants

    Heating water requires heat energy, which is released as a result of a nuclear reaction. In other respects, it is similar to a thermal power plant.

    Nuclear power plant

    Non-traditional energy sources

    These include wind, sun, heat from earth's turbines, and ocean tides. Recently, they are increasingly used as non-traditional additional energy sources. Scientists say that by 2050, non-traditional energy sources will become the main ones, and conventional ones will lose their importance.

    Energy of sun

    There are several ways to use it. During the physical method of obtaining solar energy, galvanic batteries are used that can absorb and convert solar energy into electrical or thermal energy. A system of mirrors is also used to reflect the sun's rays and direct them into oil-filled pipes where the sun's heat is concentrated.

    In some regions, it is more advisable to use solar collectors, with the help of which it is possible to partially solve the environmental problem and use energy for domestic needs.

    The main advantages of solar energy are the general availability and inexhaustibility of sources, complete safety for the environment, and the main environmentally friendly sources of energy.

    The main disadvantage is the need for large areas of land for the construction of a solar power plant.

    Solar power plant

    Wind energy

    Wind farms are only able to produce electrical energy when the wind is strong. The “main modern sources of wind energy” are the wind turbine, which is a rather complex structure. It has two programmed operating modes - weak and strong wind, and also has an engine stop if the wind is very strong.

    The main disadvantage of wind power plants (WPPs) is the noise generated during the rotation of the propeller blades. The most appropriate are small wind turbines designed to provide environmentally friendly and inexpensive electricity to summer cottages or individual farms.

    Wind power plant

    Tidal power plants

    Tidal energy is used to produce electrical energy. In order to build a simple tidal power station, you will need a basin, a dammed river mouth or bay. The dam is equipped with hydraulic turbines and culverts.

    During high tide, water enters the pool and when the water levels in the pool and in the sea are compared, the culverts are closed. As the tide approaches, the water level decreases, the pressure becomes sufficiently strong, turbines and electric generators begin their work, and the water gradually leaves the pool.

    New energy sources in the form of tidal power plants have some disadvantages - disruption of the normal exchange of fresh and salt water; influence on the climate, so as a result of their work, the energy potential of water, the speed and area of ​​movement change.

    Pros: environmental friendliness, low cost of energy produced, reduction in the level of extraction, combustion and transportation of fossil fuels.

    Non-traditional geothermal energy sources

    The heat from earth's turbines (deep hot springs) is used to produce energy. This heat can be used in any region, but the costs can only be recouped where the hot water is as close as possible to the earth’s crust - the area where geysers and volcanoes are active.

    The main energy sources are represented by two types - an underground pool of natural coolant (hydrothermal, steam-thermal or steam-water sources) and the heat of hot rocks.

    The first type is ready-to-use underground boilers, from which steam or water can be extracted using conventional boreholes. The second type makes it possible to produce steam or superheated water, which can later be used for energy purposes.

    The main disadvantage of both types is the weak concentration of geothermal anomalies when hot rocks or springs come close to the surface. Re-injection of waste water into the underground horizon is also required, since thermal water contains many salts of toxic metals and chemical compounds that cannot be discharged into surface water systems.

    Advantages – these reserves are inexhaustible. Geothermal energy is very popular due to the active activity of volcanoes and geysers, the territory of which occupies 1/10 of the Earth's area.

    Geothermal power plant

    New promising energy sources - biomass

    Biomass can be primary and secondary. To obtain energy, you can use dried algae, agricultural waste, wood, etc. A biological option for using energy is the production of biogas from manure as a result of fermentation without air access.

    Today, a decent amount of garbage has accumulated in the world, deteriorating the environment; garbage has a detrimental effect on people, animals and all living things. That is why the development of energy is required, where secondary biomass will be used to prevent environmental pollution.

    According to scientists' calculations, populated areas can fully provide themselves with electricity only from their garbage. Moreover, there is virtually no waste. Consequently, the problem of waste destruction will be solved simultaneously with providing the population with electricity at minimal costs.

    Advantages - the concentration of carbon dioxide does not increase, the problem of using garbage is solved, and therefore the environment improves.

    The entire history of the development of civilization is the search for energy sources. This is still very relevant today. After all, energy is an opportunity for further development of industry, obtaining sustainable harvests, improving cities and helping nature heal the wounds inflicted on it by civilization. Therefore, solving the energy problem requires global efforts. Chemistry makes its considerable contribution as a link between modern natural science and modern technology.

    Energy supply is the most important condition for the socio-economic development of any country, its industry, transport, agriculture, cultural and everyday life.

    But in the next decade, energy workers will not yet discount wood, coal, oil, or gas. And at the same time, they must intensively develop new ways of producing energy.

    The chemical industry is characterized by close ties with all sectors of the national economy due to the wide range of products it produces. This area of ​​production is characterized by high material intensity. Material and energy costs in production can range from 2/3 to 4/5 of the cost of the final product.

    The development of chemical technology follows the path of integrated use of raw materials and energy, the use of continuous and waste-free processes, taking into account the environmental safety of the environment, the use of high pressures and temperatures, and advances in automation and cybernetization.

    The chemical industry consumes especially a lot of energy. Energy is spent on endothermic processes, transporting materials, crushing and grinding solids, filtering, compressing gases, etc. Significant energy expenditures are required in the production of calcium carbide, phosphorus, ammonia, polyethylene, isoprene, styrene, etc. Chemical production, together with petrochemical production, are energy-intensive areas of the industry. Producing almost 7% of industrial products, they consume between 13-20% of the energy used by the entire industry.

    Energy sources are most often traditional non-renewable natural resources - coal, oil, natural gas, peat, shale. Lately they have been depleting very quickly. Oil and natural gas reserves are decreasing at a particularly accelerated pace, but they are limited and irreparable. Not surprisingly, this creates an energy problem.

    Over the course of 80 years, some main sources of energy were replaced by others: wood was replaced by coal, coal by oil, oil by gas, hydrocarbon fuel by nuclear fuel. By the beginning of the 80s, about 70% of the world's energy demand was met by oil and natural gas, 25% by coal and brown coal, and only about 5% by other energy sources.

    In different countries, the energy problem is solved differently, however, chemistry makes a significant contribution to its solution everywhere. Thus, chemists believe that in the future (about another 25-30 years) oil will retain its leading position. But its contribution to energy resources will noticeably decrease and will be compensated by the increased use of coal, gas, hydrogen energy from nuclear fuel, solar energy, energy from the earth’s depths and other types of renewable energy, including bioenergy.

    Already today, chemists are concerned about the maximum and comprehensive energy-technological use of fuel resources - reducing heat losses to the environment, recycling heat, maximizing the use of local fuel resources, etc.

    Since among the types of fuel the most scarce is liquid, many countries have allocated large funds to create a cost-effective technology for processing coal into liquid (as well as gaseous) fuel. Scientists from Russia and Germany are collaborating in this area. The essence of the modern process of processing coal into synthesis gas is as follows. A mixture of water vapor and oxygen is supplied to the plasma generator, which is heated to 3000°C. And then coal dust enters the hot gas torch, and as a result of a chemical reaction a mixture of carbon monoxide (II) and hydrogen is formed, i.e. synthesis gas. Methanol is obtained from it: CO+2H2CH3OH. Methanol can replace gasoline in internal combustion engines. In terms of solving environmental problems, it compares favorably with oil, gas, and coal, but, unfortunately, its heat of combustion is 2 times lower than that of gasoline, and, in addition, it is aggressive towards some metals and plastics.

    Chemical methods have been developed for the removal of binder oil (contains high molecular weight hydrocarbons), a significant part of which remains in underground pits. To increase the yield of oil, surfactants are added to the water that is injected into the formations; their molecules are placed at the oil-water interface, which increases the mobility of the oil.

    Future replenishment of fuel resources is combined with sustainable coal processing. For example, crushed coal is mixed with oil, and the extracted paste is exposed to hydrogen under pressure. This produces a mixture of hydrocarbons. To produce 1 ton of artificial gasoline, about 1 ton of coal and 1,500 m of hydrogen are spent. So far, artificial gasoline is more expensive than that produced from oil, however, the fundamental possibility of its extraction is important.

    Hydrogen energy, which is based on the combustion of hydrogen, during which no harmful emissions are generated, seems very promising. However, for its development it is necessary to solve a number of problems related to reducing the cost of hydrogen, creating reliable means of storing and transporting it, etc. If these problems are solvable, hydrogen will be widely used in aviation, water and land transport, industrial and agricultural production.

    Nuclear energy contains inexhaustible possibilities; its development for the production of electricity and heat makes it possible to release a significant amount of fossil fuel. Here, chemists are faced with the task of creating complex technological systems for covering the energy costs that occur during endothermic reactions using nuclear energy. Now nuclear energy is developing along the path of widespread introduction of fast neutron reactors. Such reactors use uranium enriched in the 235U isotope (by at least 20%), and do not require a neutron moderator.

    Currently, nuclear energy and reactor building is a powerful industry with a large amount of capital investment. For many countries it is an important export item. Reactors and auxiliary equipment require special materials, including high frequencies. The task of chemists, metallurgists and other specialists is to create such materials. Chemists and representatives of other related professions are also working on uranium enrichment.

    Nowadays, nuclear energy is faced with the task of displacing fossil fuels not only from the sphere of electricity production, but also from heat supply and, to some extent, from the metallurgical and chemical industries by creating reactors of energy technological significance.

    Nuclear power plants will find another application in the future - for the production of hydrogen. Part of the hydrogen produced will be consumed by the chemical industry, the other part will be used to power gas turbine units switched on at peak loads.

    Great hopes are placed on the use of solar radiation (solar energy). In Crimea, there are solar panels whose photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity. Solar thermal units, which convert solar energy into heat, are widely used for desalination of water and heating homes. Solar panels have long been used in navigation structures and on spacecraft. Unlike nuclear energy, the cost of energy produced using solar panels is constantly decreasing.

    For the manufacture of solar cells, the main semiconductor material is silicon and silicon compounds. Chemists are now working on developing new materials that convert energy. These can be different systems of salts as energy storage devices. Further successes of solar energy depend on the materials that chemists offer for energy conversion.

    In the new millennium, an increase in electricity production will occur due to the development of solar energy, as well as methane fermentation of household waste and other non-traditional sources of energy production.

    Along with giant power plants, there are also autonomous chemical current sources that convert the energy of chemical reactions directly into electrical energy. Chemistry plays a major role in resolving this issue. In 1780, the Italian doctor L. Galvani, observing the contraction of the cut off leg of a frog after touching it with wires of different metals, decided that there was electricity in the muscles, and called it “animal electricity.” A. Volta, continuing the experience of his compatriot, suggested that the source of electricity is not the animal’s body: the electric current arises from the contact of different metal wires. The “ancestor” of modern galvanic cells can be considered the “electric pole” created by A. Volta in 1800. This invention looks like a layer cake made of several pairs of metal plates: one plate is made of zinc, the second is made of copper, stacked on top of each other, and between They are placed with a felt pad soaked in dilute sulfuric acid. Before its invention in Germany by W. Siemens in 1867. Galvanic dynamos were the only source of electric current. Nowadays, when aviation, the submarine fleet, rocketry, and electronics need autonomous energy sources, the attention of scientists is again drawn to them.

    The nuclear power plants of US submarines use many chemical elements and synthetic organic compounds. Among them are nuclear fuel in the form of uranium enriched with a fissile isotope; graphite, heavy water or beryllium, used as neutron reflectors to reduce their leakage from the reactor core; boron, cadmium and hafnium, which are part of the control and protection rods; lead, used in the primary protection of the reactor along with concrete; zirconium alloyed with tin, which serves as a structural material for shells of fuel elements; cation exchange and anion exchange resins used to load ion exchange filters, in which the primary coolant of the installation - highly purified water - is freed from particles dissolved and suspended in it.

    Chemistry also plays an important role in ensuring the operation of various submarine systems, for example, the hydraulic system, which is directly related to the control of the power plant. American chemists have been working for a long time to create working fluids for this system that are capable of operating at high pressure (up to 210 atmospheres), fire-safe and non-toxic. It was reported that to protect the pipelines and fittings of the hydraulic system from corrosion when flooded with sea water, sodium chromate is added to the working fluid.

    A variety of synthetic materials - polystyrene foam, synthetic rubber, polyvinyl chloride and others are widely used on boats to reduce the noise of mechanisms and increase their explosion resistance. Sound-insulating coatings and casings, shock absorbers, sound-insulating inserts in pipelines, and sound-damping pendants are made from such materials.

    Chemical energy accumulators, for example in the form of so-called powder pressure accumulators, are beginning to be used (though still on an experimental basis) for emergency purging of main ballast tanks. Solid propellant charges are used on US missile submarines and to support the underwater launch of Polaris missiles. When such a charge is burned in the presence of fresh water, a vapor-gas mixture is formed in a special generator, which pushes the rocket out of the launch tube.

    Purely chemical energy sources are used on some types of torpedoes in service and being developed abroad. Thus, the engine of the American Mk16 high-speed steam-gas torpedo runs on alcohol, water and hydrogen peroxide. The Mk48 torpedo under development, as reported in the press, has a gas turbine, the operation of which is ensured by a solid propellant charge. Some experimental jet torpedoes are equipped with power plants that run on fuel that reacts with water.

    In recent years, there has often been talk about a new type of “single engine” for submarines, based on the latest advances in chemistry, in particular on the use of so-called fuel cells as an energy source. They are discussed in detail further in a special chapter of this book. For now, we will only point out that in each of these elements an electrochemical reaction occurs, the reverse of electrolysis. Thus, during the electrolysis of water, oxygen and hydrogen are released at the electrodes. In a fuel cell, oxygen is supplied to the cathode, and hydrogen is supplied to the anode, and the current taken from the electrodes goes to a network external to the element, where it can be used to drive the propeller motors of a submarine. In other words, in a fuel cell, chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy without intermediate high temperatures, as in a conventional power plant chain: boiler - turbine - electric generator.

    Electrode materials in fuel cells can include nickel, silver and platinum. Liquid ammonia, oil, liquid hydrogen, and methyl alcohol can be used as fuel. Liquid oxygen is usually used as an oxidizing agent. The electrolyte can be a solution of potassium hydroxide. One West German submarine fuel cell project proposes using high-concentration hydrogen peroxide, which, when decomposed, produces both fuel (hydrogen) and oxidizer (oxygen).

    A power plant with fuel cells, if used on boats, would eliminate the need for diesel generators and batteries. It would also ensure silent operation of the main engines, absence of vibration and high efficiency - about 60–80 percent with a promising unit weight of up to 35 kilograms per kilowatt. According to the calculations of foreign experts, the costs of building a submarine with fuel cells can be two to three times lower than the costs of building a nuclear submarine.

    The press reported that work was underway in the United States to create a ground-based prototype of a boat power plant with fuel cells. In 1964, testing of such an installation began on the ultra-small research submarine Star-1, its propeller engine power is only 0.75 kilowatts. According to the magazine Schief und Hafen, a pilot plant with fuel cells has also been created in Sweden.

    Most foreign experts are inclined to believe that the power of power plants of this kind will not exceed 100 kilowatts, and their continuous operation time is 1000 hours. Therefore, it is considered most rational to use fuel cells primarily on ultra-small and small submarines for research or sabotage and reconnaissance purposes with an autonomy of about one month.

    The creation of fuel cells does not exhaust all cases of application of the achievements of electrochemistry in underwater applications. Thus, US nuclear submarines use alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries, which, when charged, release oxygen rather than hydrogen. Some diesel submarines in this country use alkaline silver-zinc batteries, which have three times the energy density, instead of acid batteries.

    The characteristics of disposable silver-zinc batteries for submarine electric torpedoes are even higher. In a dry state (without electrolyte) they can be stored for years without requiring any care. And getting them ready takes literally a split second, and the batteries can be kept charged for 24 hours. The dimensions and weight of such batteries are five times less than equivalent lead (acid) batteries. Some types of torpedoes that are in service with American submarines have batteries with magnesium and silver chloride plates that operate on sea water and also have enhanced performance.

    Energy of the chemical industry occupies one of the main places in modern industry. Without her participation, it would be impossible to carry out technological processes. Energy serves to a large extent to ensure human life.

    There are different types of energy:

    • electric;

    • thermal;

    • nuclear and thermonuclear;

    • light;

    • magnetic;

    • chemical;

    • mechanical.

    Absolutely all chemical production consumes energy. Industry processes involve either the use or circulation of energy. Electrical energy is used for electrochemical, electrothermal and electromagnetic processes. These are electrolysis, melting, heating, synthesis. For the processes of grinding, mixing, operation of compressors and fans, the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is used.

    Thermal energy is used to carry out physical processes that are not accompanied by heating, melting, distillation, drying, that is, chemical reactions. Chemical energy is used in galvanic devices, where it is converted into electrical energy. Light energy is used to carry out photochemical reactions.

    Energy fuel base for the chemical industry

    IN energy industry chemical industry Fossil fuels and their derivatives represent the main source of energy consumed. The energy intensity of production is determined by the energy consumption per unit of manufactured products.
    Energy includes the extraction of energy resources (oil, gas, coal, shale) and their processing, as well as special types of transport. These include oil pipelines, gas pipelines, power lines and product pipelines.

    The fuel energy sector is also a raw material base for the petrochemical and chemical industries. All of its products are subjected to heat treatment to separate individual components (for example, coke from coal, ethane, ethylene, butane, propane from oil and gases). Only natural gas is used in its pure form for the production of chemical products such as ammonia and methyl alcohol.

    The energy sector is developing dynamically and quickly, provoking the development of scientific and technological progress. The demand for the use of energy resources is growing more and more, and therefore the search for deposits and the creation of new production facilities are priority components of the industry. However, this area leads to numerous problems in economics, politics, geography, and ecology that are global in nature.

    The most developing energy segments are the oil and oil refining, as well as the gas industries. The extraction of natural resources occupies a significant place in the world, and their deposits sometimes give rise to conflicts between states. Oil is an important energy carrier; after its processing, a lot of products necessary for human activity are obtained. Their list includes kerosene, gasoline, various types of fuel and petroleum oils, fuel oil, tar and others. The need for the oil refining industry arose with the development of transport and aviation to provide it with fuel. The gas industry is the most progressive and promising area. Natural gas is the main raw material for chemical production and its uses are very different.

    The Chemistry exhibition in the fall will present the latest technologies and developments in the field in large volume and scale. chemical industry energy. At this exhibition, manufacturers and consumers can not only get acquainted with the product and assortment, but also enter into new deals and establish connections with both domestic and foreign partners. As experts note, “Chemistry” has a huge impact on the development and promotion of new technologies. In addition, it highlights not only new methods and achievements in science and technology, but also personal and collective protective equipment at work.

    The exhibition, organized by the Expocentre Fairgrounds, has been taking place in Moscow since 1965. And Expocentre specialists make it possible to hold such events at the highest level. That is why it is repeatedly chosen as a venue for such events by both domestic and foreign organizers.