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  • What specialties are there after 9th grade? How to choose a profession after completing nine grades. What is secondary vocational education

    What specialties are there after 9th grade? How to choose a profession after completing nine grades.  What is secondary vocational education

    We studied all the professions available in Russia that girls can master after ninth grade. And they compiled a list of 11 directions, allowing you to figure out which one a girl can enroll in after 9th grade. Choose what you like best and achieve success in what you love!

    Where to go after 9th grade for a girl: types of colleges (secondary specialized educational institutions) and courses

    For those who decide to continue their education after ninth grade outside of school, the following options are available:

    • College (this also includes former technical schools and vocational schools, some of which have retained their old names).
    • Studying there usually lasts 3 years, upon completion the student receives a diploma of secondary vocational education. Colleges come in different areas, including administrative, legal, IT related, and so on. Lyceums at universities.
    • They are aimed at preparing for further study at the university and require obtaining a diploma of secondary specialized education (non-vocational). This is analogous to 10-11 years of study in a comprehensive school with a narrower focus. Courses.

    They can be organized by universities, educational centers and other organizations, aimed at mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a specific practical specialty, and end with the issuance of a state certificate. The duration varies from several weeks to several months and years.

    What should a girl study after 9th grade?

    Theoretically, a girl can enter any secondary specialized educational institution, with the exception of those that involve training in professions prohibited for women.

    1. The latter include many military and rescue specializations, work associated with heavy physical labor, work in dangerous conditions (the full list is contained in the regulatory article - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162). In fact, we can highlight several main areas of where to go after 9th grade for a girl to make it interesting and promising:
    2. Economic specializations. Accountant, manager, merchandiser, salesperson-cashier - these are quite popular professions, for which a secondary education is enough to get a job. Specialists of this kind are in demand at enterprises, trading companies, individual entrepreneurs, banks and other financial institutions.
    3. Legal professions. Since jurisprudence is a very broad field of knowledge, usually when entering a college you need to choose a specific area (for example, a focus on criminal, administrative, civil law). After graduating from law college, you can get a job in the legal department of an enterprise, as an assistant to a notary or lawyer.
    4. Social and pedagogical specialties. Good options for where a girl can enroll after 9th grade are to study to become a social worker, a social worker, an educator, or a teacher. These specializations are in demand in kindergartens, schools (usually secondary vocational education allows you to work in primary classes), and educational centers.
    5. Medical professions. In order to become a doctor, you will need to graduate from a university, but a position as a massage therapist, nurse or pharmacist can be obtained with secondary education. For nursing, you will need to choose a specialization: for example, operating room, procedural, district nurse.
    6. Specialties related to the beauty industry. Hairdresser, manicurist, stylist, image maker, makeup artist are traditionally “female” professions, and for some of them, not even a secondary educational institution, but just courses (for example, in manicure) are enough.
    7. Working professions. In this area, the most common options for what a girl can become after 9th grade are the professions of painter and plasterer. They are in demand during any construction and repair work (by private clients or specialized companies).
    8. Culinary specialties. These include the professions of confectioner, cook, baker, deboner and the like, whose representatives are needed in cafes, bars, restaurants, canteens, food departments of stores and food manufacturers.
    9. Professions related to tailoring. A seamstress, cutter, fashion designer, designer can get employment in light industry enterprises, or open their own business producing wardrobe items.
    10. Creative specializations. These are such diverse professions as designer (for example, interior), florist, choreographer, musician, artist, illustrator. Similar options for where a girl can enroll after 9th grade are usually considered if the applicant has a penchant for the corresponding type of creativity.
    11. Specialties from the field of tourism and hospitality. Hotel service specialist, tourism manager, tour guide, organizer, animator - such positions are often offered by travel companies and hospitality industry enterprises, and also leave the opportunity to independently organize a business.
    12. This list of professions most suitable for girls to enter after 9th grade must be considered taking into account the possibilities of the place where you live. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities you can find a secondary school for almost any specialty, but in small towns the options may be limited. However, this can be used as a reason to move to a larger city.

      Where should a girl go to study after 9th grade: the course of the admissions campaign

      The vast majority of colleges conduct a competitive selection of future students (including for budget places) based on the average score of the certificate. Some institutions conduct additional tests, for example, for future representatives of creative professions. Accordingly, for successful admission you must try to get a decent average score on the certificate. This includes making an effort to do well on four exams. OGE, grades for which affect the final grades in selected subjects.

      It’s worth thinking about who a girl should enroll in after 9th grade (the list above offers quite a lot of options). There are no restrictions on the number of applications submitted, so if you wish, you can send applications to several colleges at once, and make the final choice later. You can do the same if you have doubts about passing the competitive selection process at one educational institution and want to play it safe. You can usually find out details about the course of the admissions campaign on the website of the educational institution or by calling the admissions office.

    Technical schools and colleges after 9th grade will not be a problem. Educational institutions are represented in various fields. Let's look at some of the most popular institutions, as well as reviews about them.


    First, let's study the list of colleges and technical schools after 9th grade, and analyze the features of some of them in more detail.

    • Medical College (Marshal Timoshenko St., building 19).
    • College named after Gnesins (Povarskaya str., building 1, no. 38).
    • College of Tourism and Service No. 29 (Donetskaya St., 28).
    • Pedagogical educational institution No. 7 (Armeniansky lane, building 2, building 4).
    • Construction College No. 1 (Rabochaya St., p. 1/2, no. 12).
    • College of Services (Bolshaya Kalitnikovskaya St., 34/3).
    • College of Technology, Economics and Law (named after Krasin) - st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 13.
    • Construction College No. 30 (Akademika Petrovsky St./10).
    • Industrial College (Kholodilny Lane, building 7).
    • College of Architecture and Urban Planning (79 Anadyrsky Avenue).
    • College of Technology (Tikhomirova, 10/1).
    • Capital College of Management and New Technologies (General Belova Street, 6).

    These are not all technical schools and colleges after 9th grade. Let's look at the most popular of them.

    Medical College (Administration of the President of the Russian Federation)

    The institution has been training experienced mid-level specialists for more than half a century. In addition, retraining of personnel is being carried out, as well as increasing the level of their qualifications. The institution makes a significant contribution to the development of diagnostic and treatment activities of medical institutions. The project was created in 1960 as a medical school at Country Clinic No. 4, and in 2001 it was transformed into a college. During its activity, more than 10 thousand nurses and about 1000 laboratory diagnostic specialists have graduated.

    As evidenced by user reviews, the institution is popular with applicants, has a well-developed educational base and a high level of teaching. Many parents plan to send their children here. It is worth noting that there is a budget form of training.

    Gnessin College

    We will continue to consider the capital's technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade with this institution. The institution is located in the center of Moscow, has group rooms and classrooms for personal training. There are dance rooms, computer rooms, a library, sets of various musical instruments, a reading room, Internet access, concert halls, a laboratory and a number of other specialized premises, including a gym, a dormitory, a first-aid post and a dining room.

    Judging by the responses of users, the institution does not require additional advertising, is famous for its decent level of teaching and ample opportunities for organizing extracurricular activities.

    Technical school No. 29

    This educational institution, which occupies a worthy place in the ranking of colleges and technical schools after the 9th grade, is in a leading position, training specialists in the fields of tourism, beauty, trade, and the fashion industry. This approach allows you to get a profession that will always be in demand. The technical school uses the best programs and materials recommended by domestic and foreign brands. The quality of education is confirmed by a certificate from the Russian Chamber of Commerce.

    As graduates note, students of the institution regularly take prizes at city and international Olympiads. Many teachers periodically take advanced training courses and are awarded state and regional awards.


    Colleges and technical schools of Moscow after the 9th grade are worthily represented by pedagogical educational institution No. 7. This is one of the oldest institutions, founded in 1964. The school was awarded college status in 1998. Graduates receive secondary vocational education of an advanced category. Since its inception, the college has trained more than 16 thousand specialists. In addition, the institution uses a wealth of experience in the innovative field, which allows creating an atmosphere of creativity and scientific research, as well as improving the quality of retraining of professionals.

    Judging by the reviews, the institution is a success and provides a high level of knowledge. Users also cite the responsibility of teachers and ample opportunities to organize extracurricular life for students as advantages.

    Construction College No. 1

    The institution implements a variety of programs, including integrated, multi-stage, continuation and mandatory options. Their content is focused on expanding the capabilities of students, as well as obtaining a specialty that best matches their existing qualifications. Any student can choose a personal educational direction.

    Metropolitan College of Architecture and Urban Planning

    The College of Architecture and Urban Planning in Moscow worthy represents technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade. This institution was founded in 1951 and confidently trains personnel for the construction industry. The institution provides training in 11 categories of vocational education, including architecture, construction and operation of structures, applied computer science, landscape construction, accounting, and economics.

    There is a decent scientific and material base, modern geodetic equipment, a laboratory, a model workshop, a computer room, and a television studio. In addition, the college has a lot of different sections and clubs, additional education programs, foreign language courses, dance studios, and technical extracurricular programs.

    Colleges and technical schools (St. Petersburg) after 9th grade

    St. Petersburg has an equally rich list of educational institutions in this category. Below is a list of the most popular ones:

    1. Economic College (Baskov Lane, 8).
    2. Metropolitan educational institution (Kupchinskaya St., 28-A).
    3. Petrodvorets College (Strelna village, Teatralnaya alley, 19-A).
    4. College of Electronics and Instrumentation (Narodnogo Opolcheniya Ave., 223-A).
    5. Optical-Mechanical Lyceum (Polyustrovsky Ave., 61).
    6. Road traffic school (Pridorozhnaya Alley, 7-A).
    7. Naval College of the Navy (Red Fleet St., 18/48).
    8. Pedagogical College (Kostromskoy Ave., 46-A).
    9. Radiopolytechnicum (Engelsa Ave., 23).

    As you can see, there are more than enough secondary category educational institutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many of them have both paid training and a budget option. The choice is up to you and the applicants.

    In fact, you can become anyone - a medical worker, a secretary, a mechanic, a programmer, a manager, a lawyer, and so on. You can receive high salaries and occupy leadership positions. Secondary specialized education does not close prospects for building a career. The only important thing is to understand what you really want and choose the best educational institution from the available options. Still don’t know where to study and who to study after 9th grade? This material is for you.

    You graduated from 9th grade and passed the OGE. What's next?

    Choose a secondary specialized educational institution and get an education. Either join the army, go to work, build your life differently. In any case, the choice is yours. But the best solution is to get an education that will become the foundation for a successful career in the future. A lot of opportunities and prospects open up before you - it’s worth taking advantage of them.

    There is an opinion that 9th grade graduates are doomed to hard, low-paid work. This is wrong. It is not necessary to complete 11th grade or even receive a higher education to make a career and occupy the highest leadership positions.

    Why? Firstly, many blue-collar professions are more in demand than professions acquired at universities. If we take the situation in all regions of Russia, high-grade welders on average earn more than lawyers who graduated from universities and academies. Take the time to open any popular job site and compare salaries. You will be surprised at the difference - it is often not in favor of those with higher education.

    Your task is to choose the best educational institution possible. There are secondary specialized educational institutions in almost every regional center of all regions of Russia. But the saying “where you were born is where you come in handy” should not work in your case. Choose from the maximum number of options, don’t be afraid to leave home. Things are better with dormitories in secondary specialized educational institutions than in universities. It’s easier to enroll and study is within the capabilities of every graduate who has passed the exams. So go for it.

    Where to go to study after 9th grade? Technical school, school, college

    Each educational institution listed is classified as secondary specialized. Accordingly, the type of education received there is average. Moreover, in some educational institutions it is necessary to study for 2-3 years, in others – from 3-4 years. Training can be structured according to the school or university system. There are also several unspoken differences, in particular, which determine advantages when further enrolling in a university.

    Key features of colleges

    These educational institutions provide training at basic and advanced levels. On average, students study for 3-4 years. Most often, colleges are structural divisions of universities and are assigned to a specific higher education institution. After receiving specialized secondary education, graduates can undergo accelerated training in higher education programs. Moreover, they often have unspoken advantages when entering the “parent” university.

    Training in colleges is organized according to the system of higher educational institutions. Students attend lectures and seminars (theory), and take practical courses. They take sessions once a semester. To obtain secondary specialized education, it is enough to study for 3 years. To undergo in-depth training, you must study for another 1 year.

    The difference will be not only in the level of training, but also in the specialty indicated in the diploma.

    Example: 3 years of study is the specialty “technician”, 4 years – “senior technician”. It is also easier to enter a university after completing in-depth training.

    Key features of technical schools

    These are secondary specialized educational institutions that implement basic level educational programs. Education, as a rule, is structured according to the school system - most technical school students never encounter sessions, pairs and seminars, workshops and other indicators of the university educational program.

    The task of the technical school is to prepare specialists with a narrow profile, mainly in working specialties. These are mechanics, welders, drivers, cooks, hairdressers and many others. However, it is possible to get a profession related exclusively to mental work - for example, to become a lawyer, accountant, or even a programmer.

    Key features of schools

    In terms of the organization of teaching activities, they are similar to colleges. Graduates receive specialized secondary or primary vocational education. Accordingly, they can work immediately after completing their studies or continue to study further.

    But it is also worth noting that in Russia every year there are fewer and fewer vocational schools. The reason for this is the desire of educational institutions of this type to transform into PU - vocational schools that implement higher education programs. If a school becomes the object of your attention, then check whether it is in the process of reorganization.

    How to choose a profession? TOP 50 most popular

    If you pay attention to the number of specialties offered by secondary specialized educational institutions, you will be surprised at the variety of choices. However, the choice narrows when the number of colleges suitable for admission is limited to 2-3. Most of them train specialists in 10-15 of the most in-demand specialties. The rest conduct educational activities in a specific profile - for example, food and trade, law, finance, mechanical engineering, and so on.

    We have compiled for you the TOP 50 professions that were most popular among graduates of past years. This is not an exhaustive list, but perhaps this is where you will find a specialty to your liking.

    Working specialties

    Specialties in the field of mental work




    CNC operator

    document specialist

    health worker


    machine operator


    milling operator



    police officer






    Dental Technician









    car mechanic





    Additionally, it is worth noting the numerous creative professions - designer, makeup artist, stylist, cultural expert, actor, musician, and so on. Secondary specialized educational institutions provide training in more than 250 specialties. Naturally, not every secondary school can afford to simultaneously implement more than a hundred educational programs. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention not only to educational institutions in your locality, but also to options from other cities and regions of Russia.

    Choose a profession that you like, but at the same time focus on the future. For example, you have always dreamed of becoming a designer. The likelihood that you will become a famous couturier after graduating from a provincial technical school is extremely low. But being a good interior designer and even a good web designer is quite high. It is clear that everything will depend on you. Just like in college, students need to devote a lot of time to self-study in order to succeed in building a career.

    What to consider when choosing a profession:

    • Popularity of the profession with employers.
    • Salary level.
    • The quality of education in selected educational institutions.
    • Your interests and abilities.
    • How much time you are willing to devote to self-preparation.

    Another important selection criterion is the subjects that you chose to take the OGE. The vast majority of secondary specialized educational institutions admit students based on their results. However, in some cases it is possible to take internal exams - this possibility must be clarified in advance with the admissions committee.

    Is it realistic to get a higher education?

    Completely, but not immediately. Depending on the type of educational institution you choose, you can receive secondary specialized or primary vocational education.

    Then you will be able to enroll in a university, in particular, accelerated education programs (if it matches your profile of study). Practice shows that the easiest way to enroll in a university is after graduating from the college attached to it.

    But even if you reconsider your interests and decide to get a higher education in a completely different field, you can do it. But in most cases, to do this you will have to pass the Unified State Exam or internal university exams and start studying from the beginning. An accelerated educational program involves 3-3.5 years of study, a full one - from 4 or more.

    What prospects open up for 9th grade graduates?

    The widespread belief that all doors to the world of dizzying careers and high positions are closed to graduates of the 9th grade is a myth. Everything will depend on the graduate, who will soon become a student, on the correctness of his choice, skills and aspirations. You can have a great career in any industry if you take the initiative and prove your professional excellence.

    Think about it: almost every family has relatives or acquaintances who can serve as shining examples. They received a working specialty, began to work and achieved professional success. After this, they became leaders, opened their own enterprises, were respected in society, and had professional weight. Therefore, everything will depend only on you, on your desire to study, work and achieve success.

    According to experts, one of the most promising areas of study for 9th grade graduates is the information technology segment.

    By obtaining a basic specialty as a programmer or system administrator, you can start your journey in one of the hundreds of web specialties that are not yet taught in universities, or the university training program does not correspond to the rapidly changing realities. Think about it: it is quite possible that you will want to get a specialty that is simply not available in universities and academies.

    Instead of a conclusion: the benefits of admission

    Graduates of 9th grade who enter secondary specialized educational institutions receive some advantages in comparison with university applicants. It is worth mentioning that in Russia there is a shortage of many working specialties. Therefore, the state focuses on the need to train missing personnel and generously funds this industry. The result is more budget-funded places, the opportunity to provide comprehensive financial support to students during their studies, payment of scholarships and provision of places in dormitories.

    What advantages does this give to 9th grade graduates entering secondary educational institutions:

    • It's easier to go on a budget.
    • It's easier to study - no one is trying to expel you.
    • It's easier to get a hostel.
    • Large selection of specialties.
    • Real job prospects.

    As for the level of wages, you won’t be disappointed here either. Based on the average wages for young specialists in Russia, we can say that graduates of secondary specialized and higher vocational educational institutions receive approximately the same salaries at the start of their careers in similar specialties.

    Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to study after 9th grade, make your choice based on personal preferences and data on average salaries in the industry. This will help you make the most correct, correct and informed choice.

    Evgenia Kuziner

    Editor of the Info-Profi portal, employee of the Center for Youth Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, specialist in vocational guidance.

    The end of the year for 9th grade students is always associated not only with the end of another year of school, but also with the opportunity to end their stay in this educational institution by moving to another. Today in our article we will talk about where you can go to study after finishing 9th grade. There will be few options, but each of them deserves special attention and careful analysis on your part.

    4 options where you can go to study after 9th grade

    When you finish ninth grade, you have the opportunity to enroll in four ways:

    1. Continue studying at school. The most optimal and often the best option is to continue studying at school. This option is for those who have not yet finally found their calling in life. You can, of course, hastily choose a profession “to boom”, but this is your life, so we do not recommend being so careless about your destiny.

    9th grade is also good because it does not allow you to relax in the last years, reminding you that very soon an independent life will begin, where you yourself will decide whether to study or work. For many, 9th grade acts as an alarm clock, forcing them to wake up and take up their studies, thereby graduating from school with good grades.

    It is better for those who have chosen who they will be to stay in school, but this specialty is not available in a technical school or college. In this case, it is better to take up your education in order to graduate from school with a gold medal, since in this case it will be possible to enter a higher educational institution on a budget place.

    If you are absolutely not suited to learning, and you have constant conflicts with the teaching staff, then it is better to stay at school and simply “suffer” the last 2 years of study, than to spend another 3-4 years on something that, in your opinion, is absolutely not necessary. Of course, this option is not positive. However, you yourself probably know many people who, with a secondary education, became successful individuals, and just as many with a higher education became nobody. Therefore, it is better to finish your studies at school, and after 2 years you may change your point of view (by entering a university or technical school) or remain the same, but in any case you will lose absolutely nothing.

    Mostly in the 11th grade there are excellent students who strive to enter higher educational institutions, as well as students with not very good grades, eager to quickly finish their studies and go to work.

    2. Go to technical school. People also go to technical school for many reasons. Here are some of them:

    • Sometimes it’s better to go there if your parents have prepared a full-time job for you, all that’s left for you to do is get the appropriate education. Yes, this option is not entirely ideal if you have your own dreams and plans for life. However, you should think about such a proposal, since over time, youthful maximalism recedes, and perhaps you will regret if you refuse such a chic place.

    • It is worth going to a technical school only if you have found a specialty there that appeals to you. The advantage of this option is free education, as well as receiving a scholarship that will help you get used to adult life, because not everyone in the 10th-11th grade already receives enough money to feel free.

    • It is also worth going to a technical school to understand whether there is a desire to study further; if so, then after technical school you can enter the university for the 2nd or 3rd year to continue your studies. Thus, check yourself, and admission will be easier. You may lose 1 year, but it will be worth it.

    • The technical college is an excellent place for those who are weak in knowledge, but strive to receive a decent education. The fact is that studying at a technical school is much easier than at any university. If, in the end, you complete your studies, then over time you will be able to complete your studies and receive a diploma of higher education.

    • The option of studying first at a technical school is good for those who want to “switch off from the army,” especially if you live in Ukraine, where conscription lasts only up to 25 years. After which he will be able to go to university, where he will be able to survive for another 4-5 years with a draft deferment.

    If you think that technical school is for the stupid, insolvent or weak, then you are very mistaken. A lot of smart and good people go to technical school and then achieve a lot in life. At the technical school, the attitude towards learning is completely different, so it will be easier for you to enter adult life.

    3. Go to school. Also a good choice, below we will describe who this option is most suitable for:

    • It will be ideal for those who want to enroll in a specialty that cannot be found in nearby technical schools or institutes. For example, cooks, hairdressers, carpenters, etc. If you feel such a calling within yourself, don’t hesitate – go towards your goal. Now your classmates may consider you less successful, since you did not enter the economics department of the institute, but over time, life will put everyone in their place, which means we will still find out who is successful here!

    • The school is also good for those who do not have enough free time to study and want to quickly get a specialized secondary education, and then go into free swimming.

    • The school is also convenient for those who do not have their own initiative and desire to work in a certain field. Studying at the school will not be difficult, so you can easily get at least some education different from the average one.

    4. Enter the lyceum at the university. Now we have come to the most interesting option, which, according to the authors of the online magazine, the site is one of the best. The fact is that in the 9th grade, despite their early age, many schoolchildren can classify themselves as humanists, mathematicians, physicists or athletes. However, it is difficult for them to name a more detailed specialty, which, in general, is understandable. What then to do?! This is where lyceums come to our aid, namely those institutions that operate at any Higher Educational Institution.

    If a student has decided on a direction, he will easily choose university. And if he enters the lyceum, then they will thoroughly prepare him for exams and the form of education. Let's go through the advantages of studying at the lyceum:
    • You get used to the rhythm of learning. The Lyceum will not have lessons, but pairs, which will last the same amount of time, and their number will not differ in any way from those that students have.

    • Teachers who work at the Lyceum, as a rule, also work at the Institute. Thus, you can establish good relationships with them, find out the right approach and the requirements that they set.

    • After studying for 2 years, you will be able to understand the peculiarities of this university, what awaits you, how it will go, etc. Perhaps in the end, you realize that this university is not to your liking.

    • Naturally, you have the right not to enroll in the same university, so do not be afraid of any obligations.

    • Despite the similarity in the rhythm of learning, a lyceum differs from a university and a school. Because it is less harsh. It’s a pleasure to study there, because here they start to trust you, you decide for yourself whether to come to class or not, to study or not.

    • As a rule, in such a lyceum people will study who strive to gain knowledge, but at the same time they will be completely different from the “nerds” with whom it can be boring and not fun at all.

    Despite all the advantages of studying at the lyceum, there are also negative aspects, which will be discussed below:
    • The main disadvantage of such training is that not only will you not receive scholarships, but you will also have to pay extra for each month. Which will naturally hit the parents’ wallets. Accordingly, they may refuse this type of training.

    • A new team that will merge together for only 2 years. Here, too, some schoolchildren will have a hard time because they will have to get used to new people, and as soon as you get used to it, two years will fly by. Although, of course, the companies may turn out to be quite good, they will bring a certain amount of discomfort.

    We don’t argue, you always have one more option - to quit school and start working, but we categorically do not allow you to do this! Without receiving a secondary education, you will not be able to get practically any job, which promises unemployment, lack of money and eternal problems in everyday life.

    School years are considered by many to be the best time of their entire lives. On the one hand, high school students already consider themselves quite old, and on the other, they, as a rule, are not yet burdened with the serious concerns of adult life. However, the first difficulty associated with school time arises when the child enters 9th grade. It is then that the student himself and his parents have a question: what is better, to continue studying at school until the 11th grade and then enter a higher educational institution, or to enroll somewhere immediately after the 9th grade. It’s worth noting right away that there is no universal answer here and there cannot be, because each individual case is unique. That is why the answer to this question is best based on your own preferences.

    Is it worth leaving after 9th grade?

    Before listing the most popular options for where it is better to enroll after 9th grade, you must first understand whether it is worth leaving school after 9 years of study. First of all, it is worth noting that in modern society there is a fairly popular stereotype that people who have studied at a technical school or college are, without exception, dysfunctional members of society. Although this opinion has some basis, it is impossible to judge so unequivocally about all graduates of secondary specialized education institutions. That is why there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child may express a desire to leave school and begin his path to acquiring a profession immediately after 9th grade.

    This solution has a number of advantages, which are expressed as follows:

    • a sufficient number of budget places, which facilitates admission;
    • high probability of getting a place in a dormitory;
    • provision of work upon graduation;
    • the opportunity to continue studying at the appropriate institute or university and work in the specialty at the same time.

    However, it would be foolish to assume that this path will be incredibly easy for students. In addition to learning difficulties, studying at a technical school or college after the 9th grade is accompanied by the following possible disadvantages:

    • early leaving the parental home, which can have negative consequences in terms of discipline and education (bad company, bad habits, problems with the law, etc.);
    • a mistake in choosing where it is better to go after 9th grade, which can lead to wasted years and the need to study again, but for a different profession.

    Only after weighing all the pros and cons can you come to a reasonable conclusion about whether it makes sense to leave school early and start getting a profession.

    How to choose a future profession

    If the decision to leave school has already been made, then the next question that arises is who you can enroll in after 9th grade. It must be approached very responsibly, since the answer to it will greatly affect the future of the child. Sometimes there are cases when the child himself knows exactly what he wants to become in the future. The ideal option here would be for the child to choose where to enroll after 9th grade. The list of professions can be easily found and can help with the choice.

    If the situation still remains unresolved, then you need to choose a profession based on the individual characteristics of the child, and not the special beliefs of the parents. Here it is necessary to immediately mention that when choosing his future profession, a teenager does not need to rely heavily on the opinions of people around him. First of all, this applies to those people who advertise a certain educational institution or specialty in it. For example, the statement of your distant friend that an accountant is one of the most promising and profitable professions in the world should not force you to enroll in the corresponding specialty if you hate mathematics.

    Certain inclinations and interests of a child can provide significant assistance in choosing a profession and where to go after 9th grade. Parents here should advise the child, and not impose their opinion on him. The ideal situation is in which parents simply offer possible career options, and the child makes his own choice. Naturally, parents can and should provide all possible assistance in this matter. So, the best approach here would be one in which parents only offer tips to help the child choose his own path. These tips include the following:

    1. Good grades in relevant subjects of the future profession.
    2. Repeated consultations with specialists.
    3. Certain confidence in finding a job in your specialty after graduation.
    4. Passing special tests or having practice that is directly related to the future profession.

    Below will be presented the most popular professions for boys and girls if they want to enter a technical school or college after 9th grade.


    Oddly enough, it is the institutions that train welders that are the best option for a boy to enroll after 9th grade. Many teenagers, and adults too, may be skeptical about this profession because of its name. Most people associate this word with a housing office employee who is drunk almost all of his working time.

    However, any prejudices disappear if we look at this profession in more detail. As you know, a welder is a specialist who connects elements of metal structures. This profession implies a high degree of responsibility, since the durability of these structures and how safe they are depends on the welders. That is why qualified specialists are in demand at any large plant in many industries. Thus, we can safely say that this profession is quite promising. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the main disadvantage of the welding profession is dangerous working conditions, which will have a noticeable effect on the human body.


    This profession occupies a confident position in the list of the most popular professions for guys. Its demand cannot be overestimated, drawing attention to the fact that the construction of large facilities seems to never stop. It is also worth understanding that a builder becomes in demand when people need to make repairs in their house or apartment. In addition, it is worth noting that the knowledge and skills acquired during the training process will be useful to the future man in his personal life.

    Here we can also mention that this profession has mass status. This means that people can work as a builder with or without special education. The fact that the employer will most likely give preference to a certified specialist may be in favor of training. Thus, a builder is another option where it is better for a man to enroll after 9th grade.


    If you don’t know where it’s best for a girl to go after 9th grade, then pay attention to the profession of a seamstress. This profession is quite popular, primarily due to the fact that you can earn money either independently (every city has a huge number of ateliers and sewing workshops) or by working in one of almost 200 clothing factories throughout Russia. Here you need to immediately understand that the seamstress is not always only engaged in sewing new clothes. Very often she has to do simple and monotonous tasks like removing threads or cutting out parts of certain sizes. However, in any of these cases, the seamstress spends an enormous amount of time working with the sewing machine.

    Although this comes as a surprise to many, there is a whole list of diseases that can prevent a girl from becoming a seamstress. These include eczema, poor vision, and problems with the spine. If your health is in order, then the seamstress profession is suitable for you if you have the following qualities and skills:

    • have a good understanding of fabric types;
    • have perseverance and concentration at a high level;
    • You can boast of a good eye.


    The next popular option where it is better for a girl to enroll after 9th grade is nursing. Representatives of this profession provide qualified and very important assistance to doctors. Thus, this profession is suitable for those who want to help other people, but do not want to study to become a doctor for many years at a higher educational institution.

    First of all, if you decide to become a nurse, then you need to understand that there has always been and remains a very big competition for this profession. As a result, only applicants with high school grades and successfully passed entrance tests can count on getting the coveted place.

    Next, you need to perfectly understand the specifics of your future work if you want to become a nurse. Given their main responsibilities, representatives of the nursing staff are forced to administer IVs, give injections, bandage wounds, distribute medications to patients, fill out outpatient cards and much more. At the same time, it should be mentioned that the nursing profession has quite large employment opportunities, since hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, children's clinics and even military hospitals need this personnel. Here we can safely say that nurses will never be left without work.


    This profession is the third popular option where it is better for a girl to enter after 9th grade. From the very beginning, you need to understand that this profession is suitable for creative individuals who will be able to offer this creativity to their clients in the future. In addition, do not forget that it is a rather difficult profession - at first it is very difficult to spend the whole day standing on your feet. The more practice, the faster the body will get used to this load, so that fatigue will no longer be felt so strongly.

    To be a successful hairdresser, you need not only to be able to implement the wishes of clients, but also to have an excellent understanding of fashion trends in order to offer your services. The popularity of this profession is also due to the fact that in every city there are a huge number of beauty salons, which periodically require new employees. That is why we can safely say that a hairdresser can quite easily find a job. Finally, do not forget that a hairdresser can have an additional source of income in the form of working from home.

    Military or police officer

    These professions are the last on our list where it is better to enroll after 9th grade. The most interesting thing here is that they are somewhat popular among both boys and girls. As a rule, those guys who enroll in the military after 9th grade are those who either have military members among their relatives, or who themselves have firmly decided to join the army. Fortunately, they have many opportunities for this, provided by specialized schools. The main thing that future military personnel must understand is that the training will be quite complex, and a lot of attention will be paid to discipline. If you have problems with the latter, then the years of study will be very difficult for you.

    As for girls, you can very often come across the question, do they take girls into the police, is it possible to enroll after 9th grade? The answer is clear - it is possible, but not every girl can do it. First of all, you need to adequately assess your physical data. Even despite the fact that girls are subject to less stringent requirements, few are able to pass the entrance tests for physical fitness. Also, do not forget about assessing your health and psychological state.

    How to choose an educational institution

    When you have finally chosen your future profession, you need to decide on an educational institution. It often happens here that an applicant finds several educational institutions that train specialists in his chosen field. In this regard, there are a number of criteria that can help make the right choice in this case. They are the following aspects:

    1. Place. Some teenagers want to quickly leave their parents' home to study in another city and start their adult life. Others prefer to continue their studies in their hometown, close to family and friends. Quite often, it is the location of the educational institution that plays a decisive role.
    2. Contact with potential employers. Preference should be given to those institutions that maintain direct contacts with employers. In this case, you can be sure of regular practice and employment after graduation.
    3. Learning foreign languages. Modern society is experiencing an era of globalization, which increases the importance of the English language. Since not everyone can learn this language on their own, it is best to study it in parallel with mastering the main profession.
    4. Leisure. No matter how strange it may sound, years of professional training should not be spent solely on study. At this time, you should not forget about your hobbies, entertainment and meeting new people.


    The issue of choosing a future profession is very important for every student. Therefore, if a teenager shows a desire to leave school after 9th grade and begin learning a profession at a technical school or college, then parents should support him as much as possible and, if necessary, help in the question of where it is better to go after 9th grade.