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  • Fairy tales on various topics "grammatical fairy tales". A grammatical tale about auxiliary verbs in English A tale about verbs in Russian

    Fairy tales on various topics

    Once upon a time there lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state of speech.
    Each had their own house in the forest, everyone lived together, visited each other, sang songs, danced. And only one Verb, respected by everyone, walked around sad, sighed heavily, and then stopped visiting altogether.
    The council of elders collected parts of the speech. They sent the Noun Verb to Uncle to find out what was the matter. But the sad Verb did not
    talk about your trouble. No one was sent: Adjective, Numeral, Pronoun, Adverb, even little short ones Particle, Conjunction and Preposition ran to the Verb, but they never learned anything.
    Finally came the interjection. All the way it stumbled and sighed:
    - Oh, ah, uh, eh...
    When the Verb opened the door, it moaned loudly:
    - Oh-oh-oh... How we feel sorry for you, dear Verb!
    And the Interjection oohed and groaned for so long that the Verb decided to tell
    about your trouble.
    “How can I not be sad,” he began sadly, and from his eyes into this
    Tears began to fall for a minute. - The guys don’t like me, as soon as they start conjugating me, they confuse my endings: in the first conjugation you have to write the letter E in an unstressed position, and in the second - the letter I... The guys forget, they get angry with me... They even composed a teaser:
    Harmful uncle Verb,
    Why did you come to us?
    Twos, ones -
    Here are your sisters...
    The interjection first said “ha-ha-ha,” and then came to its senses and wrinkled its face:
    - Shame on them!
    - What should I do? - Verb sobbed loudly. - I love guys, because
    they are so active: they jump, run, draw, fight, scream... I live
    I can’t live without them... Oh, I have to, I have to do something, because I’m a Verb!
    The interjection groaned and ran to the parts of speech. They deliberated for a long time and decided that they couldn’t do it without the wise wizard Grammaticus. Sent
    delegation to Grammaticus.
    And the wizard-sage was just watering the flowers and singing songs. - website When the parts of speech told about the trouble of the Verb, Grammaticus scratched the back of his head (as is customary for thoughts to become wiser), and then said:
    - Now, remember the song and pass it on to the Verb, so that he can teach the kids.
    They will sing together - they will never make mistakes...

    Conjugations have a law
    And it is not at all complicated:
    Drive, hold,
    Look and see
    Breathe, hear, hate,
    And depend and twist,
    And offend and endure,
    And verbs that na -it,
    Besides two: laying and shaving, -
    We conjugate them with the letter I...
    To remember, repeat...

    Grammaticus repeated the song so many times that parts of the speech were remembered and they ran to please the unfortunate sufferer. The verb now walks around cheerfully, singing a song all day long. He forgot his previous troubles and is friends with the guys. They loved him. And what? The verb is also a person!

    Add a fairy tale to Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, Twitter or Bookmarks

        All night Zhenya was tormented by a mosquito: it bit the unfortunate boy on the nose, ear, left cheek, buzzed disgustingly, itched and rang. Zhenya waved his arms, and kicked his legs, and blew at the terrible mosquito, and even spat at it once - everything was useless! The mosquito grinned maliciously and again dived into Zhenya's ear! Then Zhenya lost patience: he jumped on the bed and I wanted to punch this mosquito was hit on the back with a fist to stop him from climbing, but the mosquito easily flapped its transparent wings and moved to the ceiling. “I’ll go look for a gun or, at worst, a sword,” Zhenya decided. “This vile mosquito bit me while I was sleeping and completely defenseless, you villain!” I challenge you to a duel!”

        Slapping his bare feet on the wooden steps, Zhenya went down into the yard. Despite the early hour, some strange guy in a hat was rushing around the yard at terrible speed. He was DOING SOMETHING all the time, and so quickly that it seemed as if he had not two arms and two legs, but several.

    You WHAT ARE YOU DOING here? – asked sternly his Zhenya. (After all, he remembered very well that the artist Name Adjective lives in this house and that yesterday he, Zhenya Apelsinkin, his sisters Yulka and Katyusha, and the fairy teacher Svetlana Danilovna stayed here all day, but did not meet any guy in a hat.)

    - What am I doing? - the wonderful guy was surprised. - I am talking with you . I still breathe through my nose, blink my eyes and smile with my mouth. Or maybe you want to know WHAT I DID while you were sleeping in the house? I chopped wood, carried water, watered flowers, hilled the beds, pulled out weeds and sprinkled sand on the paths. Now guess WHAT I WILL DO next? I will ask you who you are and WHAT YOU ARE DOING in my house.

    In your house?! You are confusing something, uncle, the artist Name Adjective lives here.

    Yes of course. She's my wife. And I'm her husband. Just yesterday we quarreled with her.

    Why? – Zhenya was surprised.

    Because of the hat.

    Because of what kind of hat?

    Because of mine, this one. - The guy took his hat off his head, stroked it gently, as if it were alive, and continued to talk. “You have...” she says to me...

    Who says hat? – Zhenya didn’t understand.

    No, wife! “Your hat,” he says, “is old-fashioned. These, he says, have not been worn for a long time. “I’ll go to the market specially,” he says, “and instead of this stupid hat I’ll buy you a baseball cap.” Orange. And we’ll give your hat to the frogs - they’ll make a nest in it.” And I say: “I won’t give it to you!” I didn’t buy this hat for frogs 25 years ago for 5 rubles. And in general, a Verb without a hat is not a Verb! (They call me Verb.) All Verbs in our family wore hats. This is our tradition!” And she: “Well, walk in your tradition as much as you want, but I’m ashamed to even stand next to your tradition.” Even the frogs laugh at her! (But I know that they are laughing on purpose so that they can give them my hat for the nest!) Choose,” he says, “me or your tradition, but while you choose, I’ll go to visit Father Noun.” Well, she left. What can I do if the Verb is only different from other inhabitants of the country of Speech...

    They are called PARTS OF SPEECH! – Zhenya inserted.

    Exactly, exactly. So, the Verb is only different from other parts of speech in that it wears a hat and answers questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT IS HE DOING? WHAT WILL BE DONE? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? Understand, boy…

    Me “name is Evgeniy Apelsinkin,” Zhenya interrupted.

       You see, boy Evgeny Apelsinkin, this is the nature of my work. I'm DOING something all the time:

    I'm a terrible business person:

    I throw myself into any business with my head.

    I solve problems, I play the violin,

    I'm pushing my neighbor's son in a stroller

    I spin yarn and buy bread,

    And I score goals at the stadium.

    I water the dill and trim the bushes

    And I sweep the whole yard very, very clean.

    I sprinkle the paths in the garden with sand,

    And after work I relax in the shade.

    And even when you sleep, do you do something?

    Well, of course! First of all, I sleep, then I snore, snore and puff. That is, no, I sleep, snore, snore and puff. Here!

    Marvelous! – Zhenya admired. - How many things to do in one night! It’s a pity that I can’t do that, otherwise I would certainly defeat the mosquito... Listen, Uncle Verb, you’re the one who will help me! There, in your house, a terrible terrible beast lives. It's called a mosquito. I challenged him to a duel. I’m just afraid that it’s not me who can deal with him, but he who can deal with me.

    ABOUT, don't be afraid, my young friend! We will put this scoundrel in his place! It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the country of Rech call me the Valiant Victor. All Biting Villains! Forward!

        When Verb and Zhenya went up to the bedroom, the mosquito was still sitting on the ceiling. The verb quickly rolled up a towel and accurately threw it at the ceiling. The chandelier clinked faintly, swayed and fell to the floor. The mosquito remained in place. He looked down at his uncle condescendingly and grinned. The verb became furious. He threw a pillow at the mosquito. Whitewash fell from the ceiling, and the mosquito calmly flew onto the bookshelf and smiled venomously. The verb perched himself on a stool and hit the bookshelf with all his might. The shelf crashed to the floor, the books scattered, and the mosquito climbed onto the curtain and giggled sarcastically.

        The verb gasped, waved his hands, grabbed the alarm clock from the bedside table and threw it at the villain. The window shattered with a clang, broken glass fell in different directions, and the mosquito made a farewell circle around the room and flew out of the window. Following the alarm clock.

        Uncle Verb was very upset. He sat down on the floor and clasped his hat-covered head in his hands.

        Oh-oh-oh!!!- he wailed. -How the wife will swear! And how many things do I now need to do: whitewash the ceiling, buy and hang a new chandelier, fix the shelf and put it in place, lift and arrange the books, dismantle the window glass and put it in the frame, collect the garbage, sweep the floor! So much to do! So many actions!

        But nothing! That's why I'm a verb. After all, I am active! I will repair, whitewash, buy, arrange, sweep and clean. After all, I am a Verb! ACTION is my life! Forward!

        And Uncle Verb began to make repairs. And Zhenya, of course, began to help him. Then Yulka and Katyusha Apelsinkin came to their aid, and behind them was the fairy teacher Svetlana Danilovna. forgot: “Verbs are words that name the actions of people, animals or objects. These words (verbs) answer questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT IS HE DOING? WHAT WILL BE DONE? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? For example, Uncle Verb (what did he do?) caught a mosquito, (what did he do?) destroyed the whole room. Now he urgently needs to make repairs and (what to do?) put everything in order. Therefore he (what is he doing?) trying, (what will it do?) will be in a hurry and (what will he do?) fix everything.


    (excerpt from Tatyana Rick’s book “HELLO, UNCLE VERB!”)

        We begin our report. The referee throws the slipper onto the field. Captain Fy grabs it and rushes towards the opponent's goal. Gu jumps over Zhu and takes the slipper from Fa. Ze rushes across the opponent and intercepts the slipper from his hands. Zhu pushes Ze, he falls, hurts himself and cries. Doctor Ai helps him: he bandages his knee. Goalkeeper Shi is worried. The referee awards a free kick. Defender Tsa groans and misses the slipper. The fans applaud and scream. The score is 1:0 in favor of the yellow faces. The players line up on the field and greet each other. The game ends. With this we say goodbye to you. See you again!

    Uncle verb, where is your newspaper? – Zhenya asked as soon as they left the stadium named after the famous champion I. Kozyavkin. – Look, maybe there’s something else interesting written there.

    It says about the zoo! - said Yulka. - I saw. Look here. “She took the newspaper from Verb and read aloud: “A new, unknown animal of enormous size was brought to the zoo named after the Most Eared Elephant Vitya. Come! Look!”

        At the zoo they were met by a girl in high heels and long eyelashes.

    “I’m a tour guide,” she said, “my last name is Shtuchkina.” I will show you our animals. Only they are not in the cages now. They were taken on a tour, to the north, to show them to the northern people. Therefore, our excursion will be like this: I will take you to the cage and tell you WHAT this animal DOES. And you will guess from the verbs who it is and imagine this animal.

    BEAST #1. Croaks. Flying around and stealing everything shiny?

    BEAST #2. Hisses, crawls, wriggles?

    BEAST #3. Grunts and slurps. Rolling around in the mud?

    BEAST #4. Meows, licks, laps milk?

    BEAST #5. Barks, bites, plays?

    BEAST #6. Screams, stomps, whistles, somersaults, pushes, spits. (Only this animal is not yet known)

    “I don’t know what this terrible beast looks like,” said Katya, “but it’s immediately obvious that he’s behaving badly.”

    Our Zhenya sometimes looks like this beast,” Yulka said sarcastically. - Yes, Evgeniy?

        But for some reason Zhenya didn’t answer. And then everyone realized that he was just sleeping on the move. (Of course! He fought with a mosquito for half the night!) And then the fairy teacher sat down on the bench and took him in her arms.

    Svetlana Danilovna, I really want to sleep,” Zhenya complained. - Tell me something before going to bed, you know a lot of fairy tales. I can even close my eyes when you tell me.

    Fine. Just let’s agree this way: when a verb appears in a fairy tale, open your right eye. OK?

    How about the left one?


    Skzaka about the verb BEND

        Once upon a time there was a verb TO BEND. He bent in the past, and in the future he will bend again. And although this verb was perfect on all sides, it did not have a real one. And his children - the gerunds - were always bent, and his grandchildren - the gerunds - were doomed to live bent all their lives.

        The verb to bend was angry: “I don’t have the present. My children have no future! What kind of perfection is this?”

        He sold his prefix so-, returnable particle - xia and left for another country. He became a businessman. He began to bend others. His children forgot their “bent” past, although they were now, like dad, imperfect.

        And soon the verb BEND became rich, and for complete perfection he acquired the prefixes raz- and o-, and even bought back the particle -sya. He straightened up.

        And it doesn’t matter that his children, even though they are bright and perfect, still have no future.

        But the grandchildren - gerunds - will always live straight, straightening up, and boldly look into the future.

    PARTS OF SPEECH sat on the stove. They fell to the floor and a VERB came out.

    How can you understand the conjugation of the English verb “to be” if you don’t even understand what a conjugation is? How to use the auxiliary verbs “do” and “does” if such concepts do not exist in Russian? You can, of course, read the entry “” and understand everything. Or you can read a grammatical tale about auxiliary verbs. The fairy tale will be interesting not only for young children, but also for adults themselves.

    If it is necessary to explain the conjugation of verbs to children, then Tamara Bobrova from Moscow suggests setting up a stand as follows: Place three houses on the stand in which pronouns live. In the first house – “I”, in the second house – “he, she, it”, in the third house – “we, you, they”. Both the houses and the characters living in them can be decorated in the style of Walt Disney cartoons. You need to prepare pictures in advance that depict cartoon characters denoting the verbs “be”, “am”, “is”, “are”. And you can start telling the story.

    A grammatical tale about auxiliary verbs

    In a certain kingdom there was a small town with three houses in which lived very interesting inhabitants.

    In the first house lived I, who was very selfish and arrogant: he wrote his name only with a capital letter, was not friends with anyone and lived alone. Two faithful friends settled in the neighboring house: he and she, who had a favorite toy it. We, you, they lived in the third house. The city was ruled by the wise sorceress Grammar.

    One day the verb be came to the city. He didn't know anyone here and wanted to make friends with the residents. He knocked on the house where I lived and very politely said: “Hello, my name is be, let’s be friends!” But I replied: “Go away, I don’t like you!” Be was very upset and left. He was received just as unkindly in the other two houses. Be didn't know what to do, he was so lonely!

    In tears, he came to the sorceress Grammar and told her about his misfortune. She listened to him and decided to help. She said: “I am very sorry that my subjects treated you this way. Let's deceive them a little. You see, there is a chest in the corner. It contains masks and different clothes. Change your clothes!" Be changed clothes and became the verb am. In this form he came to I and was joyfully received by him. In a similar way, he changed his clothes two more times, became the verbs is and are, and became friends with all the inhabitants of the city.

    Hint for adults

    This fairy tale makes it clear that the verbs am, is, are are still the same verb be, only “in disguise”. The conjugation of the verb have can be explained in a similar way. When studying the interrogative and negative forms of familiar verbs, we can say that am, is, are, have, has are so strong that they can do everything themselves: in questions they come first or after the question word, and in negatives the particle not becomes immediately after them.

    When the study of verbs that require auxiliary verbs do, does in interrogative and negative sentences begins, the tale can be continued. On the stand in front of each house there is an image of a car, where it is written: do (in front of the houses with I, we, you, they) and does (in front of the house with he, she, it). Pictures indicating verbs like want, like, love are also attached to the stand. Explain to the children that these verbs are weak and cannot form questions and negatives on their own. They need helpers. Cars do and does will help them, but since does is a more comfortable car, it charges for services - ending s.

    Once upon a time there lived in a certain kingdom, in a certain state of speech.
    Each had their own house in the forest, everyone lived together, visited each other, sang songs, danced. And only one Verb, respected by everyone, walked around sad, sighed heavily, and then stopped visiting altogether.
    The council of elders collected parts of the speech. They sent the Noun Verb to Uncle to find out what was the matter. But the sad Verb did not
    talk about your trouble. No one was sent: Adjective, Numeral, Pronoun, Adverb, even little short ones Particle, Conjunction and Preposition ran to the Verb, but they never learned anything.
    Finally came the interjection. All the way it stumbled and sighed:
    - Oh, ah, uh, eh...
    When the Verb opened the door, it moaned loudly:
    - Oh-oh-oh... How we feel sorry for you, dear Verb!
    And the Interjection oohed and groaned for so long that the Verb decided to tell
    about your trouble.
    “How can I not be sad,” he began sadly, and from his eyes into this
    Tears began to fall for a minute. - The guys don’t like me, as soon as they start conjugating me, they confuse my endings: in the first conjugation you have to write the letter E in an unstressed position, and in the second - the letter I... The guys forget, they get angry with me... They even composed a teaser:
    Harmful uncle Verb,
    Why did you come to us?
    Twos, ones -
    Here are your sisters...
    The interjection first said “ha-ha-ha,” and then came to its senses and wrinkled its face:
    - Shame on them!
    - What should I do? - Verb sobbed loudly. - I love guys, because
    they are so active: they jump, run, draw, fight, scream... I live
    I can’t live without them... Oh, I have to, I have to do something, because I’m a Verb!
    The interjection groaned and ran to the parts of speech. They deliberated for a long time and decided that they couldn’t do it without the wise wizard Grammaticus. Sent
    delegation to Grammaticus.
    And the wizard-sage was just watering the flowers and singing songs. When parts of the speech told about the trouble of the Verb, Grammaticus scratched the back of his head (as is customary for thoughts to become wiser), and then said:
    - Now, remember the song and pass it on to the Verb, so that he can teach the kids.
    They will sing together - they will never make mistakes...

    Conjugations have a law
    And it is not at all complicated:
    Drive, hold,
    Look and see
    Breathe, hear, hate,
    And depend and twist,
    And offend and endure,
    And verbs that na -it,
    Besides two: laying and shaving, -
    We conjugate them with the letter I...
    To remember, repeat...

    Grammaticus repeated the song so many times that parts of the speech were remembered and they ran to please the unfortunate sufferer. The verb now walks around cheerfully, singing a song all day long. He forgot his previous troubles and is friends with the guys. They loved him. And what? The verb is also a person!

    Elena Rodionova
    A fairy tale about verbs in the indefinite form for a Russian language lesson

    « The tale of how we learned to distinguish between twins - verbs

    indeterminate form»

    (To Russian language lesson when studying the indefinite form


    In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen, and they had two sons, two twins - verb. Throughout the kingdom they were loved for their restlessness. They could run, talk, laugh, cry almost simultaneously. But the trouble is - they were so similar that even their parents could not tell them apart. And then the king declared his subjects: “Who will find difference in my sons - verbs, will receive a bag of gold"

    Many have tried, but to no avail. And so the king announced the order again. Then an old man came to the palace, and his name was Question. About himself he said so:

    I am a Question, although I am old, I am smart and brave. If I just want, I can distinguish everyone in the world.

    Old Man Question approached the king and speaks:

    I myself cannot distinguish between your sons, you must do this, and I will help.

    But what should I do? - exclaimed the surprised king.

    “We need to marry one of your sons with my granddaughter Prefix,” the old man answered.

    The prefix was very beautiful, and the king happily agreed and married her to his youngest son Verb. Since then they have never separated. And old man Question gave the brothers a magic chest containing magic questions. Senior Verb - question"what to do?", and the youngest with the Prefix - "what to do?". From then on, everything fell into place in the kingdom. When they ask the question of what to do? - the older brother comes to the rescue, and when to do what? - the younger brother with the Prefix. Since that time they have been distinguished this way. The king gave the old man Question a bag of gold, and his sons - half the kingdom, where they began to manage their courtiers, and he himself retired from state affairs. True, it’s a pity that no one knows at what time this happened, and we cannot see the portraits of the princes - Verbs and Prefixes like this, what they really were, since there were no photo workshops at that time. That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

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