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  • Biology test at population and species level. Population-species level. Questions for the test in medical biology. Simulation task

    Biology test at population and species level.  Population-species level.  Questions for the test in medical biology.  Simulation task

    choose one correct answer (1 point)

    A1. What science studies the diversity of relationships between populations of the same species and populations of different species in a community, as well as the relationship of the community with the environment? A) morphology B) genetics C) ecology D) ergonomics

    A2. All components of the habitat that influence the life activity of any organism, population, species are called: A) driving factors of evolution B) abiotic factors C) biotic factors D) environmental factors

    A3. What is the name of the form of existence of a species that ensures its adaptability to life in certain conditions? A) herd B) individual C) population D) colony

    A4. Indicators of population fluctuations are: A) the relationship between the birth rate and death of individuals in the population B) the action of natural selection C) the relationship between parents and their descendants D) the manifestation of hereditary variability

    A6. A limiting factor is a factor: A) reducing the survival rate of a species B) with a value slightly lower than optimal C) with a wide range of values ​​D) only anthropogenic

    A7. The structural unit of a species is: A) individual B) colony C) flock D) population

    A8 Abiotic factors for animals are: A) other animals inhabiting a given natural community B) temperature and humidity of their habitat C) plants they feed on D) microorganisms that cause diseases in animals

    A9. Due to the isolation of populations in nature: A) interspecific competition intensifies B) competition within the species intensifies C) the effect of natural selection is weakened D) hereditary changes accumulate in them

    A10. The appearance of fertile offspring in individuals of the same population is possible due to the similarity of their: A) chromosome set B) metabolic processes C) the structure of somatic cells D) processes of formation of germ cells

    Part B (2 points)




    Part C (3 points)

    C1. The population is considered the unit of evolution. Justify this statement.

    TOTAL 15 points

    “5” - 13-15 points, “4” - 10-12 points, “3” - 7-9 points.

    Test on the topic “Populations” in 9th grade (answers)


    Job No.

    Part B




    Part C

    (other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)

    Response elements:

    In the population:

    1) mutations accumulate, leading to changes in the gene pool

    2) migration of individuals and exchange of genes occurs

    3) there is a struggle for existence and natural selection

    The answer is correct and complete, includes all the above elements of the answer, does not contain biological errors

    The answer is correct, but incomplete, includes 2 of the above answer elements, does not contain biological errors

    The answer is incomplete, includes 1 of the above answer elements, possible biological inaccuracies

    Wrong answer

    Maximum score

    THEM. Galitskaya, biology teacher

    MB NOU "Gymnasium No. 62", Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

    Test on the topic “Population-species standard of living”

    Option 1

    A. K. Linnaeus V. C. Darwin

    B. J.B. Lamarck G. A. Weisman

    2. The theory of evolution can rightly be considered a theory created by:

    A. C. Darwin and C. Lyell W. C. Darwin and A. Wallace

    B. C. Darwin and A. Weisman

    3. The book, which sets out the main provisions of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin, is called:

    A. “Philosophy of Botany” B. “Origin of Species”

    B. “Philosophy of Zoology” G. “On the Nature of Things”

    4. Which statement is most correct?

    5. As a result of artificial selection, the following arose:

    A. Breeds of rabbits with pure white fur

    B. Reproduction of chickens with eggs

    B. Horses' hooves

    D. Protective coloration of the white hare

    6. Intraspecific struggle includes (examples of death of dandelion individuals):

    A. Herbivores feed on dandelion seedlings

    B. Dandelion seeds die in the desert and Antarctica, on rocks

    B. Dandelion plants die from pathogenic bacteria and viruses D. The dandelions themselves displace each other

    7. Evolutionary changes leading to simplification of the organization are called:

    A. Idioadaptations B. Degenerations

    B. Regression D. Aromorphoses

    8. Aromorphosis in plants is:

    A. Photosynthesis B. Pollination by insects

    B. Dispersal of seeds by wind

    9. The most ancient people include:

    A. Sinanthropus B. Australopithecus

    B. Neanderthal G. Cro-Magnon

    10. Joint labor activity among human ancestors led to the appearance of:

    A. S-shaped spine B. Arched foot

    B. Social lifestyle D. Upright walking

    Option 2

    1. The development of systematics in the pre-Darwinian period of biology is associated with the works of:

    A. J.B. Lamarck V. Aristotle

    B. D. Ray G. K. Linnaeus

    2. The driving force of evolution according to Lamarck is:

    A. God

    B. Natural laws of nature

    B. The desire of nature itself for progress

    3. The main significance of Charles Darwin’s theory is:

    A. In the creation of the first evolutionary doctrine

    B. In explaining the reasons for the origin of life on Earth

    B. In developing the concept of natural selection

    D. In explaining heredity

    4. Two cultivated plants - barley and rye - have the same number of chromosomes (14), but do not cross. Determine the number of types and the criteria to be followed.

    A. One species, by morphological criterion

    B. Two species, by morphological criterion

    B. One species, genetic criterion

    D. Two species, genetic criterion

    5. Natural selection is called:

    A. The struggle for existence

    B. Survival and reproduction of the fittest individuals C. Survival and reproduction of the strongest individuals

    6. An example of the action of a stabilizing form of natural selection is:

    A. Death of long-winged and short-winged sparrows during storms

    B. Disappearance of white butterflies in industrial areas

    B. Breeding a new variety under different conditions

    7. Idioadaptation is the appearance in animals of:

    A. Warm-bloodedness B. Different beak shapes of birds

    B. Live birth D. Four-chambered heart

    8. Changes associated with an increase in the number of individuals of a species, expansion of the range, formation of new species, subspecies and populations are called:

    A. Progress B. Aromorphoses

    B. Regression D. Idioadaptations

    9. The first to master articulate speech:

    A. Neanderthals B. Sinanthropus

    B. Pithecanthropus G. Cro-Magnons

    10. Australopithecus, unlike Pithecanthropus:

    A. Walked on two legs B. Had a smaller brain volume

    B. Knew how to make tools D. Was covered with wool


    Option 1

    1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – a, 6 – d, 7 – c, 8 – a, 9 – a, 10 – b

    Option 2

    1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – b, 6 – a, 7 – c, 8 – a, 9 – d, 10 – c

    Questions for the test in medical biology.


    1. Qualitative features of living matter. Principles of organization in time and space. Levels of organization of living things.

    What is life?

    Life is a macromolecular open system characterized by:

    hierarchical organization,

    ability to self-reproduce,


    finely regulated energy flow.

    Life is a core of order, spreading through a less ordered Universe.

    Properties of life

    Metabolism or metabolism

    A living system in relation to its environment is an open system


    Ability to resist increasing entropy


    Storage and use of genetic information

    Ability to grow and differentiate in ontogenesis

    Irritability and excitability




    The ability of living organisms to interact with others as part of biological communities - biocenoses that make up the biosphere


    A way of interaction of living beings with the environment, the essence of which is interconnected and balanced processes assimilation or anabolism And dissimilation or catabolism

    assimilation - formation of new and renewal of existing elements of the body

    dissimilation- breakdown of organic compounds to provide the body with necessary substances and energy

    A prerequisite for metabolism is a constant flow of substances into the body from the environment and the release of dissimilation products (substances and energy) into the external environment.

    Organism (living system) - in relation to the environment open system, with which it constantly exchanges matter and energy .

    WITH structure -

    Identification of homogeneous parts of a system with certain physical properties and separated from other parts by an interface (water and lipid in a cell phases, organelles)

    An indispensable condition for the effective implementation in very small volumes (cell) of a large number of metabolic reactions.

    A living organism is distinguished by a high degree of structure and low entropy, thanks to the constant influx of energy from outside, used to maintain internal structures, and the ability to resist an increase in entropy

    A living organism is an energy system subject to the laws of thermodynamics

    Entropy is a thermodynamic function that characterizes the energy state, the relationship between structure, metabolism and openness of living systems

    Self-updating –

    reconstruction of structures to replace those lost, thanks to the use of living systems to build their structures and ensure all aspects of life biological (genetic) information

    The storage and use of biological (genetic) information based on unique information macromolecules of biopolymers - proteins and nucleic acids - is an important property of life.

    height- increase in the mass and linear dimensions of an individual due to an increase in the number and size of cells and non-cellular formations

    differentiation - transformation in the process of individual development of the organism (ontogenesis) of initially identical, unspecialized cells of the embryo into specialized cells of tissues and organs

    ontogenesis(individual development of an organism) - a set of transformations undergone by an organism from inception to the end of life

    Irritability - the property of organisms to respond to environmental influences by changes in their state or activity

    Excitability- the ability of living cells to perceive changes in the external environment and respond to these changes with an excitation reaction

    Hierarchical levels of life organization

    Molecular genetic


    Organismal or ontogenetic



    The levels of the hierarchical system of life are determined based on the allocation

    elementary unit and elementary phenomenon

    elementary unit- a structure or object whose regular changes, denoted as elementary phenomenon, make a contribution specific to this level to the process of preservation and development of life

    Molecular genetic level

    elementary unitgene ( fragment of a nucleic acid molecule) in which a certain amount of biological (genetic) information is recorded.

    Elementary phenomenon - reduplication or self-reproduction of biological information, which ensures the continuity and preservation of the properties of organisms over a number of generations. Reduplication is the basis of heredity. Biological information contained in DNA is transferred into an active form, being transferred into protein molecules thanks to the mechanism matrix synthesis mRNA that controls protein biosynthesis. Matrix synthesis of information macromolecules This also an elementary phenomenon.

    Cellular level

    The elementary unit is the cell

    Elementary phenomenon- cellular metabolic reactions. In the cell, incoming substances are converted into substrates and energy and used in accordance with genetic information in the process of proteins and other substances needed by the body.

    At the cellular level, mechanisms for the transmission of biological information and the transformation of substances and energy are coupled. An elementary phenomenon at this level serves as the energetic and material basis of life at all other levels of its organization.

    Organismal level

    The elementary unit is the individual from origin to cessation of existence as a living system, which allows us to also call this level ontogenetic.

    Elementary phenomenon- s natural changes in the body in individual development.

    These changes ensure the growth of the organism, the differentiation of its parts and at the same time the integration of development into a single whole. During ontogenesis, under environmental conditions, the embodiment of hereditary information into biological structures and processes occurs, and the phenotype of organisms of a given species is formed on the basis of the genotype.

    Population-species level

    elementary unit- population ( a collection of individuals of the same species), representing open genetic system

    elementary phenomena - evolutionarily significant changes in the gene pool of a population under the influence of elementary evolutionary factors (mutation process, fluctuations in the number of individuals, natural selection

    The process of “translation” of hereditary information occurs at the level of life organization

    1) cellular

    2) organismal

    3) biogeocenotic

    4) molecular


    Events at the cellular level provide bioinformational and material-energy support for the phenomenon of life at all levels of its organization. Today, science has reliably established that the smallest independent unit of structure, functioning and development of a living organism is the cell, which is an elementary biological system capable of self-renewal, self-reproduction and development. In the cell, biological (genetic, hereditary) information is stored and embodied in life processes - DNA, the matrix mechanism of DNA replication and protein synthesis.

    The translation process is the process of protein synthesis from amino acids on an mRNA (mRNA) matrix, carried out by a ribosome. Several components of the cell are involved, so the answer is at the cellular level of organization.

    Answer: 1

    Section: Basics of cytology

    Guest 26.05.2014 18:14

    Hello. Does the process of transmitting hereditary information occur at the cellular level? I think it's molecular. There was a similar question slightly higher and the molecular level of organization was indicated there.

    Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

    The most important life processes occur at the molecular genetic level - coding, transmission and implementation of hereditary information. At the same level of life organization, the process of changing hereditary information takes place.

    On organoid cellular level, the most important life processes occur: metabolism (including protein biosynthesis - TRANSLATION) and energy conversion in the cell, its growth, development and division.

    Guest 23.03.2015 19:21

    At the molecular level, such processes occur as: transfer of genetic information - replication, transcription, translation.

    At the cellular level, processes occur such as cellular metabolism, life cycles and division, which are regulated by enzyme proteins.

    (Information based on the “Collection of multi-level tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam.” The author of the collection is A.A. Kirilenko)

    Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

    Molecular level. The basis of organization at this level is represented by 4 nitrogenous bases, 20 amino acids, several hundred thousand biochemical reactions, almost all of which are associated with the synthesis or decomposition of ATP - the universal energy component of living things.

    Cellular level. The cell is the minimal unit of life. All living things are made up of cells. The basic mechanisms of life reproduction operate at the cellular level.

    At the cellular level, there are two main processes necessary for the self-reproduction of life - mitosis - cell division with preservation of the number of chromosomes and genes, and meiosis - reduction division necessary for the production of germ cells - gametes.

    Test work on the topic

    “Population-species and ecosystem levels”

    A1 .Power networks are

    1.connections between parents and offspring

    2.genetic connections

    3.metabolism of the body cell.

    4.paths of transfer of substances and energy in the ecosystem

    A2 . All species that form the food web exist due to the organic matter created

    1.only plants

    2.only plants and animals

    3. animals, bacteria, fungi

    4.plants, cyano- and chemosynthetic bacteria.

    A3. the bulk of terrestrial biomass is





    A4. The sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems is mainly determined

    1.a wide variety of species of living organisms

    2. predominance of the number of animal species

    3.a small number of species of living organisms

    4.equal number of species of animals and plants

    A5. The stability of an ecosystem increases if it

    2.the number of decomposer species decreases

    3.the number of species of all living organisms increases

    4.all plants disappear

    A6. The most stable system is

    1.wheat field

    2. Orchard

    3. Steppe

    4. Cultural pasture

    A7. A community purposefully created by man is called


    2. Biogeocenosis

    3. Agrocenosis

    4. Biosphere

    A8. Founder of the doctrine of the biosphere

    1. S.S. Chetverikov
    2. 2. N.I. Vavilov
    3. 3. V.I. Vernadsky
    4. 4. B.L. Astaurov

    A9. A living thing in the biosphere is

    1. The totality of all plants on the planet

    2. The totality of all animals on the planet

    3. The totality of all microbes on the planet

    4. The totality of all living organisms on the planet

    A10. The biosphere is an open system, because she

    1. receives and gives off energy

    2. only gives off energy

    3. just gets energy

    4. neither receives nor gives out energy

    A11. main feature of the biosphere

    1. The presence of living organisms in it
    2. . The presence in it of non-living components processed by living organisms
    3. . Cycle of substances controlled by living organisms
    4. . Solar Energy Bonding

    A12. Contributes to the strengthening of the greenhouse effect

    1.carbon dioxide

    2. Propane

    3. Nitrogen dioxide

    4. Ozone

    A13. greatest number of speciesfound in ecosystems

    1. Temperate evergreen forests
    2. 2. Wet tropics
    3. 3. Deciduous temperate forests
    4. 4. Taigi one of the main reasons for the decline in the diversity of animal species

    1.increasing consumption of food

    2. Excessive reproduction of predators

    3. Habitat destruction

    4. Accumulation of pesticides in the environment. environment.

    A15. The main evolving unit in the animal kingdom is

    1. Family
    2. 2. Population
    3. 3. Class
    4. 4. Individual

    A16.Which member of the food chain will receive the least amount of energy per unit of body weight?

    Plant - rodent predator - flea


    2. Rodent

    3. To the predator

    4. Bacteria

    A17.The food chain reflects:

    1. Flows of energy and nutrients from one organism to another
    2. Dependence of organisms on each other
    3. Nutritional nature
    4. .herbivory and carnivory of organisms

    A18. The main criterion of the type is

    1. Mophological
    2. . Physiological
    3. . Genetic
    4. . Geographical

    A19. Organic substances during photosynthesis are formed from

    1. Proteins and hydrocarbons
    2. . Oxygen and carbon dioxide
    3. . Carbon dioxide and water
    4. Oxygen and hydrogen.

    A20. The difference between living and nonliving is:

    1. The use of energy by living systems to maintain their growth and development
    2. Differences in the chemical elements that make up the systems
    3. Ability to move
    4. Ability to increase mass.

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