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  • B. Zakhoder Funny poems - Bird school. Bird school Bird school boris zakhoder teaches what

    B. Zakhoder Funny poems - Bird school.  Bird school Bird school boris zakhoder teaches what

    Bird school

    On an old linden tree in the yard
    Great excitement.
    Someone hung it at dawn
    This ad:
    “The school for chicks is open!
    Classes start at five o'clock.
    Here you can even in summer
    Study all subjects!”

    And exactly at five o'clock in the morning
    Bird babies flocked:
    Sparrows, jackdaws,
    Magpies, crows,
    Tits and starlings.

    They chirp and laugh
    They squeak, cackle, peck,
    They push, they fight...
    What will you do -

    But then the teacher flew into the classroom,
    And the turmoil subsided.
    Sits more quietly than pigeons
    Youth on the branches.
    Teacher - Old Sparrow,
    You won't fool him!
    He is fair, but very strict.
    - So, friends, let's start the lesson!

    We have
    Calligraphy. -
    Sparrows and checkmarks
    They sit, take out their sticks...

    The second lesson is native language.
    Remember: it’s written “chirk”,
    And it's pronounced "chivik"
    Or “chilik”, as you are used to!

    Now let's start reading
    Favorite children's books.
    Read with expression
    Poem "Chizhik-Pyzhik".

    Let's say Chizh goes to the board...
    Well, why are you silent, my friend?
    - "Chizhik-Pyzhik! Where have you been?"
    And what next, I forgot...

    But then the bell rang.
    - Jump for now.
    And who is hungry?
    It'll kill the worm!

    Now natural science.
    Let's write down two tasks:
    "Where the crumbs are collected"
    And “How to escape from a cat.”

    Great! Finally
    There will be singing today.
    Everyone, even the yellow-mouthed ones,
    They sing with great eagerness.

    Here is the best student
    Separately in the picture:
    He sang “chik-chirik” three times
    Almost without a hitch!

    And here on this thread
    Marks have been made.
    All have A's.
    Well done!
    Fly home, chicks!

    A poem by Boris Zakhoder tells that an announcement appeared in the yard that a school for chicks had been opened. The announcement stated that classes start at 5:00 am, and that you can study at this school even in the summer. The next day, early in the morning, many chicks flocked: sparrows, siskins, swifts, crows, starlings and others. Everyone was noisy, loud, chirping... The raven teacher flew in, and everyone fell silent. The lesson has begun. On this day, the chicks studied calligraphy, their native language and natural history, as well as singing. At the end of the day, we all received straight A's and went home.

    This poem shows that you can always learn, no matter what. If you have a desire to do something, then if you put in the effort, everything will work out.

    Picture or drawing Zakhoder - Bird School

    Other retellings for the reader's diary

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      • Performed by: Vera Vasilyeva, Alexey Batalov, Alexander Pinegin, Svetlana Koroteeva..
      • Type: mp3
      • Size: 4.50 MB
      • Duration: 00:03:16
      • Download the story for free
    • Listen to poetry online

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    Boris Zakhoder

    Bird school

    On an old linden tree in the yard
    Great excitement.
    Someone hung it at dawn
    This ad:
    "The school for chicks is open!
    Classes start at five o'clock.
    Here you can even in summer
    Study all subjects!"
    And exactly at five o'clock in the morning
    Bird babies flocked:
    Sparrows, jackdaws,
    Magpies, crows,
    Tits and starlings.
    They chirp and laugh
    They squeak, cackle, peck,
    They push, they fight...
    What will you do
    But then the teacher flew into the classroom,
    And the turmoil subsided.
    Sits more quietly than pigeons
    There are youth on the branches.
    Teacher - Old Sparrow,
    You won't fool him!
    He is fair, but very strict.
    - So, friends, let's start the lesson!
    We have
    Sparrows and checkmarks
    They sit, take out their sticks...
    - The second lesson is the native language.
    Let's remember: it's written "chirp"
    And it's pronounced "chivik"
    Or “chilik”, as you are used to!
    Now let's start reading
    Favorite children's books.
    Read with expression
    Poem "Chizhik-Pyzhik".
    For example, Chizh will go to the board...
    Well, why are you silent, my friend?
    - "Chizhik-Pyzhik! Where have you been?"
    And what next, I forgot...
    But then the bell rang.
    - Jump for now.
    And who is hungry?
    It'll kill the worm!
    - Now natural science.
    Let's write down two tasks:
    "Where the crumbs are collected"
    And "How to escape from a cat."
    Great! Finally
    There will be singing today.
    Everyone, even the yellow-mouthed ones,
    They sing with great eagerness.
    Here is the best student
    Separately in the picture:
    He sang "chick-cheek" three times
    Almost without a hitch!
    And here on this thread
    Marks have been made.
    All have A's.
    Well done!

    Boris Zakhoder

    Bird school

    On an old linden tree in the yard
    Great excitement.
    Someone hung it at dawn
    This ad:
    "The school for chicks is open!
    Classes start at five o'clock.
    Here you can even in summer
    Study all subjects!"
    And exactly at five o'clock in the morning
    Bird babies flocked:
    Sparrows, jackdaws,
    Magpies, crows,
    Tits and starlings.
    They chirp and laugh
    They squeak, cackle, peck,
    They push, they fight...
    What will you do
    But then the teacher flew into the classroom,
    And the turmoil subsided.
    Sits more quietly than pigeons
    There are youth on the branches.
    Teacher - Old Sparrow,
    You won't fool him!
    He is fair, but very strict.
    - So, friends, let's start the lesson!
    We have
    Sparrows and checkmarks
    They sit, take out their sticks...
    - The second lesson is the native language.
    Let's remember: it's written "chirp"
    And it's pronounced "chivik"
    Or “chilik”, as you are used to!
    Now let's start reading
    Favorite children's books.
    Read with expression
    Poem "Chizhik-Pyzhik".
    For example, Chizh will go to the board...
    Well, why are you silent, my friend?
    - "Chizhik-Pyzhik! Where have you been?"
    And what next, I forgot...
    But then the bell rang.
    - Jump for now.
    And who is hungry?
    It'll kill the worm!
    - Now natural science.
    Let's write down two tasks:
    "Where the crumbs are collected"
    And "How to escape from a cat."
    Great! Finally
    There will be singing today.
    Everyone, even the yellow-mouthed ones,
    They sing with great eagerness.
    Here is the best student
    Separately in the picture:
    He sang "chick-cheek" three times
    Almost without a hitch!
    And here on this thread
    Marks have been made.
    All have A's.
    Well done!
    Fly home, chicks!

    Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (September 9, 1918, Cahul, Bessarabia - November 7, 2000, Moscow) - Soviet Russian poet, children's writer, translator, popularizer of world children's classics.
    Boris Zakhoder published his first poem for children, “Battleship,” in 1947 under the pseudonym Boris West in the magazine “Zateinik.” The main theme of Zakhoder’s poems for children is the animal world. Among the characters in his children's poems are ferrets, ostriches, kangaroos, antelopes, camels and other animals. As befits the heroes of children's works, animals in Zakhoder's poems for children commit evil and good deeds, talk and argue among themselves and with people, and make requests for justice and protection. The famous writer Lev Kassil spoke highly of the work of Boris Zakhoder, predicting great fame for the poet. In Russian children's literature, Zakhoder is also known as a translator. He translated into Russian such famous works for children as Winnie the Pooh, Mary Poppins, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and The Town Musicians of Bremen.

    Bird school

    On an old linden tree in the yard
    Great excitement.
    Someone hung it at dawn
    This ad:
    “School is open for chicks!
    Classes start at five o'clock.
    Here you can even in summer
    Study all subjects!”

    And exactly at five o'clock in the morning
    Bird babies flocked:
    Sparrows, jackdaws,
    Magpies, crows,
    Tits and starlings.
    They chirp and laugh
    They squeak, cackle, peck,
    They push, they fight...
    What will you do -

    But then the teacher flew into the classroom

    And the turmoil subsided.
    Sits more quietly than pigeons
    There are youth on the branches.
    Teacher - Old Sparrow,
    You won't fool him!

    He is fair, but very strict.
    - So, friends, let's start the lesson!
    We have
    Calligraphy. -
    Sparrows and checkmarks
    They sit, take out their sticks...

    The second lesson is native language.
    Remember: it’s written “chirk”,
    And it's pronounced "chivik"
    Or “chilik”, as you are used to!

    Now let's start reading
    Favorite children's books.
    We read with expression.
    Poem "Chizhik-Pyzhik".
    Well, why are you silent, my friend?
    - "Chizhik-Pyzhik! Where have you been?"
    And what next, I forgot...
    But then the bell rang.

    Jump for now.
    And who is hungry?
    It'll kill the worm!

    Now natural science.
    Let's write down two tasks:
    "Where the crumbs are collected"
    And “How to escape from a cat.”

    Great! Finally
    There will be singing today.

    Everyone, even the yellow-mouthed ones,
    They sing with great eagerness.
    Here is the best student
    Separately in the picture:
    He sang “chik-chirik” three times
    Almost without a hitch!
    And here on this thread
    Marks have been made.
    All have A's.
    Well done!
    Fly home, chicks!

    Boris Zakhoder


    SONG - ABC

    Written beauties,
    They live on the same page,
    And they are famous everywhere!
    They are rushing to you now,
    Glorious sisters, -
    We really ask all the guys
    Make friends with them!

    A, B, C, D, D, F, F
    We rolled up on a hedgehog!

    3, i, k, l, m, n, o
    Together we climbed out the window!

    P, R, S, T, U, F, X
    They saddled the rooster, -

    C, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I -
    That's all they are, friends!

    Thirty-three sisters,
    Written beauties,
    They live on the same page,
    And they are famous everywhere!

    Meet them, kids!
    Here they are - standing next to each other.
    It's very bad to live in the world
    For those who are not familiar with them!

    Boris Zakhoder, poems for children

    Drawings by U. Shalin