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  • Ancient history of Donbass. Amvrosievskaya site. Primitive system on the territory of Donbass

    Ancient history of Donbass.  Amvrosievskaya site.  Primitive system on the territory of Donbass

    HISTORY OF DONBASS FROM ANCIENTITY TO OUR TIMES (Part 1) THE EDGE OF ANCIENTITY print - the ancient history of DonbassArchaeological research indicates that the territory of the Donetsk region has been inhabited since ancient times. About 150 thousand years ago, hunters of elephants and cave bears lived on the spurs of the Donetsk Ridge (confirmation of this are finds near Artemovsk and Makeevka). An ancient Stone Age site was discovered not far from Amvrosievka, in the upper reaches of the Kazennaya Balka rivers, near the villages of Bogorodichnoye, Prishib and Tatyanovka. In terms of its scale and the number of objects found, the Amvrosievskaya site is the largest known Late Paleolithic site in Europe.

    Man of the modern type (Amvrosievskoye Kostishche, a camp near the town of Mospino, workshops near the villages of Krasnoye and Belaya Gora) farmed in the foothills of the Donetsk Ridge in the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Ages. Known sites on the territory of Artemovsky, Krasnolimansky, Slavyansky districts, on the outskirts of Kramatorsk. In the Vydylykha tract, not far from Svyatogorsk, flint tools from the Neolithic era were found, the age of which is estimated at 7 thousand years. The Mariupol soil burial ground is widely known. VI millennium BC e. It belongs to one of the tribes of the Lower Don archaeological culture, which continuously lived at the mouth of the Kalmius River for two hundred years. People made ceramics, weaved, and raised cattle. Even then, people had artistic taste and a desire for beauty. This is evidenced by the jewelry made from various materials found during excavations. Active settlement of the region and the struggle for territory began during the era of the Great Migration of Peoples. The first of the nomadic tribes to populate the region were the Cimmerians, who roamed near the Kalmius and Seversky Donets rivers in the 10th century. BC e.

    In the 7th century BC e. they were pushed out by numerous warlike tribes of the Scythians. The large Scythian mounds studied near Mariupol and in other places amaze with the luxury of funeral equipment. The finds of Perederieva Mogila (Snezhnoye) are unique. The golden pommel of a Scythian royal ceremonial headdress, which has no analogues in archaeology, was found. The shape of the item is ovoid and resembles a helmet, its weight is about 600 g. Dimensions of the item: height - 16.7 cm, circumference at the base - 56 cm. The surface of the headdress is skillfully covered with images made by an ancient master using the technique of stamping and chasing. With education in the 4th century. BC e. Scythian kingdom of Atea, the territory of the region became part of it and became one of the centers of settlements of agricultural and pastoral tribes. During the same period, Sarmatian tribes came to the Donetsk steppes from the Volga region. The Sarmatian culture is represented by materials from the burial of a rich Sarmatian woman in a mound near the village. Novo-Ivanovka, Amvrosievsky district; silver and gold necklaces, gold pendants and rings, silver and glass bracelets, bronze mirror, iron knife, bronze cauldron, horse harness. At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. e. Numerous pastoral tribes of Borans, Roxolans, Alans, Huns, and Avars roamed the territory of the region, displaced by the Bulgarians, who succumbed to the onslaught of the Khazars, who included this territory in their state association - the Khazar Kaganate. Near the Seversky Donets, scientists found a large settlement from the times of the Khazar Kaganate. Presumably it existed in the VIII-X centuries. Its area was over 120 hectares. During excavations, archaeologists found treasures of the ancient Khazars - a set of pliers, tongs, stirrups, buckles. The beginning of the Slavic colonization of the region dates back to the 8th-9th centuries. The territory was inhabited by tribes of Vyatichi, Radimichi and Chernigov northerners. During this period, there were several settled settlements in the region. The largest of them is the Sidorovsky archaeological complex with an area of ​​120 hectares and a population of about 2-3 thousand people. Among the things found in the settlement are silver coins, which indicates active trade off the coast of the Seversky Donets. In the first half of the 9th century. Turks come to the Donetsk steppes. At the same time, the Polovtsians and Pechenegs appeared in the Azov steppes. The Kyiv princes repeatedly went on campaigns against them. According to historians, the famous battle of Prince Igor with the Polovtsians on May 12, 1185, which became the plot of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” took place on the lands of the Donetsk region. In the first half of the 11th century. Following the Pechenegs, the Torci came to the Donetsk steppes. The memory of them is preserved in the names of the rivers - Tor, Kazenny Torets, Crooked Torets, Sukhoi Torets; as well as settlements - the city of Tor (Slavyansk), Kramatorsk, village. Torskoe.

    With the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, the Azov steppes became the scene of battles between the ancient Kiev squads and the Tatar-Mongol conquerors. At the end of the 13th century. In the Golden Horde, two large military-political centers stood out: Donetsk-Danube and Sarai (Volga region). During the heyday of the Golden Horde under Uzbek Khan, the Donetsk Tatars converted to Islam. Their main settlements of that time were Azak (Azov), village. Sedovo, settlement near the village. Lighthouses of the Slavyansky region. In 1577, to the west of the mouth of the Kalmius River, the Crimean Tatars founded the fortified settlement of Bely Sarai. COLONIZATION OF THE LAND OF THE DONETSK REGION Active colonization of the territories of the Donetsk Ridge began from the moment of the formation of the Russian centralized state. By order of the Moscow Tsar, in connection with the need to strengthen the southern borders of the state, Ukrainian Cossacks and peasants were resettled in the Wild Field, and measures were taken to build fortresses and forts. The first written mentions of the settlement of hermit monks in the chalk mountains on the right bank of the Seversky Donets, in the area of ​​modern Svyatogorsk, as well as information about the Tor saltworks, date back to the beginning of the 16th century. The “Book of the Big Drawing” noted that in the warm season, from 5 to 10 thousand “willing people” (seasonal workers) from the cities of Belgorod, Oskol, Yelets, Kursk, Liven, Valuyki and Voronezh came to the lakes to cook salt. In May 1571, a system of forts and settlements was created. Kolomatskaya, Obishanskaya, Bakaliyskaya, Izyumskaya, Svyatogorskaya, Bakhmutskaya and Aidarskaya guardhouses are being built. In 1645, the first garrison was built - the Tor fortress. The garrison consisted of Cossacks and servicemen, led by the first commandant Afanasy Karnaukhov. Salt workers settled next to it, so it became known as Solyony or Salt Tor. In 1673, 1679 and 1684. The construction of defensive structures of the Mayatsky fort, Izyum and Torskaya defensive lines was resumed.

    The Zaporozhye and Don Cossacks played a major role in the settlement and protection of the Donetsk steppes, establishing their settlements here - winter huts and farmsteads. From them grew the cities of Druzhkovka, Avdeevka, Makeevka and others. On April 30, 1747, the government senate of Elizabeth I established the administrative border of the Don Army and the Zaporozhye Army along the Kalmius River. One of the administrative-territorial units of the Zaporozhian Army was the Kalmius palanka. It had 60 fortified wintering farms and two villages - Yasinovatoye and Makarovo, and the Domakha fortress was built. The army numbered about 600-700 Cossacks, who guarded the Azov region and controlled the Salt Road (Kalmius-Mius). After the liquidation of the Zaporozhye Sich, the Cossacks scattered in small groups across winter roads and yurts in the stone beams of the Donetsk steppe. At the beginning of the 18th century. The influx of fugitive peasants, soldiers, archers and townspeople to the Don and Seversky Donets intensified. The tsarist authorities sought to return the fugitives by force. They deprived them of their love for the land, fishing, forests, and salt mines. In the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries. the settlement of the Donetsk steppe becomes the state policy of the Russian Empire. In 1751-1752 Large military teams of Serbs and Croats under General I. Horvat-Otkurtic and Colonels I. Shevich and R. Preradovich were settled in the area between the Bakhmut and Lugan rivers. Following them, Macedonians, Wallachians, Moldavians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Gypsies, Armenians, as well as Poles and Russian Old Believers hiding in Poland, resettled. The government generously distributed free land for so-called “ranked dachas.” Large plots between the rivers Kalmius and Mius were given to the ataman of the Don Army, Prince A. Ilovaisky. In 1785, his son Dmitry received a charter for ownership of 60 thousand acres of land. In 1793, he brought 500 peasant families from the Saratov province and founded a new settlement - Dmitrievsk (now Makeevka). In the Svyatogorsk region, land was donated to G. Potemkin. 400 thousand acres of land along the Seversky Donets, Samara, Byk and Volchya rivers were left behind the royal court.

    In the spring of 1778, about 18 thousand Greeks moved to the territory of the region from Crimea. On the coast of the Azov Sea and on the right bank of the Kalmius River, they founded the city of Mariupol and 24 settlements. At the end of the 18th century. Three settlements had city status: Bakhmut with a population of 8 thousand people, Slavyansk - 6 thousand people and Mariupol - 4.5 thousand people. Salt was cooked in Bakhmut and Slavyansk. Fishing developed in Mariupol. During this period, the lands in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and the Azov region were divided into provinces. The territory of the modern Donetsk region west of the Kalmius River in 1803 became part of the Yekaterinoslav province, and the lands east of Kalmius became part of the Don Army Region. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATURAL RICHES OF DONBASS The Battle of Kalka - the history of Donbass The beginning of the industrial development of Donbass is primarily associated with the extraction of salt. Since ancient times, brine from the Tor salt lakes has been used to produce salt. This process intensified at the end of the 16th century, when hundreds of residents of Left Bank Ukraine and the southern districts of Russia began to come to Tor for salt. By the 70s. XVII century Up to 10 thousand Chumaks came annually to the fisheries, who mined and exported up to 600 thousand pounds of salt. In the summer of 1664, three state-owned breweries were created on the Tor salt lakes. In 1740, M.V. Lomonosov, on behalf of the government, studied the salt mines in Bakhmut. Cossack settlers, in addition to salt, found deposits of coal and iron ore in ravines and gullies, and determined their location by soil sections. The Cossacks also successfully organized searches for lead ores in the Nagolny Ridge area, and then smelted metal from them in ladles.

    By decree of the Russian Emperor Peter I, geologist G. Kapustin in 1721 discovered coal deposits near a tributary of the Seversky Donets - the Kurdyuchya River and proved the suitability of its use in forging and metallurgical industries. In 1827-1828 expedition of mining engineer A. Olivieri in the area of ​​the village. Starobeshevo discovered several coal seams. In 1832, the expedition of mining engineer A. Ivanitsky began prospecting work in the area of ​​the Kalmius River. The famous scientist and mining engineer E. Kovalevsky in 1827 compiled the first geological map of Donbass, on which he plotted 25 mineral deposits known to him. It was Kovalevsky who first introduced the concept of “Donetsk mountain basin”, “Donetsk basin” or Donbass. The Mining Journal for 1829 reported that there were 23 coal mines in the Donbass. At that time, the largest deposits were considered Lisichanskoye, Zaitsevskoye (or Nikitovskoye), Belyanskoye and Uspenskoye, discovered in the beginning. XIX century In 1842, by order of the Novorossiysk governor M. Vorontsov, in order to organize fuel supplies to steam ships of the Azov-Black Sea flotilla, engineer A.V. Guryev put into operation the Guryevskaya mine, then Mikhailovskaya and Elizavetinskaya. From now on, the Donetsk coal basin is equal in area to all coal deposits. Western Europe, gained worldwide fame.

    The Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Goths, Bulgarians, Avars, Khazars, Polovtsians, and Pechenegs passed through the land that is now called Donbass. When and how long they stayed here, the mounds and stone women know (). For twenty-seven centuries, from the Bronze Age tribes: the “ancient pitmen”, “catacombs” and “srubniks” - to the medieval Polovtsians, the steppe people erected burial mounds in the Donbass - earthen mounds, on the gentle humps of which the Kipchaks erected limestone sculptures - "stone women" (from Turkic “babai”, a strong warrior - there are other interpretations). More than eight thousand mounds have been discovered on the territory of the modern Donetsk region. The land of Donbass is fully worthy of the title of Middle-earth, since it connected east and west, north and south. A variety of ethnic groups passed, lived, and mixed here.

    Figure 1 – Mounds and stone women

    It is known that from the 2nd millennium BC. Cimmerian tribes lived in the Azov steppes. It is assumed that in VII BC. The Cimmerians were replaced in the Azov steppes by the Scythians. The royal Scythians mastered the waterway from their trading city of Gelon, located at the mouth of the Samara River, the left tributary of the Dnieper to Meotida. This path ran up the Samara, its tributary Volchaya and further to Kalmius. Mention of the Volchya-Kalmius rivers can be found in the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC): “Four large rivers flow from their land through the Meotian region (Azov region) and flow into the so-called Lake Meotida (Sea of ​​Azov). Name of the rivers: Lik (Kalmius), Oar (Mius), Tanoms (Don) and Sirgis (Seversky Donets)". Herodotus calls the river Kalmius, and at the same time the Volchya River, which were parts of the same waterway - Lik (“lukos” - “wolf”). Perhaps this is the first mention of the Donetsk region. During the period of domination of the steppe by the royal Scythians, a few cities of traders from Greece appeared on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov.

    In the 2nd century, the Scythians were replaced by related Sarmatian peoples, who previously inhabited the space between the Volga and Don. The Sarmatian settlements, in turn, were attacked by the Goths - Germanic tribes invading the Azov region and the northern Black Sea region from the banks of the Vistula. During the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, the middle of the 3rd century. AD, the Germans (Goths of Germanarich) destroyed the ancient Tanais at the mouth of the Don. Having captured these lands, the Goths headed a tribal union, which, in addition to the Goths, included Germanic, Sarmatian and Proto-Slavic tribes. In 371, Attila's Hun cavalry attacked the possessions of the Gothic tribal union in the northern Black Sea region and wiped off the face of the earth all the islands of settlement and agriculture that existed by that time on this land.

    In the 7th century, in the Azov steppes, a union of Turkic-speaking proto-Bulgarian tribes formed - Great Bulgaria, headed by Kubrat Khan. After his death, this union disintegrated. The divided Bulgarian tribes were unable to resist the new conquerors who came from the east - the Khazars. In subsequent years, Alans, Ugrians, and Bulgarians roamed along the banks of the Kalmius. The Khazars founded settlements in the area of ​​the modern villages of Bogorodichnoye, Tatyanovka, Sidorovo, Mayaki, Novoselovka. The tribal unions of the Slavs, who had plans for these lands, fought with the nomads. The devastating raids of the Pechenegs at the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th centuries led to the fact that the population from the Kalmius zone and the entire Azov region went beyond the Seversky Donets into the forests: “Conducting a normal agricultural economy to the south... was impossible due to the Pecheneg danger.”

    In the middle of the 11th century, the Polovtsians came to the land of Donbass, carrying out their raids on the southern borders of Slavic settlements. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the land between the Donets and the Don is called Polovtsian.

    And the sea leapt up. Through the fog
    The whirlwind rushed to the native north -
    The Lord himself is from the Polovtsian countries
    The prince points the way to the house.
    The dawns have already gone out. Igor is sleeping -
    Igor dozes, but does not fall asleep.
    Igor's thoughts fly to the Don,
    He measures the road to the Donets.

    Going on a campaign against the Polovtsians in 1185, Igor Svyatoslavovich intended to reach the Don and the Sea of ​​​​Azov.

    The prince said: “Brothers and squad!
    Better to be killed by swords.
    What am I full of from the hands of the filthy!
    Let's sit, brothers, on dashing horses
    Let’s see the blue Don!”
    This thought came to the prince's mind -
    To tempt an unknown land,
    And he said, full of military thoughts,
    Disregarding the sign of heaven:
    “I want to break the copy
    In an unfamiliar Polovtsian field,
    With you, brothers, lay down my head
    Or scoop up the Don with a helmet!”

    It is assumed that the site of the battle on May 12, 1185 between the Russian Prince Igor and the Polovtsian Khan Konchak on the Kayaly River is located at the confluence of the Kamyshevakha River (below Starobeshevo) with the Kalmius River. According to The Tale of Igor’s Campaign, there were no permanent residents in the Donetsk steppes. The existence of the oldest Polovtsian cities is known: Sharukan, Sugrov, Balin, Surozh, Korsun and Tmutarakan. Earlier, in 1111 and 1116, Russian squads led by the warlike prince Vladimir Monomakh made “bold and long marches” to these cities.

    At the beginning of the 13th century, Mongol troops pursued the Cumans, who asked for protection from the Russian princes. The three strongest princes of Rus', the three Mstislavs: Galich, nicknamed the Udaly, Kiev and Chernigov, having gathered their army, decided to protect the Polovtsians. On the Kalka River (the Kalchik River is a tributary of the Kalmius), on May 31, 1223, a battle took place between the eighty-thousandth Russian-Polovtsian army and the twenty-thousandth Mongol army. The Russian army was defeated.

    The Donetsk region was depopulated for a century with the arrival of the Mongol-Tatars from the east at the beginning of the 13th century. A sedentary population has survived on the Seversky Donets, where a number of settlements with “ceramics of the Old Russian appearance” are known. In the second half of the 14th century, there was an increase in settlements on the territory of modern Donbass. The vast majority of these settlements did not survive Tamerlane's campaigns of 1391-1395. Their death marked a new stage in the history of the Donetsk steppes, which lasted until the end of the 16th century and was characterized by the complete absence of settled life in this territory and the dominance of nomadic life. Crimean Tatars, Nogai nomads, and Kalmyks appeared. These lands were an integral part of the Wild Field, which occupied a significant territory - the entire interfluve of the Dnieper and Don from the Seversky Donets to the Azov coast. In the middle of the 15th century, a significant part of the lands of the Wild Field was annexed to the Crimean Khanate, which soon became dependent on the Ottoman Empire.

    The first written mention of the settlement of hermit monks in the chalk mountains on the right bank of the Seversky Donets, in the area of ​​modern Svyatogorsk, dates back to the beginning of the 15th century (1515). Since 1571, the Seversky Donets River served as the border line with the Crimean Tatar Khanate and the Nogai horde. After the burning of Moscow by the “Krymchaks” of Devlet-Girey, the governor of Ivan IV the Terrible (1530-1584), Prince Mikhail Vorotynsky began to build in our area a system of forts and fences designed to protect the borders of the Russian land (Kolomatskaya, Obishanskaya, Bakaliyskaya, Svyatogorskaya, Bakhmutskaya, Aidarskaya watchmen). At the fords of the Seversky Donets (Abashkin, Bishkinsky, Beretsky, Izyumsky, etc.) there were guards from the Rylsky, Putivlsky, Livensky villages, whose task was to promptly notify the governors of the border cities about the approach of the Tatar and Nogai cavalry. In 1579, the Russian government organized a border guard service in the Wild Field and formed mobile units to patrol the steppe roads from the Don and Mius to Kalmius and Samara.

    In 1577, to the west of the mouth of the Kalmius, the Crimean Tatars founded the fortified settlement of Bely Saray (perhaps this is where the name “Belosarayskaya Kosa” comes from). But in 1584 the Tatar White Sarai was destroyed.

    The settlement of the Donetsk region began after the beginning of the Khmelnytskyi region (1648-1654), when peasants from Right Bank Ukraine fled to these lands from the horrors of the war. How little the present Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk regions were populated at that time can be judged by the fact that the Belgorod district, which occupied a vast territory from Kursk to Azov, had in 1620 only 23 settlements with 874 households. The new settlers studied the depths of the Donetsk basin. Since 1625, salt has been mined in the area of ​​present-day Slavyansk. “Eager” people from Belgorod, Valuyka, Voronezh, Oskol, Yelets, Kursk and other “outlying” cities of Russia went to “hunt” for it in the Donetsk steppes. In 1645, the Tor fortress was built to protect it from the Crimean Tatars, who raided new settlers and “hunting” people (now Slavyansk). In 1650, the private salt works of the Tora fort began to operate. In 1676, “Cherkasy” (Ukrainians who escaped from the yoke of the Polish gentry) settled along the Seversky Donets. Izyum and Don Cossacks began to cook salt on Bakhmutka, a tributary of the Seversky Donets. The town of Bakhmut grew up near the salt mines.

    The favorite of Sophia I Alekseevna (1682-1689), Prince Vasily Golitsyn, relied on Donetsk forts and towns in the Crimean campaigns of 1687, 1689, Peter I the Great (1682-1725) in the Azov campaign of 1695-1696 and in battles with the army of the king of Sweden Charles XII (1682-1718) in 1707-1709. The modern settlements of Mayaki (1663) and Raigorodok (1684) were founded on the fragments of these fortifications.

    At the beginning of the 17th century, a guard post at Domakh (formerly Adomakha) arose at the mouth of Kalmius on the right bank. Before this, there were settlements of fugitive peasants here, periodically ravaged by Tatar raids. In the Domakh fortress there was a church and trading shops.

    In 1690, the Yasinovka winter hut was founded, near the modern city of Makeevka. In 1715, the Bakhmutsky (Artyomovsky) and Torsky (Slavyansky) salt works were founded. In 1721, the expedition of Grigory Kapustin first found coal in the Donbass near the city of Bakhmut near the Kurdyuchey River (a tributary of the Seversky Donets).

    On April 30, 1747, having resolved a private dispute between the “Donets” and the “Cossacks” about fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov, the Government Senate of Elizabeth I Petrovna (1741-1761) established the administrative border of the Don army and the Zaporozhian army. The border was declared to be the Kalmius River along its entire length from its source to its mouth: to the west of it the Cossacks owned the lands and rivers, to the east – the Donets. This border, as a boundary between the region of the Don Army and the region of the Zaporozhye Army, and later the Yekaterinoslav province, remained until the revolution of 1917.

    The 18th century was spent in numerous wars waged between the Russian Empire and Turkey for access to the southern seas. The wars led to the gradual settlement of Donbass by the East Slavic population (peasants from central Russia, Right Bank Ukraine and Slobozhanshchina), as well as people from the Balkans (Serbs and Romanians), and the Christian population of Crimea (Greeks and Armenians).

    In 1751-1752, large military teams of Serbs and Croats under General I. Horvat-Otkurtic and Colonels I. Šević and Rajko Preradovich were settled on the flanks of the defensive line built by decree of Anna Ioanovna (1643-1740) between the Bakhmut and Lugan rivers. Following the Serbs, taking refuge from Austrian and Turkish aggression, Macedonians, Wallachians, Moldovans, Romanians, Bulgarians (Slavs), Gypsies, and Armenians flocked to the territory of Northern Donbass. As a result of the divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Poles and Russian Old Believers hiding in Poland (the villages of Serebryannoye, Privolnoye, Zheltoye, Kamenka, Cherkasskoye, Horoshoe, Kalinovskoye, Troitskoye, Luganskoye). From the first days of its existence, Donetsk Slavyanoserbia was assimilated by Russians (Great Russians), Ukrainians (Little Russians) and Cossacks, so that by the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, toponyms remained from the settlers of Horvat, Shevich and Preradovich in the Donbass (the cities of Slavyansk, Slavyanogorsk, Slavyanoserbsk, etc.) and surnames (Vidovich, Popovich, Guzhva, Milovich, Mosalsky, Gnedich, Perepelitsa, Sereda and others).

    As a result of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, the Turks and Tatars were forced out of the Azov steppes. According to the peace treaty of 1774, the Azov region became part of the Russian Empire. From that moment on, the centralized settlement of the Wild Field by a sedentary population began. Among the new settlers there were many Russians, Serbs and Greeks, to whom the tsarist government allocated vast lands in these places. In some places settlements of German colonists arose.

    On February 14, 1775, on the territory of the modern Donetsk region, in the desert lands between the Seversky Donets, the Dnieper and the Don, by decree of Catherine II Alekseevna, the southern Russian Azov province, created by Peter I Alekseevich in mid-December 1708 (though within other borders), was revived - later Novorossiysk province.

    In April 1778, the reigning Russian Empress Catherine II Alekseevna, taking into account Russia’s interest in developing lands on the coast of the Azov Sea and in the Seversky Donets basin, adopted a number of legislative acts on the resettlement of the Christian population of Crimea (Greeks, Vlachs, Georgians, Armenians, Romanians) to the southern Russian provinces. . The Greeks received a certificate of this, signed by Catherine II, in 1779, and the lands of the Azov province of Mariupol district were assigned to them. On the site of the Domakha fortress destroyed by the Turks in 1769, the district town of Pavlovsk was founded. Its construction began in 1778. In 1779, at the request of Greek settlers who arrived with Metropolitan Ignatius (Khozanov) of Gottheia and Kaffai from Crimea, it was renamed Mariupol.

    People from Crimean villages headed to Kalmius and founded six villages on its right bank: Beshev, Bolshaya Karakuba, Laspi, Karan, Chermalyk and Sartana. The village, as a rule, was inhabited by people from several Crimean villages, and the newly formed village was given the name of the Crimean village from which the settlers made up the majority. Residents of the largest Crimean villages did not unite with anyone when founding new villages. This is how the villages arose: Beshev, Bolshaya Karakuba and Sartana. They all retained their names. The Greeks began building their first rural settlements in Novorossiya in 1779. They founded the villages: Velikaya Yanitol, Kermenchik, Laspa, Mangush, Styla, Cherdakly, modern cities - Urzuf, Donetsk Yalta, Mariupol and others.

    After the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi peace between the Russian and Ottoman empires on July 10, 1774, cheaper Crimean salt became available to Russia, and in 1782 the governor-general of the region, His Serene Highness Prince Grigory Potemkin, closed the Tor salt mines.

    At the beginning of 1783, Ekaterina Alekseevna abolished two southern provinces (Azov and Novorossiysk), forming them into a new Ekaterinoslav governorate with a center in the city of Kremenchug, to the Bakhmut district of which the territory of the modern Donetsk region west of the Kalmius River was assigned. In 1793, in the Slavyansk and Mariupol districts there were 20 horse breeding and 45 livestock farms.

    On December 2, 1796, by Decree of Paul I Petrovich (1754-1801), the Voznesensk, Ekaterinoslav provinces and the Tauride region were united into the huge Novorossiysk province, and its center, the city of Ekaterinoslav, was renamed Novorossiysk. In October 1802, the heir of Paul I Petrovich, Alexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825), divided the vast Pavlovsk Novorossiysk province into Nikolaevskaya (in 1803 its center from Nikolaev was transferred to Kherson and the name of the province changed to Khersonskaya), Taurida and Yekaterinoslavskaya provinces. The Donetsk region was part of the Yekaterinoslav province until the creation of the Donetsk province by Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on February 5, 1919.

    German colonists - Mennonites, and then Lutherans and Catholics - came to the Azov region and near Ekaterinoslav from 1788 to 1810. At the turn of the 15th–19th centuries, the Donetsk Germans founded the village of Ostheim, which during the Soviet years became the center of the Telmanovsky district of the Donetsk region. At the same time, the colonies of Kirschwald, Tiegengov, Rosengart, Schönbaum, Kronsdorf, Rosenberg, Grunau, Wienerau, Reichenberg, Kamlenau, Mirrau, Kaiserdorf, Götland, Neuhof, Eichwald, Tiegenort, Tiergart and others arose.

    The first Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Vainakhs, and representatives of other Caucasian ethnic groups appeared in the Donetsk region at the end of the reign of Catherine II the Great (1762-1796) and after the inclusion of the Caucasus and part of Transcaucasia into the Russian Empire - under Alexander I Pavlovich (1801-1825) 1801-1828.

    At the end of the 18th century in the Donbass, the process of distributing free land for so-called “ranked dachas” to persons in the public service began, which gave impetus to the development of landownership. Large plots of land between Kalmius and Mius were received by the ataman of the Don Army, Prince Ilovaisky (the city of Ilovaisk still exists in the Donbass).

    In 1779, Lieutenant E.S. Shidlovsky received a gift from the tsarist government of land within the boundaries of present-day Donetsk, where, with the help of local Cossacks living in winter huts, he founded the settlement of Aleksandrovka. The settlement is inhabited by family, settled people and builds housing here. Three years after the founding of Alexandrovka, as evidenced by the historical and statistical description of the Ekaterinoslav diocese, 341 people lived. Nearby, in the period 1803-1810, the villages of Avdotino, Alekseevka, Grigoryevka were formed, the inhabitants of which were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

    In the Svyatogorsk region, land was donated to Prince Grigory Potemkin. 400 thousand acres of land along the Seversky Donets, Samara, Byk, Volchya were left behind the royal court. In an effort to avoid double taxation for the ownership of empty lands and to get 10-year benefits for starting a farm, Donetsk Cossacks often signed up with familiar landowners from among the Cossack elders. For example, in the late 1780s, in the upper reaches of the Kalmius, Cossacks from among the colleagues of E.S. Shidlovsky, who retired, founded two settlements: Aleksandrovka and Kruglovka, within whose boundaries the Voroshilovsky and Kyiv districts of the city of Donetsk eventually arose. According to revision tales, the population of Aleksandrovka and Kruglogolovka were listed “with Shidlovsky”, but in fact they remained personally free people. It is significant that on the eve of the reform of 1861, government census workers of Alexander II the Liberator (1818-1881) in the Bakhmut district of the Azov province managed to find only 27% of landowner peasants, and in the Mariupol district they were not found at all.

    In 1812, the village of Santurinovka (now the city of Konstantinovka) was founded. In 1820, coal was first discovered near the settlement of Aleksandrovka (the territory of modern Donetsk), and the first small mines appeared.

    In 1820, coal deposits were discovered in Aleksandrovka and small mines appeared here - “pipes”, which developed only the upper layers.

    In 1824, the construction of sea vessels began for the first time in the Azov region, and in 1830 a pasta factory was opened in Mariupol. Probably, Italianized Slavs from the Austrian provinces of the Adriatic coast, owners of trading houses: Stanislav Gogliano, and the Membeli brothers, shipbuilder Cavalotti, holders of trading offices: Radeli, Petrakokino, took part in this.

    Gypsies appeared in the Donetsk lands after the annexation of Moldavia and Wallachia to Russia, after the signing of the Treaty of Adrianople in 1829, which ended the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829.

    1832 - the Slavic resort was founded on Lake Rapnoe, treatment of people with salt water and mud began. In 1841, by order of the Governor-General of New Russia M.S. Vorontsov, on the site of modern Donetsk, the first three mines of the Aleksandrovsky mine were built. They employed 76 civilian workers and used a steam engine. By the mid-1850s, coal production at the Aleksandrovsky mine amounted to 400-500 thousand poods per year.

    In 1843, on the banks of the shallow river Kamach, Ekaterinoslav forester and naturalist Victor von Graff (1820-1867) planted the man-made Great Anadol Forest in the dry Donetsk steppe.

    During the Crimean campaign of 1854-1855, the Anglo-French squadron attacked the Azov cities of Taganrog and Mariupol. Arabat, Genichesk, Berdyansk and Yeysk were subjected to ship bombardment. In the shallow waters of the Azov spits, the allied squadron in full cavalry formation was met by Joseph Gladky’s desperate “double” Cossacks (who had twice fled from the authorities) who had returned from across the Danube in May 1831. In 1849, these Cossacks founded the villages of Novonikolaevskaya (now the city of Novoazovsk), Nikolaevskaya and Pokrovskaya on the coast of the Azov Sea. Among them were the great-grandfathers of the Makeevka metallurgist, and then the miner Vladislav Egorov and the Donetsk historian Vadim Zadunaisky.

    In 1859, small mines on the territory of modern Makeevka were united into the Makeevsky coal mine. According to the audit, the number of residents of the Aleksandrovskaya volost of the Bakhmut district has increased significantly. In 1859, 1091 people lived in Aleksandrovka, 380 in Avdotino, 320 in Alekseevka, 154 in Grigoryevka. In 1868, the Kramatorskaya station was founded (now the city of Kramatorsk). The brilliant future of the region lay in the development of salt, chalk, alabaster, ore and coal deposits between the Donets and Kalmius rivers, which was determined by the geology of the region.

    Kochevse tribes on the territory of Donbass (material for presentation).

    This presentation can be used in geography lessons in the 8th grade when studying their native land.

    The duration of existence of our technological civilization is only 300 years. Most of human history, including the history of Ukraine, Russia and Donbass, is the history of primitive society. After the “primitive” one, the history of nomadic peoples ranks second in duration. What part? About 5200 years old! From the 4th millennium BC e. until the 1860s AD e. But we know little about these peoples. And in vain. This is also an “interesting story.”


    According to scientists, back in the 8th-7th centuries BC, Homer wrote about the Cimmerians, who are known to us from history as the most ancient nomadic tribe that lived in the Northern Black Sea region and the Azov region, that is, within the current Donetsk region. The ancient Greek historian and traveler Herodotus speaks more definitely about the Cimmerians, who calls them the predecessors of the Scythians. In confirmation, he writes: “... and now there are still Cimmerian walls in Scythia, there is a Cimmerian crossing..., there is also the so-called Cimmerian Bosporus (Kerch Strait).”

    The Cimmerians led an active lifestyle and are known exclusively from burials and treasures. They did not have their own villages. The dead were buried in Bronze Age mounds, and sometimes they erected their own mounds. In the early stages, the buried were always hunched over, then elongated burials appeared.

    Particularly famous is the Cimmerian burial near the village of Chernogorovka in Bakhmutsky district (part of the modern Artemovsky district), excavated at the beginning of the century by V. A. Gorodtsov. Bronze bits and all kinds of plaques were found here, a bronze forehead crown - a sign of a warrior. Cimmerian warriors wore a gold earring in their left ear. Burials of this time were also found near the villages of Luganka and Veselaya Dolina, Kamyshevakha, Artemovsky district in the Donetsk region, as well as in the village of Elino near the city of Bryanka, the village of Bezhanovka near the city of Kirovsk, in Sverdlovsk and the village. Klunikovo, Antratsitovsky district, Lugansk region.

    In the 7th century BC. The Cimmerian culture of the Northern Black Sea region is completely replaced by the Scythian one. The Roman historian Plutarch writes about this event: “...The Cimmerians, who first became known to the ancient Hellenes, represented an insignificant part of the whole, which, in the form of being expelled by them as a result of indignation, under the onslaught of the Scythians, moved from Maeotis (Sea of ​​Azov) to Asia under leadership of Ligdamis."

    Other researchers suggest that the Scythians, who ousted the Cimmerians, are spoken of in the biblical book of the prophet Jeremiah as barbarians, a people who “from afar... a strong people, an ancient people, a people whose language you do not know, and you will not understand that He says. His quiver is like an open coffin; they are all brave people. And they will eat up your harvest and your bread, they will eat up your sons and your daughters, they will eat up your sheep and your oxen, they will eat up your grapes and your figs; They will destroy with the sword your fortified cities in which you trust...” Scientists attribute this mention to the 7th-6th centuries before the birth of Christ.


    The most detailed and reliable written evidence about the Donetsk region of that long-ago historical period and about the population at that time was left by the recognized father of history Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC: “... the nomadic Scythians who lived in Asia, being pressed by the war with side of the Massagetae (a Scythian tribe that occupied the lower reaches of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya in the 8-4 centuries BC, and in the 3-1 centuries became part of other tribal unions), crossed the Araks River and retired to the Cimmerian land (indeed, the country , now occupied by the Scythians, originally belonged, they say, to the Cimmerians).”

    According to Herodotus, the Scythians were divided into plowmen, nomadic herders and the so-called “royal”, that is, the rulers. By the way, it was he who first called the lands from the Don to the Dnieper Scythia, including our region.

    The large Scythian mounds studied near Mariupol and in other places amaze with the luxury of funeral equipment. The finds of Perederieva Mogila (Snezhnoye) are unique. The golden pommel of a Scythian royal ceremonial headdress, which has no analogues in archaeology, was found. The shape of the item is ovoid and resembles a helmet, its weight is about 600 g. Dimensions of the item: height - 16.7 cm, circumference at the base - 56 cm. The surface of the headdress is skillfully covered with images made by an ancient master using the technique of stamping and chasing.

    With education in the 4th century. BC e. Scythian kingdom of Atea, the territory of the region became part of it and became one of the centers of settlements of agricultural and pastoral tribes.

    Further, Herodotus wrote: “Beyond the Tanais (Don) River is no longer Scythian land. The first of the local plots of land belongs to the Sauromatians, who start from the corner of Lake Meotia (Sea of ​​Azov), occupy a space of fifteen days' journey to the north; in all the land there are neither wild nor garden trees.”

    The scientist Hippocrates, who worked a little later than Herodotus, also spoke about the similarity of these peoples: the Scythians did not have permanent dwellings, they lived literally on wheels - in wagons, moving from one place of good grazing to another with their herds of cattle, under the shelter there were children and their mothers, and warriors, whether men or women, spent most of their time in the saddle. The Scythian tribes were called "cart dwellers."


    The Sarmatians had much in common with the Scythians. The same Herodotus wrote that their women “ride on horseback to hunt with and without their husbands, go to war and wear the same clothes as them.”

    The Sarmatians invaded Scythia in the 2nd century BC, as evidenced by Diodorus Siculus: “The Sarmatians, having become stronger, devastated a significant part of Scythia and turned it into a desert...” Interestingly, the Latin name of the territory of Donbass - Sarmatia - is associated with the Sarmatian tribes. Therefore, the authors consider it rational to use the definition of Ruthenia Sarmatica as a Latin analogue of the term “Donbass Rus'” as part of the Pax Ruthenica - the big world of the Russian community.

    The Sarmatians, according to ancient authors, were nomads. Tents and wagons served as their homes. “Sarmatians do not live in cities and do not even have permanent residence. They live forever in camp, transporting property and wealth to wherever the best pastures attract them or force them to retreat or pursuing enemies” (Pomponius Mela).

    During migrations, the Sarmatians transported their children, old people, women and property in wagons. According to the Greek geographer of the late 1st century BC. e. - beginning of the 1st century AD e. Strabo: “The tents of the nomads (nomads) are made of felt and attached to the carts on which they live; around the tents livestock graze, from which they feed on meat, cheese and milk.”

    Western Sarmatian tribes - Roxalans and Iazyges - occupied the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region. Around 125 BC e. they created a powerful, although not very strong, federation, the emergence of which is explained by the need to resist the pressure of the eastern Sarmatian tribes. Apparently, this was an early state typical of nomads, led by a tribe of royal Sarmatians. However, the Western Sarmatians failed to repeat the state experience of the Scythians - from the middle of the 1st century BC. e. they acted as two independent unions. In the steppes between the Don and the Dnieper the Roksolans roamed, and to the west of them - between the Dnieper and the Danube - the Iazyges lived.

    The Sarmatian culture is represented by materials from the burial of a rich Sarmatian woman in a mound near the village. Novo-Ivanovka, Amvrosievsky district in Donetsk region, silver and gilded neck hryvnias, gold pendants and rings, silver and glass bracelets, bronze mirror, iron knife, bronze cauldron, horse harness. More than 45 Sarmatian burials, three treasures, and about a dozen random finds are known in the Lugansk region. The most significant excavated monuments of the Sarmatian period were discovered near the city of Alexandrovsk (Alexandrovsky burial ground), the village of Frunze (Sentyanovka), the village of Novobaranikovka, the city of Svatovo, the village. Novosvetlovka, etc. A treasure was discovered near the city of Starobelsk in 1892 (Vodyanoy Yar gully, Podgorovka village), since then it has been kept in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.

    Poem "Sarmatians 150".

    Yuri Galkin

    Sarmatian steppe archers,

    Behind the mane of a wild horse,

    The fierce look of the shaggy head,

    They rushed by with their sabers clanking.

    Animal face, skin armor,

    Frozen over the edge of the abyss,

    Brown in the slanting rays of dust,

    He looked around the surroundings.

    The kumis smell of a mare,

    Smoke trailed from distant yurts,

    The river sparkles in the meander,

    There are a whole bunch of carts in the steppe.

    Inside nomadic settlements,

    War and brazen invasion,

    In the sad creaking of the wheel.

    And the entire Renaissance,

    It poured to the west from the valleys,

    And the steppe is alive with movement,

    Raging, heading towards Rome...


    In the second century BC, Alans occupied a special place among the Sarmatian tribes. Alans are Iranian-speaking tribes that emerged in the 1st century. BC. from among the semi-nomadic Sarmatian population of the Northern Caspian region, Don and Ciscaucasia and settled in the 1st century. n. e. (according to Roman and Byzantine writers) in the Azov region and Ciscaucasia, from where they carried out devastating campaigns against the Crimea, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor, and Media.

    Here is what the historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote about the Alans: “... young people, having become familiar with horse riding from early childhood, consider it a disgrace to walk, all of them, due to various exercises, are efficient warriors. Almost all Alans are tall and handsome, with moderately blond hair; they are scary with the restrained menacing look of their eyes, they are very mobile due to the lightness of their weapons... Among them, the one who gives up the ghost in battle is considered lucky.”

    The last Alanian alliance of the Plenmen in the history of Sarmatia was defeated in 375 by the nomadic tribes of the Huns. Some of the Allans were forced to submit to the Huns and take part in their further military campaigns, the other part went to the North Caucasus, mixed with local tribes and participated in the formation of the Ossetian culture.


    In the 3rd century. The German tribes of the Goths established their dominance in the Northern Black Sea region, forming here the Gothic state - the Getics. The capital of the state of the Goths was the so-called "Dnieper city", which was located near one of the rapids of the Dnieper (not far from the present village of Bashmachka, Zaporozhye region. Having established themselves in the Northern Black Sea region, the Goths began The political unification of the Goths reached its military expansion in the Balkans and Asia Minor in the middle of the 4th century AD under the reign of King Germanaric (332-375). After the death of the Gothic king, the military dispute with the Antes was continued by his heir Vinitarius, who in 375 insidiously killed the prince of the Arts God with his sons and 70 elders. But the very next year the Goths were defeated by the nomadic tribes of the Huns, who supported the Antes in their fight against the Gothic state. After this crushing defeat, Getika as a state quickly fell into decline. Most of the population moved to the lands above the Danube, while a smaller part remained on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula.


    So, in the 5th century AD, the Huns invaded the local area, causing panic even in the Roman Empire, not to mention the Sarmatians. The Christian writer of that time, Eusebius Jerome, literally wrote the following about this event: “The whole East trembled at the sudden news that from the extreme reaches of Maeotis, between the icy Tanais and the ferocious peoples of the Massagetae, where Alexander’s constipation (Derbent pass in the mountains near the Caspian Sea) held back wild tribes rocked the rocks of the Caucasus, swarms of Huns broke out, who, flying hither and thither on fast horses, filled everything with carnage and horror... May Jesus turn away such beasts from the Roman world in the future! They are unexpected everywhere, and with their speed warning the ear, they did not spare religion, merits, or age, they did not spare the crying little ones.”

    Compared to other nomadic warriors, the Huns ruled our region for a short time. Under the leadership of Attila, they invaded Western Europe, but after the battle on the Catalaunian fields in Eastern Gaul, having suffered heavy losses, they were forced to retreat. And when Attila died, the alliance of the Huns completely disintegrated. Afterwards, there was no one else within these limits!

    And the Avars, and the Antes, and the Bulgarians, led by Khan Kubrat, and the Khazars, and the Arabs, and the Alans, and the Hungarians, and the Pechenegs, and the Torques, and the Polovtsians, and the Mongol-Tatars, and the Nogais...

    And it is quite understandable why these lands have attracted so many different peoples in all centuries. Herodotus also wrote about their wealth and attractiveness. And the Persian historian al-Juzjapi subsequently confirmed this: “In the whole world there cannot be land more pleasant than this, air better than this, water sweeter than this, meadows and pastures more extensive than these.”

    But let's go back to the 5th century. The Huns erased almost all traces of settled life on the territory of the Northern Black Sea region. A period is coming when for the first time we can talk about the region as about "Wild Steppe". But the nomads did not ignore this “crossroads of peoples.” Here, three peoples appear in turn, consonant, although they had nothing in common - the Bulgarians, Avars, Khazars.


    Turkic-speaking Bulgarians discovered this list. They accompanied the Huns, pouring into the gap formed after the defeat of the Sarmatians. The Huns went to the West - and the Bulgarians remained the main masters of the steppe. However, not for long. A new people appears and makes a revolution in world history comparable to the Hun. We are talking about Avars, whose origin is unclear, but their strength was terrible. Having subjugated the entire southern steppe, they moved to tear off fatter pieces - to Byzantium, Italy, Germany. The Bulgarians, subjugated by the Avars, remained in the Black Sea region. By the beginning of the 9th century, the forces of the Avars weakened in the fight against the Franks, and their huge empire - the Avar Kaganate - collapsed. On its eastern ruins, Khan Kubrat created an impressive state - Great Bulgaria. Its epicenter was in the Azov region.

    The troubled history of the Bulgarians could not grant this people long-term peace. Kubrat's death created a power vacuum in his state, which was cleverly taken advantage of by its southeastern neighbors - the Khazars. This Turkic people had prospered in the Caucasus for several centuries, combining impressive military power with subtle diplomacy, which reached its apogee after the Khazar elite adopted Judaism. Under the blows of its neighbors, Great Bulgaria disintegrated - and the Khazar Kaganate extended its influence to the Seversky Donets.


    The arrival of new owners brought forgotten stability to the Donetsk steppes. The Khazar Kaganate showed itself as a force - and everyone who lived nearby was drawn to this force. It was at this time that large settled settlements began to emerge again along the banks of the Seversky Donets. Most of them were inhabited by remnants of the Sarmatian Alans. A strip of stone fortifications appeared along the right (southern) bank of the river. This is how Khazaria ensured the security of its borders.

    Traces of this order were found at several points in the region: in the burial ground near Raigorodok (Alan clay vessels), near the village of Mayaki in the Slavyansky region (Alan settlement with tools and household items), in the Chistyakovsky burial (weapons and weapons of the Azov steppe people). But the Khazar prosperity did not last long. By the middle of the 10th century, after the campaigns of the Russian princes Igor and Svyatoslav, the Khazars were thrown back to the Caucasus, and established themselves in the liberated territory... No, they were not victors at all. They just got not prey, but a problem. After the exodus of the Khazars from the Volga region, more Turks rushed to the steppe expanses - Pechenegs.


    The Pechenegs were at that level of formation of the early forms of the state when the most energetic stood out from the mass of ordinary community members and became heads of clans and military leaders. Tribal leaders were chosen from among the Pecheneg clan nobility. Usually a tribe included several clans. Contemporaries of the Pechenegs, the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Persian geographer Gardizi, wrote in their treatises that the Pecheneg union consisted of eight tribes and numbered about 40 clans. The Pechenegs were in constant motion and moved across the steppe with their herds. The basis of the herd was horses and sheep. The Pechenegs did not have long-term camps; light yurts served as their homes. A yurt is a round dwelling made of felt and animal skins on a frame of wooden poles. There was always an open fireplace in the center of the yurt.

    Predatory wars were an important way to enrich the tribal elite. The Pechenegs constantly attacked their neighbors, captured people for ransom, and stole livestock. Neighboring states sought to make peace with them and pay off with tribute. The Pechenegs captured the entire Don region and Kuban region and advanced to the Black Sea region. In 892 they defeated the steppe Ugrians (Hungarians) here and reached the mouth of the Danube. The Pechenegs first appeared on the borders of the Russian principalities in 915. Prince Igor immediately concluded a peace treaty with them. Konstantin Porphyrogenitus wrote that the Russians strive to be at peace with the Pechenegs, since they can neither trade, nor fight, nor live in peace if they are in a hostile relationship with this people. However, soon Byzantine diplomats bribed the Pechenegs and persuaded them to attack Rus'. The Pechenegs staged terrible pogroms in the principalities bordering the steppe. Rus' began to wage a long and grueling struggle with them.

    The Alan-Bulgarian population of the Khazar Kaganate suffered cruelly from the Pechenegs. Some settlements burned down and ceased to exist. The population of the Don region and Podontsov region suffered especially hard. There were no pogroms in the Azov region. Many Alans and Bulgarians (Russian chronicles call them Black Bulgarians) entered the tribal union of the Pechenegs and began to roam with them. A significant part of the settled population remained in their places. Only in 1036 did Yaroslav the Wise manage to defeat a large Pecheneg army near Kiev and put an end to their raids.

    Soon the Pechenegs began to be pushed out from the east by related nomadic tribes.


    The weakened horde was attacked from the east by the next nomadic Cumans (or Cumans) - and the Pechenegs scattered across the adjacent territories. The Torks tried to fill the void, and although they failed to gain a foothold on the banks of the Donets and Kalmius for a long time, they left an abundant mark on the geographical names of the region (Tor, Kazenny Torets, Krivoy Torets, Sukhoi Torets, Kramatorsk).

    The Polovtsian time was coming. In the person of this people, Rus' received a rival even more dangerous than the Pechenegs. As they say, “there was no need to touch the Khazars”... The Polovtsian confrontation with Kive Rus lasted for a century and a half and was stopped only by the Mongol invasion. However, the relationship turned out to be peculiar. It was love and hate going hand in hand. For political reasons, Russians and Cumans sometimes fought together. The ruling families of these peoples mixed blood in dynastic marriages if it seemed necessary and beneficial. However, as in an unstable family, peace immediately gave way to quarrel. The Donetsk steppes lived like this - from surge to surge.

    Polovtsian history left a specific mark in these parts. These are the famous stone “women”, which have already become a kind of “brand” of steppe life. Several copies stand in front of the regional museum of local lore in Donetsk and in the archaeological museum of Lugansk National University. Taras Shevchenko. Stone statues ranging from one to four meters in height were erected at burial sites and, contrary to their names, mostly depict warriors. The very word “baba” among the Polovtsians meant “grandfather, ancestor”...


    After the conquest of the Polovtsian and Russian lands by the Mongol-Tatars, the age of the Golden Horde begins. The Donetsk steppes were of exceptional importance for the new owners - they connected two parts of their huge empire, the Turkic center and the Slavic east. Soon after the heat of the wars subsided, a settled population began to grow along familiar places (river and sea banks). The surviving Cumans also tried to find their place in this niche, maintaining their nomadic way of life, but in a more peaceful and less active form. A chain of strongholds (“pits”, “caravanserais”) is created across the steppe, facilitating movement through difficult places to travel. It seems that the khans understood that for their own well-being they needed to have a prosperous power under their control. Trade revived, goods from Europe came to the Horde, which was relieved to see that the danger from the east had diminished. Items that came with overseas merchants were found in various parts of Donbass: here is a Saxon bronze Aquarius vessel in the form of an equestrian knight with a girl, there is a candlestick in the shape of a lion...

    The beginning of the period of the capture of Rus' can be considered the spring of 1223, when the Horde troops led by Genghis Khan came close to the Dnieper, where at that time the border of the state was located. The Russian princes at that time were in a state of hostility, so they could not give a worthy rebuff to the invaders. Despite the fact that the Cumans came to the rescue, the Tatar-Mongol army quickly seized the advantage.

    The first direct clash between the troops took place on the Kalka River on May 31, 1223 and was lost quite quickly. Even then it became clear that our army would not be able to defeat the Tatar-Mongols, but the enemy’s onslaught was held back for quite some time. In the winter of 1237, a targeted invasion of the main Tatar-Mongol troops into the territory of Rus' began. This time the enemy army was commanded by the grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu. The army of nomads managed to move quite quickly into the interior of the country, plundering the principalities in turn and killing everyone who tried to resist as they went along. The establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke with new laws and orders began in Rus'.

    The consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Rus' were terrible: many cities and villages were destroyed, people were killed; agriculture, handicrafts and art fell into decline; feudal fragmentation increased significantly; the population has decreased significantly; Rus' began to noticeably lag behind Europe in development.

    At the beginning of the 14th century, the power of the Golden Horde weakened, and Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, sensing this, refused to pay tribute to the Baskaks. Not wanting to tolerate such arbitrariness, Khan Mamai gathered an army and moved to Rus' - to punish the disobedient.

    Having addressed all the Russian principalities with a call for help, Dmitry Ivanovich went to meet him. The two armies converged on the Kulikovo Field - and Dmitry, cutting off even the very thought of defeat, ordered the bridges behind him to be burned. At dawn on September 8, 1380, the Russian monk Alexander Peresvet and the Mongol warrior Chelubey, according to tradition, fought one-on-one battle. The battle did not bring victory to either of them - having mortally wounded each other with spears, both warriors fell. And then the Mongol army and the squad of Dmitry Donskoy, blessed by Sergius of Radonezh, began the battle. Although the Russian troops fought bravely, the Mongols greatly outnumbered them. It was already beginning to seem that Mamai would win this battle - but Dmitry Donskoy relied not only on the courage of his soldiers, but also on cunning tactics. A regiment of more than ten thousand soldiers under the command of Dmitry Bobrok was left in the ambush. At the most difficult moment of the battle, the cavalry unexpectedly flew out of the forest. Deciding that the main Russian forces had arrived at the battlefield, the Mongols fled. After this battle, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich received the nickname under which he went down in history - “Donskoy” (Kulikovo field is located not far from the Don River).

    Despite the fact that the Tatar-Mongol yoke lasted in Rus' for exactly one hundred years, the Battle of Kulikovo was of great importance for the people. After it, it became clear that the Golden Horde is not invincible, that it can be broken, and that Russia’s gaining freedom is only a matter of time.

    Complete liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke occurred only in 1480, when Grand Duke Ivan III refused to pay money to the horde and declared the independence of Rus'. Standing on the Ugra River - military actions in 1480 between the Khan of the Great Horde Akhmat and the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III in alliance with the Crimean Khanate. According to the majority of Soviet and Russian historians, it put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke in the north and north-east of Rus', where it lasted the longest and where the process of formation of a unified Russian state took place, which became completely independent.

    100 years later, the great-grandson of Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan III, finally got rid of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. And the grandson of Ivan III, Ivan the Terrible, conquered 3 Tatar principalities: Kazan, Astrakhan, Siberian.

    Since the 14th century on the territory of our region there was a “Wild Field”, into the concept of which many writers, local historians, teachers put something historically unpromising, “lifeless”, “robbery”. Even the connecting threads - roads - are sometimes called "bandit roads" in literature.

    What happened in the Dontsovo region in the post-Mongol period? The main population of the steppe part of the Dontsov region in the XIII - XIV centuries. the former Kipchak (Polovtsian) tribes remained. They continued the construction of mounds, but externally their burial grounds had undergone changes. For example, mounds were built only on the high ridges of the Donetsk Ridge; they were, as it were, built in a line with the east-west direction; the earthen mounds were absent, replaced by hills built only from stones.

    Large movements of nomads from the eastern zones after the 14th century. were unlikely to have taken place, but minor ones were still quite real. The Polovtsian land with its crushed population could not help but accept the Kipchak tribes of the Trans-Volga and Urals regions, which were close in ethnic roots, to the noticeably deserted territory. These could not have been massive invasions, but, on the contrary, small groups of nomads who did not change the historical and ethnic situation of our steppes. From this we can understand why both medieval authors and archaeologists of our time, although they noted the migration of nomads from the east, did not provide substantive evidence of this process. It remains to be seen the scale and consequences of such migrations; linguistic data also prompts us to do this: after all, the everyday language of the population of our region contains many Turkic words and concepts. Finally, we note that archaeological materials from Provalye give reason not to exaggerate the idea of ​​desolation of our region: the steppe continued to be inhabited even in post-Mongol times. We think that the term “Wild Field” should be considered nothing more than a metaphorical concept, but in no way filled with historical content.

    "Donetsk stapnaya"

    Donetsk steppe without edge,

    Thyme and feather grass...

    I love you, dear,

    And in tulips and in dust,

    And in the snow of spicy acacias,

    And in the lilac smoke,

    And in the monists of pyrites,

    I'll hug you like a friend.

    I will cling to my native springs

    Miraculous keys

    So that dark-skinned miners

    It sang sweetly at night.

    I'll take the song out of my heart,

    I'll put it on their hearts.

    I will tell them: your work is honest!

    I won't say another word.

    1945 (Pavel Besposhchadny)

    People first appeared on the territory of our region approximately 150 thousand years ago during the Middle Paleolithic era. The oldest man archanthropus(or Pithecanthropus) was distinguished by great physical strength and endurance. The archanthropes knew how to use fire, built primitive dwellings in the form of canopies from rain or barriers from the wind, and made stone tools. The main occupation was hunting large animals. Gathering of edible plants occupied an important place. In mountainous conditions, archanthropes lived mainly in caves, in flat conditions - on the banks of rivers and lakes. Animals were hunted using spears - large wooden sharpened stakes, clubs and sometimes pikes with stone tips. For strength, the tip of the spear was burned at the stake. Archanthropes led a wandering lifestyle and stopped for several days where they managed to get an animal. At the site of such camps there remained crushed bones of eaten animals, dull stone tools and fragments of stone. During excavations, hearths are found in caves.

    Several camps of ancient people have been found in Donbass. All of them are located in river valleys near sources of stone from which tools were made. The finds on them are extremely scarce. Such open-air camps existed for a very short time. The rarity of ancient monuments is also explained by their poor preservation. Traces of the archanthropes' activities were washed away by rain and river floods. Ancient stone tools can be found only after special searches or by chance in the coastal cliffs of rivers and ravines, in the walls of clay quarries. Almost all finds of archanthropic stone tools in the Donbass come from high clay outcrops or from erosion of ancient rocks. The remains of archanthrope camps have been preserved near the city of Amvrosievka on the banks of the Krynka River, not far from Artemovsk, in Makeevka, in Izyum, near Lugansk, near the village of Kirov, Artemovsky district. All these finds indicate a rare but uniform settlement of the region.

    About 100 thousand years ago the archanthropes were replaced paleoanthropes(ancient people, or Neanderthals). Scientists believe that the bulk of archanthropes and paleoanthropes came to Eastern Europe from the west. Paleoanthropes were more advanced ancestors of modern humans. They knew how not only to maintain a fire, but also to start it. Their speech was still undeveloped. At the same time, the first ideological ideas and the custom of burying their dead relatives appeared among paleoanthropes. Paleoanthropes were well adapted to the harsh conditions of the Ice Age and successfully hunted bison, saiga, cave bears, mammoths, deer and other animals. Bones of deer, horses, and wolves were found at sites in the Azov region. The main hunting weapons were throwing spears with flint tips. Stone tools were made with special care. Scrapers, knives, points and other tools have a variety of shapes. Most of them were intended for cutting up the carcasses of killed animals. Paleoanthropes knew how to make primitive clothing from animal skins and some kind of wooden devices (spear shafts, knife handles, baskets, beaters, etc.).

    Several dozen sites from this time are known in the Donbass. In terms of size and amount of household waste, they are much larger than the archanthrope camps. In 1962-1965. archaeologists carefully excavated two ancient sites near the village of Antonovka, Maryinsky district. Bison bones and many tools processed on both sides were found here.

    Man of the modern physical type first formed in the Middle East about 40 thousand years ago. He is called Homo Sapiens - reasonable man. It is also called neoanthropus. This man had developed speech and knew how to plan his work for a long time. Art and religious ideas appear. The appearance of modern man coincided with a new era - the Late Paleolithic (35-10 thousand years ago).

    In the Late Paleolithic, the clan organization of society was finally formed. The clan included several families leading a joint household. The ancestral village in the Late Paleolithic consisted of 7-8 families and numbered 30-40 people. Marriages within the clan never took place. Only representatives of different clans could form a new family. The clan owned hunting grounds and hunted animals, so each person depended on other residents of the village and could not live alone.

    The most severe glaciation occurred in the Late Paleolithic. At the beginning of this glaciation, the climate in our region resembled the climate of modern Yakutia. Man was forced to learn how to sew warm clothes and build houses. They were different in different territorial zones. People learned to build round houses - half-dugouts - from mammoth bones.

    People learned to chop flint in a new way and make long and thin plates from it. Flint plates were used to make scrapers, cutters, knives, inserts for points and other tools. Upon receipt of the plates, prismatic cores were formed. In the Slavyansky region, near the village of Sidorovo, an ancient workshop has been preserved, where people replenished stocks of flint raw materials and made blanks of cores and blades from it. A similar workshop was found near the village of Novoklinovka in the Amvrosievsky district on the banks of the Krynka River. It arose near the chalk outcrops. In 1935, local historian V.M. Evseev, in the Kazennaya ravine near Amvrosievka, discovered a very large accumulation of bones of ancient bison, and next to it - a site from the Late Paleolithic era.

    The last period of the Stone Age is called the Neolithic (VI-IV thousand years BC). In the Neolithic, the population increased so much that there was a shortage of game and there was a need to further cultivate the land, grow grain, and raise livestock. In addition, the productivity of agriculture and cattle breeding is much higher compared to hunting and gathering. This transition to new forms of economy is called the Neolithic or agrarian (i.e. agricultural) revolution.

    Neolithic Revolution- a natural phenomenon in the economic and social (social) development of ancient societies. Its essence lies in the forced sharp intensification of labor aimed at overcoming the food crisis. Societies based on a producing economy are experiencing a profound all-round restructuring: sedentary life develops, house-building develops, new cults and myths about the structure of the world are formed, and shifts occur in the social structure. Many Neolithic tribes completely switched to new ways of providing themselves with food, others (mainly in the forest zone) were still engaged in hunting and gathering. Agriculture and cattle breeding developed primarily in warm areas, where there were conditions for growing crops and grazing livestock, including in the south of Ukraine.

    In the Neolithic, people learned to sculpt and fire pottery. The first pots had a sharp or round bottom and were richly ornamented with various indentations and stamps and traced patterns. Clay dishes became widespread in connection with agriculture, as they were intended mainly for preparing various porridges from crushed grains of millet, barley and wheat.

    The Neolithic population of Donbass practiced a mixed economy - hunting and gathering were combined with primitive agriculture. Tribes with such an economy settled mainly in the Seversky Donets valley, because A very favorable natural environment has developed here.

    In the Neolithic, large tribes formed, uniting several large genera. The tribes controlled the territory where their hunting grounds, cultivated areas, lakes, and thickets of edible plants were located. An alien tribe had no right to use these lands without the consent of the owners. The clans and tribe were ruled by elders from the most respected people.

    Mostly tribes lived in the Dontsovo region Dnieper-Donetsk culture. They were concentrated in the Seversky Donets basin, in the area between the Dnieper and Don rivers ( archaeological culture denotes a large group of people - several tribes who lived in a certain territory, spoke the same language, conducted the same household and built houses in the same way, made dishes, stone tools, etc.). At the early stage of the Dnieper-Donetsk culture, ceramics were still unknown.

    In addition to the monuments of the Dnieper-Donetsk culture, in Podontsovye there are sometimes villages more northern pit-comb culture forest hunters. This name comes from the method of decorating clay vessels.

    A special branch of the economy of the Donetsk Mesolithic and Neolithic tribes was the production of flint tools for their own needs and specifically for exchange. Flint occurring in the chalk forms rich deposits along the right bank of the Donets, along the valleys of the Krynka, Bakhmutka, Kazenny and Sukhoi Tortsov rivers. The growth of the Neolithic population, the increase in the size of tools and the widespread distribution of flint axes due to deforestation forced ancient craftsmen to develop new deposits of flint and organize its extraction. Flint pieces collected on chalk slopes or extracted from the depths were pre-processed on site or nearby.

    Usually the workshops were visited in the warm season. On canoes and wooden rafts, flint products were delivered to the areas of long-term settlements. Some of the products were transferred to neighbors in exchange for their wealth. Thus, flint tools from the Donetsk Ridge arrived in the Azov region, the Dnieper region and other regions.

    At the end of the Neolithic, in the 4th millennium BC, a strong and large community lived in the area of ​​modern Mariupol. The village of this community has not been found, but a family burial ground has been discovered. The excavations were carried out under the leadership of Kyiv archaeologist N.E. Makarenko. The Mariupol burial ground was a long rectangular pit containing 122 bones laid in four rows. The buried men and women were dressed in rich clothes, trimmed with bone beads and plates of boar tusks. The buried were accompanied by stone pendants, flint knives, necklaces made of animal fangs, axes, arrows, and a drilled stone mace. All burials were densely covered with ocher.

    Chalcolithic(Copper-Stone Age) begins in the middle of the 4th millennium BC. and ends in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. This was a time of complete transition to agriculture and cattle breeding. Producing forms of the economy replaced hunting and gathering and left them in place as auxiliary methods of obtaining food. In the southwestern regions of modern Ukraine and Moldova, the famous Trypillian agricultural culture was formed in the Eneolithic. To the east of the Dnieper, in the steppe and southern forest-steppe, tribes lived in the Chalcolithic, whose economy was based on cattle breeding, primarily horse breeding. At the few Eneolithic settlements between the Dnieper and Don, animal bones are found, more than 50% of which belong to horses. This is the oldest domesticated horse in Europe. Judging by the details found, the horse's bridles were already used for riding.

    The few copper items still available (adze axes, awls, jewelry) were highly valued. Copper came from the Balkans through the tribes of the Trypillian culture or from the North Caucasus. The majority of tools were still made from bone and flint. In the Chalcolithic, the Donetsk flint processing center reached its peak. Old workshops continue to exist near the villages of Krasnoye and Belaya Gora, new ones appear near the village of V. Pustosh near Kramatorsk, near the villages of Malinovka and Rai-Alexandrovka, Slavyansky district.

    Ancient Yamnaya culture Donbass was formed on the basis of local Eneolithic tribes. It dates back to the XXV-XXI centuries. BC. Ancient pit settlements were discovered in the Don region, the Dnieper region and in the Azov region (near the village of Razdolnoye in the Starobeshevsky district). The ancient Yamniki were mainly engaged in cattle breeding, raising horses, bulls, goats, sheep, and pigs. The bulk of the population migrated from one pasture to another. Shepherding was supplemented by agriculture. The share of agriculture was low. Anthropologically, the ancient Yamniki were tall and well-built people. They were Indo-Europeans. The Indo-European community formed in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages and includes the ancestors of many modern peoples of Eurasia.

    Tribes also belong to Indo-Europeans catacomb culture. The tribes of this culture replaced the ancient Yamniki and existed in the vast expanses of Left Bank Ukraine in the 16th-18th centuries. BC. In the Azov region, ancient pit and catacomb tribes coexist for some time. The economy of the catacombs was in many ways the same as that of their predecessors. The way of life was just as pastoral. Rare settlements are known only in the forest-steppe. One of them was found in Slavyanogorsk. In the steppe, only burials under the burial mounds have been preserved. About 500 catacomb graves have been explored in the Donetsk region. There are especially many of them in the Slavyansky and Artemovsky districts. The social and property differentiation of society is clearly visible from the burial structures and grave goods. Some warriors buried in the catacombs have special symbols of power in the form of drilled maces made of expensive imported stone. There are also burials of artisans, metallurgists, furriers, etc.

    In the 15th century BC. The situation in the steppe and forest-steppe is changing dramatically. From the distant Volga region, numerous Iranian-speaking tribes of the so-called Timber archaeological culture. They have completely mastered the Donetsk lands. The economy of the log society was based on complex agricultural and livestock farming. Agriculture was predominantly hoe farming. The main agricultural crop was barley. The livestock farming of the Srub tribes was mainly domestic. In the warm season, livestock grazed freely around the villages; in winter, they were kept in pens or in people's homes. They bred mainly bulls and sheep. Some of the food came from hunting and fishing. The agricultural and pastoral economy determined the sedentary lifestyle of the Timber tribes. They lived in large villages located on the banks of rivers and ravines. The dwellings looked like half-dugouts and went 1.0-1.2 meters into the ground.

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    People first appeared on the territory of our region approximately 150 thousand years ago during the Middle Paleolithic era. The oldest man archanthropus or Pithecanthropus(ape-man) was distinguished by great physical strength and endurance. The archanthropes knew how to use fire, built primitive dwellings in the form of canopies from rain or barriers from the wind, and made stone tools. The main occupation was hunting large animals. Gathering of edible plants occupied an important place. In mountainous conditions, archanthropes lived mainly in caves, in flat conditions - on the banks of rivers and lakes. Animals were hunted using spears - large wooden sharpened stakes, clubs and sometimes pikes with stone tips. Archanthropes led a wandering lifestyle. During excavations, hearths are found in caves.

    The remains of archanthrope camps have been preserved near the city of Amvrosievka on the banks of the Krynka River, not far from Artemovsk, in Makeevka, in Izyum, near Lugansk, near the village of Kirov, Artemovsky district. All these finds indicate a rare but uniform settlement of the region.

    About 100 thousand years ago the archanthropes were replaced paleoanthropes(ancient people, or Neanderthals). Scientists believe that the bulk of archanthropes and paleoanthropes came to Eastern Europe from the west. They knew how not only to maintain a fire, but also to start it. Their speech was still undeveloped. At the same time, the first ideological ideas and the custom of burying their dead relatives appeared among paleoanthropes. The main hunting weapons were throwing spears with flint tips. Paleoanthropes knew how to make primitive clothing from animal skins and some kind of wooden devices. Several dozen sites from this time are known in the Donetsk region. In terms of size and amount of household waste, they are much larger than the archanthrope camps. In 1962-1965. archaeologists carefully excavated two ancient sites near the village of Antonovka, Maryinsky district. In 1968-1970 Donetsk archaeologist D.S. Tsveibel explored a site of this era in the village of Belokuzminovka, Konstantinovsky district.

    Man of the modern physical type first formed in the Middle East about 40 thousand years ago. He is called HomoSapiens - reasonable man or neoanthropus. This man had developed speech and knew how to plan his work for a long time. Art and religious ideas appear. The emergence of modern man coincided with a new era - Late Paleolithic(35-10 thousand years ago).

    In the Late Paleolithic, the clan organization of society was finally formed. The ancestral village in the Late Paleolithic consisted of 7-8 families and numbered 30-40 people. Marriages within the clan never took place. Only representatives of different clans could form a new family. The most severe glaciation occurred in the Late Paleolithic. At the beginning of this glaciation, the climate in southern Ukraine resembled the climate of modern Yakutia. Man was forced to learn how to sew warm clothes and build houses. People learned to build round houses - half-dugouts - from mammoth bones. Weapons were made from stone.

    Mesolithic (VIII-VII thousand years BC). . About 10 thousand years ago, as a result of general climate warming on Earth, the glacier melted and the modern climate began to establish. Forests appeared on the site of the former glacier and pre-glacial ice desert. Herd ungulate animals (reindeer, bison) were replaced by animals living alone or in small groups (forest deer, elk, wild boar, wolves, etc.). Individual hunting - sneaking up on game - became widespread. The clan was divided into groups of 3-4 families, which wandered after the animals. The Mesolithic population left a few scattered short-term camps in our region. They are known near the city of Mospino, the village of Aleksandrovka near Donetsk, near the villages of Drobyshevo, Ilyichevka, Dronovka in Podontsovye (Artemovsky, Krasnolimansky districts) and in other places.

    The last period of the Stone Age is called Neolithic(VI-IV thousand years BC). During the Neolithic, the population increased so much that hunting game became scarce. This transition to new forms of economy is called Neolithic or agricultural(i.e. agricultural) revolution. In the Neolithic, people learned to sculpt and fire pottery. Pottery became widespread in connection with agriculture. The Neolithic population of Donbass practiced hunting and gathering in combination with primitive agriculture. Tribes with such an economy settled mainly in the Seversky Donets valley, because A very favorable natural environment has developed here. In the Neolithic, large tribes formed, uniting several large genera. The tribes controlled the territory where their hunting grounds, cultivated areas, lakes, and thickets of edible plants were located. The Podontsovo region was inhabited mainly by tribes of the Dnieper-Donetsk culture. They were concentrated in the Seversky Donets basin, in the area between the Dnieper and Don rivers (archaeological culture denotes a large group of people - several tribes who lived in a certain territory, spoke the same language, conducted the same economy and built houses in the same way, made dishes, stone tools and etc.). In addition to the monuments of the Dnieper-Donetsk culture, in the Podontsovo region there are sometimes settlements of the more northern pit-comb culture of forest hunters. This name comes from the method of decorating clay vessels. At the end of the Neolithic, in the 4th millennium BC, in the area of ​​modern Mariupol there lived a strong and large community, only a burial ground can be found.