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  • Research: e-learning in European universities. Distance education - who needs it?

    Research: e-learning in European universities.  Distance education - who needs it?

    Outside North America, distance education is mainly developed by government-funded "open" universities that provide courses using television and radio, and more recently, increasingly using computer technology. Electronic higher education programs are being developed in more than 30 countries. Distance education in Europe received intensive development in the early 70s. This was due to the creation of a number of open universities (distance education universities). Currently, in every European country there is a group of educational institutions that implement distance learning programs. The methods of such training are quite well developed. Of interest are training programs using new information technologies, including satellite television, computer networks, multimedia, etc. Indicative in this sense is the example of the National University of Distance Education (Universidad National de Educacion a Distancia - UNED) in Spain, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. This university is one of the largest educational institutions in Spain. It includes 58 training centers in the country and 9 abroad (Bonn, Brussels, Geneva, London, Paris, etc.). Its students also have the opportunity to study in New York and Rome.

    In the UK, more than 50% of Master's degree programs in management use distance learning methods. The leading European organization in this area is the Open Business School of the British Open University.

    In distance learning systems that do not use the principle of feedback, the information necessary for conducting lectures, seminars and other types of classes is usually centrally recorded on a videotape or video disk. Additionally, audio recordings and recordings on magnetic disks can be used. Next, these materials are sent, including via computer networks, directly to educational institutions, where they are used during training sessions. This method is used, for example, by the National Center for Distance Learning (CENTRE NATIONAL D"ENSEIGNEMENT A DISTANCE -- CEND, France). Founded in 1939, today it provides distance learning to more than 35 thousand users in 120 countries. It is preparing 2,500 training courses About 5 thousand teachers take part.

    Along with programs designed for a mass audience, targeted cycles of lectures and classes have become widespread, allowing students to pass exams at the end of the course and receive an appropriate diploma, certificate, etc. One example of the implementation of this direction of distance education is the television courses of the Baltic University (THE BALTIC UNIVERSITY). Created in Sweden, it unites more than 50 universities in the Baltic region. Using satellite television systems (STV), students and researchers from 10 countries have the opportunity to carry out scientific and educational contacts on topics of common interest. In 1991--1992 This topic was the problem of environmental protection of the Baltic Sea Environment, and in 1993-1994. problems of development of the peoples of the Baltic region (People of the Baltic).

    The European Distance University, as part of its educational program, has become a popular and sought-after educational institution in a very short period.

    The main difference of this educational institution is that it specializes in remote learning (similar to), which means that it is fully developed and is capable of providing truly high-quality knowledge. Read about how to apply, what exams you need to take, costs, and passing scores on the official website. Each faculty has its own list of introductory subjects.

    Feedback from graduates suggests that the knowledge gained during training helps them in the future. This is due to the fact that the curriculum consists only of the necessary subjects and topics, so each student spends time only on what he needs in his future profession.

    Examples of solved tests in your personal account

    The web platform has a very simple interface, so if you cannot perform complex tasks on a PC, do not worry, this was all provided by the developers. In addition, each new student is invited to take a special introductory course on system management. If you still have questions after this, you can always ask a technician. To resolve issues related to studies, a separate window is provided for communication with teachers.

    Taking the test remotely - from RUB 999.99*

    Taking the exam remotely - from RUB 1,000*

    Defense of the thesis via Skype - from RUB 2,500*

    All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense is successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit a request for calculation.

    Faculties and branches

    The educational institution offers training in the following faculties:

    1. Business management
    2. Tourism management
    3. Personnel Management
    4. Jurisprudence
    5. Information Technology

    Official website and personal account

    Login to your personal account:

    Tests and exams at the European Distance University - Latvia, Riga

    In the modern educational process, exams are not only a test of knowledge, but also a strong emotional burden for the student and his family. The fear of failure, and the consequences of failure, problems with studies, constantly accompany the student at the stage of preparing for tests.


    • Solving tests in your personal account (answers to tests);
    • Remote exams in any discipline (including using TeamViewer; with a webcam; with personal identification);
    • Tests, coursework, problem solving;
    • Essays, abstracts;
    • Delivery of the session on a turnkey basis;
    • We resolve issues with student debts in connection with a transfer from another university;
    • Diploma, master's, dissertation works;
    • Entrance exams (help).

    Send a request for calculation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Call: 8-800-100-6787 (Free in the Russian Federation!)

    In this case, help from specialists will only be a safety net and a way to save a little time. We work only with leading teachers who can provide answers to tests in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution. In addition, we always adhere to the student’s recommendations and guidelines for the design and content of the finished work. Distance education allows you to do other things, but despite this freedom of action, the requirements for exams remain at the same level.

    Distance education, which many had not even heard of ten years ago, is gaining increasing popularity. Even the world's leading universities, including Yale, Cambridge and Oxford, offer students around the world to take advantage of this form of education. And this makes the dream of obtaining a prestigious education quite feasible for hundreds of thousands of young people. In addition, in this way you can get a second higher education, study foreign languages ​​at the highest level, and improve your qualifications.

    Options for distance learning abroad:

    • obtaining a bachelor's or master's degree;
    • training;
    • courses in various disciplines developed by the world's leading universities.

    How does the learning process take place?

    Students receive a personal password, which gives unlimited access to the necessary educational materials. In the learning process, programs are used that consist of video lectures, tutorials, topics for independent work, tests and were specially developed taking into account all the intricacies of distance learning. It is often possible to communicate personally with teachers via Skype or email. At the end of each course you must take a final test or exam. At the end of the entire course of study, you must come to the university in person and pass a qualifying exam.

    Advantages of distance learning abroad

    Prestigious international diploma

    Such a diploma opens many doors and expands horizons, but only a few have the opportunity to study full-time at a university in Europe or the USA. At the same time, the reason is not only the difficulty of entrance exams, but also the high cost of training and the need to move abroad for the entire period of study.

    Quality education, access to exclusive educational materials

    The educational process will be coordinated by the world's leading teachers, students receive recordings of lectures given during full-time studies, numerous tests and tests will help to constantly monitor the level of their knowledge.

    Independent choice of duration and training program

    Students of distance learning are given a unique opportunity to independently plan the educational process, set the pace of learning, and devote more time and effort to the most important topics and disciplines.

    Opportunity to work while studying and pay for the educational process

    Disadvantages of distance learning abroad:

    Difficulties upon admission

    It is quite difficult to enroll in a foreign university, even if we are talking about a distance learning program. Good academic performance is important; recommendations from teachers or instructors and personal achievements in the chosen field may often be required. Knowledge of the language must be at the highest level.

    High tuition costs

    If we talk about prestigious universities in Europe and the USA, the cost of distance learning sometimes exceeds the cost of full-time study at a Russian university.

    Lack of strict control by teachers

    Many will decide that this cannot be called a disadvantage, but often excessive freedom discourages the student, and he begins to devote less time to studying. The result is expulsion or a low level of knowledge. Therefore, for successful distance learning abroad, you need motivation and a clear understanding that it is you, not the teachers, who need good knowledge. And it is important not only to obtain a diploma, but also to gain as much knowledge as possible during the learning process.

    Choosing an educational institution and admission procedure

    If you think that distance education abroad is exactly what you need, then carefully choose an educational institution. It will largely depend on the program of study (bachelor's, master's, advanced training, courses), your financial capabilities, and the chosen program.

    Having made your choice, visit the website of the educational institution and carefully study the requirements for applicants, as well as the list of required documents.

    In most cases, you will need to prove your language proficiency by obtaining an international certificate (for example, TOEFL).

    Also prepare a certificate of complete secondary education, a university diploma, if you have one, fill out the application accordingly, and also attach information about personal achievements and letters of recommendation.

    You can always get up-to-date information about admission on the official website of the university. It is advisable to start preparing for admission in advance. Contact the educational institution in advance and clarify all controversial issues, prepare for entrance examinations, if they take place, and collect a package of documents. If necessary, take the time to improve your language skills to the proper level, otherwise you simply will not be able to master the curriculum.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of little-known European universities among Russians that offer distance learning programs to foreign students with subsequent acquisition of a bachelor's, master's, or, for example, PhD degree, as well as short online courses.

    For students who wish to get an education in foreign university, but do not have the opportunity to travel outside their country, there are educational programs for distance learning (distance learning). This is an excellent option for acquiring a higher education diploma, which will be in demand not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

    The main advantage of this type of training is that you can “attend” educational courses without leaving home and without interrupting your work activity. It is enough just to have constant access to the Internet and the desire to receive a quality education. And, of course, you need to choose the university that suits you.

    The most popular among Russian students today are online learning options, offered in the United States or Great Britain. However, equally high-quality higher education can be obtained in other countries, where foreigners are offered a wide range of educational offers to meet the growing needs of students.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of little-known European universities among Russians that offer distance learning programs to foreign students with subsequent acquisition of a bachelor's, master's, or, for example, PhD degree, as well as short online courses.

    Wageningen University, (Utrecht, the Netherlands)

    The University of Utrecht offers mainly master's and doctoral degrees, as well as programs in medicine, veterinary medicine or general epidemiology. Students can create research projects online from the comfort of their home in collaboration with the institute and under the supervision of staff from Utrecht University.

    It should be noted that in world rankings Wageningen University ranks second in the field of forestry and agriculture. Moreover, this university specializes primarily in programs related to healthy food and the environment.

    Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden)

    The oldest university in Scandinavia, which is one of the leading universities in Northern Europe. He offers online courses in the form of lectures that are provided as visual and audio documents that can be downloaded for self-study. At the end of the course there is a written exam via the Internet.

    University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)

    Suitable for students seeking online programs in management or international relations. Students can choose to take courses either entirely online or through a combination of classroom and online courses, depending on their preferences. Courses do not have fixed timings so that students can complete their assignments at any time during the school week.

    University of Wismar (Wismar, Germany)

    This university once received an award for providing distance learning services in the course “Professional Studies in Lighting Design”, and in 2013 it was among the best distance learning institutes. The university offers its students online educational programs in areas such as economics, technology and design.

    Business School and Campus Stellae (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

    The business school works closely with two strategic partners: the University of Barcelona and EAE Business School, the most respected business schools in Spain. Students are offered courses in marketing, business administration, financial and project management.

    The European Institute Campus Stellae offers tailored distance learning options for students interested in a wide range of fields. Its feature is a well-developed communication environment where students participate in video conferences from anywhere and at any time. The institute has created a digital platform through which students receive training as per their requirements.

    Cork Institute of Technology (Dublin, Ireland)

    The Cork Institute in Dublin provides online training in three core disciplines: cloud computing, environmental engineering and e-learning design and development. Thanks to a modern application where students can join a virtual desktop at any time and gain access to all software, systems and services of the university, students have the opportunity to study educational material around the clock, which makes studying at this university as effective as possible.

    University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)

    In international rankings, this university is placed among the hundred best universities in the world. The Institute offers several tuition-free programs as well as short courses in a wide range of disciplines, from environmental ethics to science fiction literature and cognitive neuroscience.

    The world's leading universities and business schools provide students from all over the world with the opportunity to study remotely. Getting a decent education without leaving home, and even at a well-known foreign university, sounds tempting! Reality is tormented by questions:

    Studying is rightfully considered one of the most complex types of human activity. Most graduates breathe a sigh of relief after defending their diplomas and feel much more confident in the work process.

    The problem of domestic higher education is isolation from reality. A student receives outdated or ineffective knowledge for years without being able to put it into practice.

    Distance learning allows you to intelligently plan your life:

    • Work calmly, asserting your financial solvency and status as a specialist.
    • Study thoughtfully, expanding the scope of professional competence, preparing the foundation for career growth.

    Features of distance learning

    Distance learning and correspondence learning are completely different concepts. Correspondence education abroad involves frequent and therefore costly visits to the university. Not every person can afford to travel abroad several times a year to take exams, defend graduation projects, and do internships. It’s easier, cheaper and more convenient to get higher education abroad remotely!

    What is distance learning?

    Distance education assumes almost complete independence of the student from the strict regulations of the educational process. The student himself plans his daily work, based on the requirements of the university. All training takes place remotely using modern computer technologies.

    The curriculum includes listening/watching a certain number of lectures on various subjects, completing various projects, tests and tests, and periodically passing exams. Seminar sessions with a wide range of students are often held at a time convenient to the students. This option for advanced training is extremely convenient for working and family people.

    The effectiveness of distance learning

    Is studying online abroad worth the money? With a sound and thoughtful approach - absolutely! The peculiarity of Western education is that the student has an active influence on the formation of his own curriculum.

    The curriculum is compiled based on two criteria:

    • Standard set of compulsory subjects
    • Individual student choice

    Such flexibility, on the one hand, guarantees the university the graduation of a well-trained specialist. And the student receives modern knowledge in the areas that are most interesting to him.

    What is a credit-modular system?

    The European education system is simple and logical. During the learning process, the student undertakes to score a certain number of points in each subject included in his curriculum. The so-called credit-modular system is being implemented, the main concept of which is ECTS - credit.

    ECTS credit is an indicator of a student’s success, calculated based on his academic workload. Completing a certain part of the curriculum (module) gives the student a certain number of ECTS credits. The “passing” annual score is 60 ECTS credits, which gives the student the opportunity to “pass” through the most interesting subjects.

    A bachelor's degree is awarded to a student who has successfully completed more than 180 ECTS credits. To obtain a master's degree, additional training will be required - you need to gain more than 300 ECTS credits.

    Cost of distance learning abroad

    The cost of online training depends on:

    Distance learning abroad can be much cheaper than originally planned costs. Many universities motivate students with the opportunity to study for free with high levels of academic performance and personal achievements (especially in creative professions).

    Is it possible to study distance learning for free?

    Is it possible to get distance education abroad for free? It is virtually impossible to get a free higher education. But it’s quite possible to improve your qualifications. The free educational segment is represented by a variety of online seminars, courses, and literature available for study (research data, the latest textbooks).

    Various educational webinars are held all year round from various business schools (for example, MBA), media holdings, industrial enterprises and, of course, higher educational institutions.

    How to get to distance learning?

    Distance learning at reputable universities requires quite serious preparation. Each university has a certain set of requirements for candidates (for remote learning, the list of restrictions is minimal).

    After submitting an application for training, you must transfer the tuition fee (in whole or in part) to the university account. It is important to remember that when paying for your studies partially, you must strictly adhere to the deadlines - otherwise you may be automatically expelled for non-payment.

    Distance learning is an ideal option for motivated people. Do you have life goals, but feel a lack of relevant knowledge? There is no need to waste time on domestic universities. Gain knowledge online and immediately implement it in your work!