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  • French astronaut Jean Louis Chrétien. Archaeologist Jean Jacques Marie is a story worthy of a novel. See the meaning of Chrétien, Jean Lou Jacques Marie in other dictionaries

    French astronaut Jean Louis Chrétien.  Archaeologist Jean Jacques Marie is a story worthy of a novel.  See the meaning of Chrétien, Jean Lou Jacques Marie in other dictionaries

    French cosmonaut, brigadier general, Hero of the Soviet Union (1982).

    Jean-Loup Jacques Marie Chrétien (born August 20, 1938, La Rochelle) - French cosmonaut, brigadier general, Hero of the Soviet Union (1982).

    The first French citizen to fly into space. Flights on the Soviet spacecraft Soyuz T-6 and the orbital station Salyut-7 (June-July 1982), as well as on the Soyuz TM-6 (takeoff) and Soyuz TM-7 (landing) and the Mir orbital complex (November-December 1988).

    In the French armed forces since 1959. In 1961 he graduated from the French Air Academy.

    In December 1988, Jean-Loup Chrétien was promoted to the rank of general.

    In 1990-1993, he trained for flights on the Buran spacecraft and made training flights on the Tu-154 and MiG-25.

    French General Jean-Loup Chrétien made his third flight into space from September 25 to October 6, 1997 on the American space shuttle Atlantis under the STS-86 program (Mir-NASA-7). In August 1998, having reached the age of 60, he applied to US officials to grant him American citizenship and inclusion in the corps of American NASA astronauts. Having achieved what he wanted, Jean-Loup Chrétien worked at NASA.

    In September 2000, while visiting a Home Depot store in St. Texas, a 20 kg machine fell on him from a height of 4 m. As a result of the injuries he received, he was dismissed in November 2001 and was paid monetary compensation from the store.

    After his space career, Jean-Loup Chrétien began working in the private sector as Vice President of Tietronix Software Inc. In 2002, he founded Tietronix Optics.

    He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, awards from France: the Badge of the Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor, the Order of Merit.

    Honorary citizen of the Kazakh city of Arkalyk.

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    French archaeologist and historian. Director of the Department of Ancient Monuments of Egypt in the Ministry of Public Education (1892), then the general representative of the same Ministry in Persia, where he carried out archaeological excavations of ancient Susa; a wonderful collection of his finds still adorns the Louvre today.

    Jacques de Morgan became an Armenophile relatively late. He is the author of three significant works: “Essay on Nationalities” (Essai sur les nationalités, 1917); “Against the barbarians of the East. Sketches about Turkey" (Centre des barbares d "Orient. Études sur la Turquie, 1918) and "History of the Armenian people" (Histoire du peuple arménien, 1919), which covers the period from ancient times to 1918.

    The author of a well-known work on the history of the Armenian people, J. de Morgan, who throughout 1916-1917 published articles on the atrocities committed against the Armenian people in the Ottoman Empire in French magazines and newspapers, in 1918 published a book entitled “Against the Barbarians of the East” " He could not believe that at the beginning of the civilized 20th century, the Ottoman state, which considered itself part of the European community, would trample on the fundamental right to life of not just one person, but the entire Armenian people.

    • Written on the basis of numerous documents, eyewitness accounts and newspaper correspondence, the book “Against the Barbarians of the East”, without cuts, reflects the tragedy of the Armenian people, the cause of which is the inhumane policy of the Young Turks.
    “...The method of exterminating Armenians, developed in the offices of Talaat and Enver with the assistance of German mentors in this specialty, was applied throughout the Ottoman Empire in four different methods:

    1. Mobilization of youth with the aim of removing from Christian centers all elements capable of resistance; using these people to build roads and military fortifications, and then massacre them. 2. Robbery of Christian centers and massacre of part of the population, distribution or sale of women and girls at public auctions (very often for five francs each), theft of movable and immovable property of infidels. 3. Expulsion of the remnants of the population, which was accompanied by massacres throughout the entire journey, extermination of the sick, children and old people, distribution of the remaining women and girls among the inhabitants of the provinces through which these pathetic columns passed. 4. The concentration of the surviving people in the camps of Mesopotamia, that is, disgusting slavery in such conditions and in such a climate that the overwhelming majority of those deported had to die.

    Sixty percent of the people in these columns died (by disease, exhaustion, murder) between their departure and their arrival at the concentration camps; but to this should be added the youth who were executed on the spot, and many people who were massacred before the departure of the columns of deportees.

    There is no language in the world rich enough and colorful enough to describe such horrors, to express the physical and mental suffering that these innocent martyrs endured before heaven bestowed upon them eternal rest. This pitiful handful of people who survived the terrible beatings, eyewitnesses to the death of all their loved ones, dear creatures, are there in concentration camps, subjected to every kind of dishonor, doomed to death in front of the “high-ranking Turkish officials”, German officers and gendarmes, who , leaning on their guns, smiling with pleasure, seeing the spasms of agony and the death rattles of the dying... The day will come when these criminals - be they Berlin or Asian - will have to give an answer for their actions and pay for the atrocities they committed. One should be merciless towards such scoundrels; the criminal offenses they have committed allow neutral countries to extradite them in order to punish them a hundredfold, a thousandfold, which they fully deserve. There is no doubt that... when they try to seek asylum abroad, they will appeal to the famous right of asylum "for political criminals" that has allowed so many criminals to go unpunished. But is there then any nation immoral enough to shelter them under the shadow of its flag? We must hope not!”


    • Histoire du peuple arménien / auteur(s): Jacques de MORGAN - Editeur: Catholicossat arménien de Cilicie. Année:2004
    • Essai sur les nationalités / auteur(s): Jacques de MORGAN - preface de... Edmond Khayadjian,... ; Academie de Marseille Marseille -40, rue Adolphe-Thiers, 13001. Editeur:Academie de Marseille. Année:1982
    • Histoire du peuple armémien / auteur(s): Jacques de MORGAN - préface et présentation de Constant Vautravers,... et Edmond Khayadjian,... ; Académie de Marseille - Marseille -40, rue Adolphe Thiers, 13001. Editeur: Académie de Marseille. Année:1981
    • Histoire du peuple arménien / auteur(s) : Jacques de MORGAN - depuis les temps les plus reculés de ses annales jusqu"à nos jours, préface par Gustave Schlumberger. Editeur: Berger-Levrault. Année:1919
    • Contre les barbares de l"Orient, études sur la Turquie, ses felonies et ses crimes / auteur(s): Jacques de MORGAN - Sur la marche des Alliés dans l"Asie antérieure, sur la solution de la question d"Orient, renfermant de nombreux articles parus de 1915 à 1917 dans ″L"Éclair de Montpellier et dans la Revue de P. Editeur: Berger-Levrault. Année:1918



    • “Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire” // Collection of documents and materials, ed. M.G. Nersisyan pp.554-556

    19.04.2015 - 22:21

    News of Belarus. This week we invited Monsieur Marie, a famous scientist from Paris, to a corner of France in the Belarusian capital - to our own Eiffel Tower. Jean-Jacques Marie was in Minsk for the first time; he flew in to give a course of lectures to Belarusian students. And he told the host of the “Week” program on STV that he would take it away as a souvenir of our country.

    Monsieur Marie, we invited you to a small corner of France in Minsk. This is your first time in Minsk, as I understand it?

    For the first time in my life, and for the first time I see such a small Eiffel Tower. How do you like her?

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    Yes, it seems to me that it is similar to ours, but a little more modest.

    You know, we have this expression: “See Paris and die.” This means that everyone dreams of seeing Paris. And when you return from Minsk, will you recommend your friends to come to Minsk?

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    Yes. Walking around the capital and going to the War Museum (note: Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War) - this, of course, is not enough. I have already purchased the documentation. Because I want to understand what is happening here. Because here in France they don’t know anything about Belarus at all.

    But have you already understood something for yourself? When you return to Paris, what will be the first thing you say about Belarus?

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    When you look at Minsk, you understand that there are many interests and different foreign investments. I don’t know where it’s from yet, but it’s clear that it’s from different countries – Israel, Qatar, France. Of course, when an investor invests money, he wants to make a profit.

    Now we are talking on the eve of a very important date, a holy date for both Belarus and France - I believe - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the end of World War II. And in France, how do they feel about the results of World War II? Because there are all sorts of sentiments in Europe now regarding that war.

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    Yes of course . Still, it seems to me that most people still remember that, in the end, it was the Red Army that defeated Nazism. That the turns in the war, the most important turns in the war, were Stalingrad and Kursk. And that of these victories of the Red Army is the beginning of the future defeat of the German army. And that the Red Army and the USSR played the most important role in the defeat of Germany.

    But your colleagues in Latvia, Riga, let’s say they can categorically argue with you - to our great regret - they have a different vision.

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    We must remember, for example, the creation of the Latvian Waffen SS, which on March 16 every year still march in the center of Riga. The governments of these countries are semi-fascist governments. They worked together with the Nazis. So, for them, of course, the memories of World War II are not the same. But they are not examples of democracy, it seems to me.


    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    In general, the European Union is not an example of democracy. And these countries are no better than the former ones. Although…

    Why is the European Union not an example of democracy? After all, the same European Union declares that we are the most democratic in the world, more democratic than even the United States.

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    In general, there is a difference between propaganda and reality. Sometimes even an abyss. You know, this has always existed. The European Union is not a democratic organization at all. For example, the European Union is led by a group of commissioners who were not elected by anyone. Nobody. Each government appoints one commissioner. Then parliament considers the candidate, but does not have the right to nominate a candidate. And then this commissioner is not responsible to anyone. They can decide whatever they want without any responsibility. For example, after the last elections in Greece - these elections showed that the Greek people do not want to allow oppression by illegal armed groups, troikas - whatever. What did European Commission President Juncker say? He said: on the one hand there is the vote of the people, and on the other hand there are agreements. And what should reign? These are contracts. You can vote any way you want and it's over. Is this democracy? No! This is not democracy.

    So you are a Eurosceptic?

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    Yes. Not a skeptic. I think that the European Union is an instrument of pressure of world capital and most of all American capital on different nations. And that their only policy is to reduce social guarantees, to reduce or abolish social gains and anything else, and all for the return on capital. And that's all, this is their law. The only law, everything else is words.

    How do you look at other trends in Europe and Eurasia, in particular the formation of the Eurasian Union?

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    I heard about the creation of this union on January 1 of this year. It seems to me that one of the reasons for the Ukrainian crisis is that Putin wanted Ukraine to join this Eurasian Union, which both the United States and the European Union did not want, because they thought that such a union would be too, perhaps, independent of them. But this union has just been born, so you need to look at it.

    But do you support integration processes? Someone calls it - the same Hilary Clinton is afraid that this will be a revival of the Soviet Union.

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    But this is nonsense. Where did the revival of the Soviet Union come from? American politicians, when they speak publicly, express themselves publicly, they use slogans for the common people. Thinking that people are simple. I remember, for example, in the last presidential election, Republican candidate Mitt Romney said: “Metro or bus, public transport - this is the beginning of socialism.” Yes, yes, I said it directly. This is not fiction! This is true. Or do you think he is a fool? It seems to me that Hillary Clinton is an intelligent woman who does not think that the Eurasian Union is a revival of the USSR. She says it like a scarecrow, you know, to scare American citizens and that's it. But it’s not serious, it seems to me.

    Monsieur Marie, thank you very much for the conversation. If this tower were even smaller, we would be happy to give it to you as a souvenir of our capital, but it won’t work. What will you take with you as a souvenir?

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    For memory? They gave me several books. And this afternoon I will try to buy some toys for my grandchildren.

    You should definitely buy a bison! Belarusian bison! This is our symbol.

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    A live bison? No, no, a dead bison. Eh, little bison? Yes, sure!


    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    Jagged? OK good.

    Thank you very much!

    Jean-Jacques Marie:
    My pleasure! All the best!

    Pavlovsky about Belarus: “We are probably more in Europe than Russia. Therefore, we are forced both politically and economically to have relations with the European Union.”


    The expert expressed his opinion in the program.

    Alexander Pavlovsky, military expert, Doctor of Military Sciences:
    In general, the process that is taking place today in our space, geopolitical space, is very complex. It cannot be quickly taken and solved. But our position is further strengthened by the fact that we are ready to work with everyone. We are ready not to be friends with someone, but not to be friends with someone. But, on the contrary, we are ready with everyone so that we can all be together. And when someone in Russia says that Belarus is looking towards the European Union, this is an absolutely wrong position. We, Belarus, are probably more in Europe than Russia. More. And therefore we are forced, let’s say, both politically and economically to have relations with the European Union. There are many forces that hinder the development of these relations, the forces that do not want to see those states of the post-Soviet space get actively on their feet, become economically developed and achieve certain positions in order to be, to put it mildly, rivals for someone. That. We just said that today the question of a bipolar world has already disappeared. Today there are many poles.

    And to be frank, let’s assume that the position that is disturbing the whole world today is that for America the European Union is not an ally. In terms of economics, this is a rival. And in terms of developing relations between the European Union, let’s say, with the EurAsEC, this will be an even greater rival. And how America views this is clearly visible. The attempt, the simplest, I wouldn’t even call it a grandiose project, is Nord Stream 2, right? How it was perceived painfully by the Americans, because they cannot sell their gas.

    That's all the situations - they are very clear and understandable. It seems to me that we are acting correctly: we are carefully, very carefully building relationships with everyone, without exacerbating them, and at the same time trying to be a mediator between those whose relationships are not in a normal state.

    20.08.1938 -
    Hero of the Soviet Union
    Decree dates
    1. 02.07.1982

    TO Chretien Jean-Loup Jacques Marie - cosmonaut-researcher of the international crew of the Soyuz T-6 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station (OS), the first astronaut of the French Republic.

    Born on August 20, 1938 in the city of La Rochelle in the Charente-Maritime department in France in the family of a military sailor. In the city of Plougen he graduated from school, then from the college "Saint-Charles" in the city of Saint-Bruc and the lyceum in the city of Morlax. In 1954 he began attending the flying club, where in the same year he took to the skies for the first time.

    In the French armed forces since 1959. In 1961 he graduated from the French Air Academy. He served as a fighter pilot of the 5th Fighter Squadron, stationed in the south of France, in the city of Orange, where for 7 years he mastered flying the Super-Mystere B2 and Mirage III interceptor fighters.

    In 1970, J.-L. Chretien was enrolled in the French school of test pilots "EPNER", after which he continued his flying profession as a test pilot at the flight test center in the city of Istres, and until 1973 he was the chief tester of the Mirage F-1 fighter being created. In 1977, he underwent preliminary selection for the French astronaut corps, but failed...

    From 1977 to 1980 J.-L. Chrétien serves as deputy commander of the southern air defense division based in Ax-en-Provence. In this position, he takes part in the recruitment of astronauts in preparation for the Soviet-French flight.

    Having successfully passed the selection at home, in May 1980 J.-L. Chrétien, along with three French colleagues, arrives in the USSR. And on June 12 of the same year, he and Patrick Baudry became candidates for a flight under the Soviet-French program “PVH” - “First Manned Flight”, and from September 1980 they began training at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin.

    In 1981 J.-L. Chrétien was appointed a member of the main crew of the Soviet Soyuz T-6 spacecraft as a research cosmonaut.

    From June 26 to July 2, 1982, the first French astronaut J.-L. Chrétien made a space flight of the Soyuz T-6 spacecraft (spacecraft commander - Colonel V.A. Dzhanibekov, flight engineer A.S. Ivanchenkov). During the flight, the international crew of Soyuz T-6 docked with the Salyut-7 OS, where the crew of the main expedition, consisting of A.N., worked. Berezova and V.V. Lebedev, and carried out a complex of joint work.

    Cosmonaut-researcher J.-L. Chrétien performed a number of French experiments: studying blood circulation and the influence of space conditions on human cells (Cytos-2). After the successful completion of the flight program, Soviet cosmonauts V.A. Dzhanibekov. , Ivanchenkov A.S. and French astronaut J.-L. Chretien, having worked in space for 7 days, 21 hours, 51 minutes, returned to Earth.

    U by the Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 2, 1982, for the courage and heroism shown during the space flight on the Soyuz T-6 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station, citizen of the French Republic Jean-Loup Chrétien was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

    Second space flight by French astronaut J.-L. Chrétien traveled from November 26 to December 21, 1988 as a cosmonaut-researcher of the Soviet Soyuz TM-7 spacecraft (landing on the Soyuz TM-6 spacecraft) together with the spacecraft commander A.A. Volkov and flight engineer S.K. Krikalev. In accordance with the flight program, two days after the launch, Soyuz TM-6 was docked with the Mir OS, where the crew of the 3rd main expedition (V.G. Titov, M.Kh. Manarov and V.V. Polyakov).

    On December 9, 1988, during the planned flight program, J.-L. Chrétien, together with A.A. Volkov performed a spacewalk, during which they installed the French experimental deployable structure "ERA" and a panel with material samples. Having spent 5 hours 57 minutes outside the ship, J.-L. Chrétien became the first astronaut not from the USSR or the USA to work in outer space.

    Third flight into space by French General J.-L. Chrétien performed from September 25 to October 6, 1997 on the American space shuttle Atlantis under the STS-86 program (Mir-NASA-7).

    In August 1998, having reached the age of 60, the first French astronaut left the national astronaut corps and applied to US officials to grant him American citizenship and inclusion in the corps of American astronauts at NASA. Having achieved a positive result, J.-L. Chrétien worked for NASA until his retirement in November 2001.

    Brigadier General (1988). He was awarded the French badge of the Commander of the Legion of Honor, the badge of the Knight of the National Order of Merit, the Soviet Order of Lenin (07/2/1982), the Red Banner of Labor (12/21/1988), the Russian medal “For Merit in Space Exploration” (04/12/2011).

    Honorary citizen of the city of Arkalyk (Kazakhstan).

    (born 08/20/1938) - fighter pilot, cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (1982), brigadier general. In 1963-1970 served in the French Air Force. In 1970-1977 I was on probation. Since 1977 he was deputy. commander of the air defense of the southern region of France. In September 1980, he arrived in the USSR, where he began training at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Made 3 space flights (1982, 1988, 1997). He was trained under the Buran program. Honorary citizen of the city of Arkalyk (Kazakhstan).

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